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In a moment Kate was on her feet, smoothing her dress down. «What a boy you are,» she exclaimed, «but that's partly why I love you; oh, I hope you'll love me half as much. Say you will, Sir, and I'll do anything you wish!» «I will,» I replied, «but oh, I'm glad you want love; can you come to me tonight? I want a couple of hours with you uninterrupted.» «This afternoon,» she said, «I'll say I'm going for a walk and I'll come to you, dear! They are all resting then or out and I shan't be missed.» I could only wait and think. One thing was fixed in me, I must have her, make her mine before Smith came: he was altogether too fascinating, I thought, to be trusted with such a pretty girl; but I was afraid she would bleed and I did not want to hurt her this first time, so I went out and bought a syringe and a pot of cold cream which I put beside my bed. Oh, how that dinner lagged! Mrs. Gregory thanked me warmly for my kindness to them all (which seemed to me pleasantly ironical!) and Mr. Gregory followed her lead; but at length everyone had finished and I went to my room to prepare. First I locked the outside door and drew down the blinds: then I studied the bed and turned it back and arranged a towel along the edge; happily the bed was just about the right height! Then I loosened my trousers, unbuttoned the front and pulled up my shirt: a little later Kate put her lovely face in at the door and slipped inside. I shot the bolt and began kissing her; girls are strange mortals; she had taken off her corset, just as I had put a towel handy. I lifted up her clothes and touched her sex, caressing it gently while kissing her: in a moment or two her love-milk came.

I lifted her up on the bed, pushed down my trousers, anointed my prick with the cream and then, parting her legs and getting her to pull her knees up, I drew her bottom to the edge of the bed: she frowned at that, but I explained quickly: «It may give a little pain, at first, dear: and I want to give you as little as possible,» and I slipped the head of my cock gently, slowly into her. Even greased, her pussy was very tight and at the very entrance I felt the obstacle, her maidenhead, in the way; I lay on her and kissed her and let her or Mother Nature help me. As soon as Kate found that I was leaving it to her, she pushed forward boldly and the obstacle yielded. «O-O!» she cried, and then pushed forward again roughly and my organ went in her to the hilt and her clitoris must have felt my belly. Resolutely, I refrained from thrusting or withdrawing for a minute or two and then drew out slowly to her lips and, as I pushed Tommy gently in again, she leaned up and kissed me passionately. Slowly, with extremest care, I governed myself and pushed in and out with long slow thrusts, though I longed, longed to plunge it in hard and quicken the strokes as much as possible; but I knew from Mrs. Mayhew that the long, gentle thrusts and slow withdrawals were the aptest to excite a woman's passion and I was determined to win Kate. In two or three minutes, she had again let down a flow of love-juice, or so I believed, and I kept right on with the love-game, knowing that the first experience is never forgotten by a girl and resolved to keep on to dinnertime if necessary to make her first love-joust ever memorable to her. Kate lasted longer than Mrs. Mayhew; I came ever so many times, passing ever more slowly from orgasm to orgasm before she began to move to me; but at length her breath began to get shorter and shorter and she held me to her violently, moving her pussy the while up and down harshly against my man-root. Suddenly she relaxed and fell back: there was no hysteria; but plainly I could feel the mouth of her womb fasten on my cock as if to suck it. That excited me fiercely and for the first time I indulged in quick, hard thrusts till a spasm of intensest pleasure shook me and my seed spirted or seemed to spurt for the sixth or seventh tune. When I had finished kissing and praising my lovely partner and drew away, I was horrified; the bed was a sheet of blood and some had gone on my pants: Kate's thighs and legs even were all incarnadined, making the lovely ivory white of her skin, one red. You may imagine how softly I used towel on her legs and sex before I showed her the results of our love-passage. To my astonishment she was unaffected. «You must take the sheet away and burn it,» she said, «or drop it in the river: I guess it won't be the first.» «Did it hurt much?» I asked. «At first a good deal,» she replied, «but soon the pleasure overpowered the smart and I would not even forget the pain. I love you so. I am not even afraid of consequences with you: I trust you absolutely and love to trust you and run whatever risks you wish.» «You darling!» I cried, «I don't believe there will be any consequences; but I want you to go to the basin and use this syringe. I'll tell you why afterwards.» At once she went over to the basin. «I feel funny, weak,» she said, «as if I were-I can't describe it-shaky on my legs. I'm glad now I don't wear drawers in summer, they'd get wet.» Her ablutions completed and the sheet withdrawn and done up in paper, I shot back the bolt and we began our talk. I found her intelligent and kindly but ignorant and ill-read; still she was not prejudiced and was eager to know all about babies and how they were made. I told her what I had told Mrs. Mayhew and something more: how my seed was composed of tens of thousands of tadpole-shaped animalcule. Already in her vagina and womb these infinitely little things had a race: they could move nearly an inch in an hour and the strongest and quickest got up first to where her egg was waiting in the middle of her womb. My little tadpole, the first to arrive, thrust his head into her egg and thus having accomplished his work of impregnation, perished, love and death being twins. The curious thing was that this indescribably small tadpole should be able to transmit all the qualities of all his progenitors in certain proportions; no such miracle was ever imagined by any religious teacher. More curious still, the living foetus in the womb passes in nine months through all the chief changes that the human race has gone through in countless aeons of time in its progress from the tadpole to the man. Till the fifth month the foetus is practically a four-legged animal. I told her that it was accepted today that the weeks occupied in the womb in any metamorphosis correspond exactly to the ages it occupied in reality. Thus it was upright, a two-legged animal, ape and then man in the womb for the last three months, and this corresponded nearly to one-third of man's whole existence on this earth. Kate listened, enthralled, I thought, till she asked me suddenly: «But what makes one child a boy and another a girl?»

«The nearest we've come to a law on the matter,» I said, «is contained in the so-called law of contraries: that is, if the man is stronger than the woman, the children will be mostly girls; if the woman is greatly younger or stronger, the progeny will be chiefly boys. This bears out the old English proverb: «Any weakling can make a boy, but it takes a man to make a girl.» Kate laughed and just then a knock came to the door. «Come in!» I cried, and then colored maid came in with a note. «A lady's just been and left it,» said Jenny. I saw it was from Mrs. Mayhew, so I crammed it into my pocket, saying regretfully: «I must answer it soon.» Kate excused herself and after a long, long kiss went to prepare supper, while I read Mrs.

Mayhew's note, which was short, if not exactly sweet: 'Eight days and no Frank, and no news; you cannot want to kill me: come today if possible. Lorna.» I replied at once, saying I would come on the morrow, that I was so busy I didn't know where to turn, but would be with her sure on the morrow and I signed «Your Frank.» That afternoon at five o'clock Smith came and I helped to arrange his books and make him comfy.