Kathryn shrank back in the chair. "I cannot!" she cried. The words were muffled, but he must have understood for his eyes blazed fiercely.
"You can!" he grated. "You're not a weak spineless idiot like that sister of yours."
Kathryn was too stunned to take notice of his taunt. Her eyes were enormous in her pale face.
"Make sure he is alone and there is no one around—unless you wish to be caught, of course." His eyes gleamed.
Kathryn was faint from lack of air when Richard lifted his hand from her mouth. "You have no influence over me now," she gasped. "You are the earl's prisoner."
"Only for the moment! You say I have no influence but you are wrong. Even now my knights seek a way for me to escape."
"Your knights are imprisoned in the dungeon!"
"Not for long. Indeed, it would only take a handful to help me escape. And make no mistake, girl, their freedom is easily gained—through a number of ways." His laugh was chilling. "I've no doubt if Helga gives her favors to the right guard, a lock or two might be accidentally left open. Or she might lay her hands on the key herself."
Kathryn felt as if a cold wind had blown across her heart. "You forget the king has granted Ashbury’s title elsewhere. You risk King Henry's wrath if you do this."
"Bah! Henry is no different than Stephen. He will be most eager to line his coffers with silver, which I shall do willingly when I am free. Guy de Marche is the only one who stands in my way. If he falls, his men will retreat."
She pressed her lips together bravely. "I'll not do it," she said again. "You cannot make me."
Menace raged across his blunt features. For an instant she thought he would strike her. She braced herself for his blow but all at once he grinned slyly. "You think not?" He placed his hands over the arms of the chair so that she was trapped.
Kathryn stared at him. Oh, God, she thought, feeling sick, what now? What evil treachery does he plot now?
"If you do not slay the earl, when I am free I will see that your sister is given to my knights. Not just one, mind you—" His lips drew back to reveal yellowed teeth, "—but all of them."
Kathryn's mind was racing. What if he should succeed? If he should gain his freedom, she didn't doubt that he would do exactly as he proposed. And poor Elizabeth was so frightened of men! She couldn't even bear the thought of a man touching her in gentleness .. . Kathryn began to tremble. Dear God, it would kill her. It would kill her as surely as a sword driven through her heart.
Her shoulders sagged. It took a tremendous effort to make her lips do her bidding. "The earl's knights swarm within the keep," she said tonelessly. "They are everywhere."
'They don't sleep with him, do they? And no one will suspect you, a mere woman."
Her eyes widened in shock. She folded her hands together to keep them from shaking. Her voice was unsteady when she spoke. "Surely you cannot be suggesting that I. . ." She turned her head away, unable to finish.
Cruel fingers wrenched her chin and forced her gaze to his. "That you bed the cur?" His voice was as unyielding as his hands. "If that's what it takes to see him slain, then so be it. Indeed—" His laugh was chilling. "—'twould be easy to slip a knife within his breast in the heat of passion."
Kathryn went hot inside, then icy-cold. Unbidden, the memory of the earl's search of her body rose high in her mind. She could feel once again the heated strength of his fingers sliding over her skin. That had been bad enough, she thought with a shiver, yet her untutored mind warned her that his scalding touch was nothing compared to the intimacies carried on between a man and a woman.
Something of her horror must have reflected on her face. Her uncle made a sound of disgust. "You'd have me believe you know nothing of the ways of men, yet you wish to wed Roderick? Your feigned innocence is wasted, girl. Roderick is not a man to be held off for long."
Kathryn flushed, remembering the impatient desire she'd sensed in his arms last eve.
Richard smirked. "Or mayhap you feel bound to be faithful to him, eh? Put the thought out of your mind, girl. One man's blade is the same as any other."
His crudeness made her burn with shame. Kathryn grew desperate. "The earl has no liking for me."
"Hah!" Her uncle's chuckle made her skin crawl. "All the more reason for him to take you to his bed. He need not like you to desire you, girl. Haven't you learned that yet?" His gaze raked over her. "You're a comely wench with that rich dark hair and ivory skin. A trifle thin for some men's taste, but no matter. And your coolness but makes a man burn for you all the more."
Kathryn jerked her head away. Her hands clenched in her lap. Oh, God. To lie with the earl. . . She'd seen the way he looked at her—as if he hated her! He would be like Richard; he would not be gentle. He would delight in hurting her. . .
Richard wrenched her from the chair and gave her a shove. "Begone now! It matters little to me if you play the slut for him. I care not how you go about it, as long as the deed is done."
She moved numbly toward the door.
She half-turned.
"I would see him slain this night!" he warned. "If not, it will go all the worse for Elizabeth."
Kathryn fled, his guttural laughter ringing in her ears. She knew it pleased him mightily to see her cowed, but for once she could not summon the strength to fight him.
The sanctuary she sought was simply not to be. Kathryn had barely shut herself in her chamber than she heard a knock on the door. When she opened it, she found one of the earl's knights there.
"Yes?" Her voice was breathless. She wanted to moan her distress aloud. Was this a summons from the earl? What did he want of her? How could she face him?
"Milady? Sir Hugh most humbly requests your presence—and your sister's as well—in the great hall. To dine, if it pleases you."
Sir Hugh. The relief which flooded her veins was short-lived. If Sir Hugh was there, the earl would be there as well.
More than ever, she dreaded facing him again, yet she knew the time would come eventually. And Richard had said tonight. . . I would see him slain this night.
A curious sort of numbness befell her. "Please tell Sir Hugh that my sister and I will be down shortly."
But Elizabeth was reluctant. She preferred to take her meal in her chamber. Kathryn was just as reluctant to face Sir Hugh—and the earl—alone. She needed Elizabeth by her side. She argued and coaxed, and at last Elizabeth agreed. They quickly washed and changed their kirtles.
In the great hall, servants scurried to and fro, setting out platters of roasted meats and breads on three long trestle tables. The sound of laughing, boisterous male voices filled the air. Elizabeth's steps slowed; Kathryn had to tug her forward.
Sir Hugh stood before the huge arched fireplace. He saw them immediately when they reached the bottom of the stairs and came toward them. He wore no mail, but a rich brown velvet tunic. Kathryn felt a rare pang of embarrassment as she thought of the thin woolen kirtle she wore. It was one of her best, but she'd chosen it because she hoped the rich crimson color might lend her a bit of sorely needed courage. Still, there were places where the material had been mended several times over. She glanced quickly at Elizabeth; her sister looked just as dismayed. But Sir Hugh appeared not to notice as he drew nearer. His face was lit with pleasure.
"Lady Kathryn."
"Sir Hugh." She smiled slightly.
He bowed low over the hand she offered, then turned to Elizabeth. "This lovely lady is your sister?"
"Yes," Kathryn replied as Elizabeth, her eyes downcast, bobbed a tiny curtsy. 'This is my sister Elizabeth."
"I am Sir Hugh Bainbridge." He clasped Elizabeth's small cold hand warmly between his own. Elizabeth's eyes widened but she did not snatch back her hand, as Kathryn expected.