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My lips make contact with her smooth skin, so that why men like it waxed that is nice to kiss.

My hands opening her lips of her pussy, her arousal has already made her wet for me. I lick ed her pussy open as she pushes me to her, keeping my tongue to just the outside until she is panting then I lick the tip of her clit.

She convulses as I continue, slipping two fingers into her craving body thrusting her firmly with them, Her hips moving on my mouth and fingers as I feel my own body needing.

I pull up my dress and sink my other hand into my own pussy, I can feel her cum on my tongue and as she shakes from her climax I remove my dress, I turn to look at Alex his face is unreadable as always.

She flips me on my back before I turn back to her face, pinning my arms down as she sits on my face. I do not like this I am always in control, but I lick her keeping up the pretence of wanting her.

Her hips working furiously as she moves on my face and forcing me to taste her juices making my face wet as she rubs herself into my face.

My legs being pulled roughly apart, as she takes my pussy roughly licking me open but they are Alex hands as he holds me down as she bites and licks me.

I moan into her pussy as my own hips come to life, losing control as I also move to her mouth as I lick her cum hungrily from her.

My body trying to get her off me but my hands are pulled and cuffed to the bed roughly by Alex, I was starting to feel that I had been set up, that was impossible it was me who had suggested it.

Pinned down on the bed as she uses my face to fuck as she comes again over my lips, I start to struggle for air as she pushes down I cannot resist her so I allow myself to relax, go into myself to protect myself from her using me, my head becoming fuzzy.

“Clara, you alright baby. Get the fuck out.” He un-cuffs me as he grabs a drink of apple juice.

“There you go baby,” he helps me to drink as I shake.

“Sorry I should have stopped her sooner, how is your sugar levels?” how did he know I never tell anyone that I am diabetic, but that explains the apple juice here and in the office.

“Your medical records are on file, baby it alright,” I start to cry as he keeps forcing the juice down, I try to refuse but he holds me tight.

“Come on a little more, that’s it Clara.” He puts the empty glass down and cradles me in his arms.

“Can I make you cum?”

“Love me Alex,” he parts my legs as he gently eases himself into my needing pussy.

Watching me carefully as he starts to move, holding my hips as he pushes in, kissing my lips as he builds in speed my body is clenching as he moves his firm body next to mine.

My hands holding onto his shoulders as he thrusts harder, felling his muscles over his body with each movement he makes. His kisses at my neck as my body starts to tense whispering,

“You are mine.” As I climax my body starts to shake.

“Do you want me to continue?” I kiss him as I wrap my legs around his rippling body as he pushes himself into mine, my hips meeting his with my urgency to feel normal.

I want to say I love him but now I feel that I would die if I lost him, I hold back my emotions of love as I allow myself to believe he loves me too.

He keeps asking me to stop, but I cannot allow him too, the belief that when he sees the papers tomorrow that this will be my last night with him.

His whispers that I was his, tear at my heart I would give anything to be truly his and not just empty sentiment from a sexual act.

Men have whispered of the ir love before but were never seen again when daylight came, they told me they loved me when they were cruel, it was easier not to let them get close to me than to allow me to be fooled by their lies.

I cannot end this but can I tell him how I feel about him, I climax again the sweat pouring off me as I drift off to sleep as he makes love to me gently kissing me.

“Clara,” he kisses me urgently as he shakes my body. He grabs the juice again and helps me to drink grabbing my bag as he looks for my monitor and checks my blood.

“Don’t go to sleep baby,” making me drink some more as he cradles me.

“I will order some food Clara, do not sleep honey,” he picks me up and makes me walk as he picks my bag up and spill the contents on the bed where he finds my adrenalin.

“Do you need this Clara?” I nod slowly, I manage to check for any air bubbles and stab my thigh with the needle Alex helps me to inject myself.

Surly now he will dump me they always have in the past when they find out how ill I can get, but it was my fault for not eating.

Stroking my face as he wipes the sweat from my face, rechecking my blood every half an hour as he cradles me softly whispering I was his, keeping me awake until my bloods are normal.

“Are you safe to sleep now?” I only can manage a nod as he kisses my lips finally allowing me to sleep, Alex checks my bloods most of the night the prick of my finger from the gun is the only thing that keeps disturbing my sleep.

As I wake before Alex, not wanting to disturb him I ordered a taxi and leave him sleeping, he had been awake most of the night with me gently checking my bloods until exhaustion took over his body.

I order ed the daily newspapers for him at the desk, delivered to his room before he wakes, then I go home to change for work if I still have a job.

I was aware he was watching me by the blinking light on the camera, I never noticed before how it followed me around my office.

Maybe I was overreacting to the camera it was always on but now I know he used them for his own enjoyment, It give me hope that he was making sure I was safe after last night.

No thing was in the papers from last night, which was odd, apart from the actress kissing a woman in the hotel lounge, a photograph of the two of us but you never would guess it was me with my face covered up by her hair.

A small article of her coming out of the closet and her new film she was promoting was heading to box office status.

She was doing fine on her own but why the pretence in the restrooms, I search her info on the computer until I find out her agent, Alex ’s name stares back at me.

The tears well up inside me as I rush to the restrooms, there are no cameras there to see me cry, closing the cubical door I sink to my knees as I cry, I was set up he knew what I do to finish our relationship. He must know how I feel about him.

“Clara, open the door baby,” he should not be here in the women’s restrooms. I summon the strength to open the door wiping my eyes as I unlock it.

“Sorry Clara, the photographer was paid by me and he was told only publish what he had already been paid for.”

That is a lie, why was she hiding in the restrooms if not for someone to proposition her.

“Yes Clara I knew you try to cause a scene, you always do if you think a man is getting too close to you.” He wipes my tears tenderly.

“Nothing to be scared about Clara this is just sex between us,” he pushes me into the cubical and locks the door.

“Have you eaten today?” only breakfast I should try to eat more, he kisses me before I need to lie gently lifting me off my feet, my legs automatically going round his body. His hands on my back as he holds me to his body, then unclipping my trousers his hands cup my buttocks.

Alex pushes me into the door as he kisses me his hand rubbing my mound moving my satin briefs aside he inserts one of his fingers inside of me,

He looked sternly at me as my hands forcefully pulled up with his holding my taught body tight up against the doorframe placing a pair of leather handcuffs on me and securing them over the top of a coat hook.

“Now Clara, you need to learn you were never in control,” someone comes into the restrooms as he tries to undo my trousers, Alex pins my arms so I cannot struggle and draw attention to my plight. The sound of the flush of a toilet blocks out my struggle.