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Strange to say, her words excited me more than the act: I felt my spasm coming and roughly, savagely I thrust in my sex at the same time, kneeling between her legs so as to be able to play back and forth on her tickler as well. «I'll ravish you!» I cried and gave myself to the keen delight. As my seed spirted, she didn't speak, but lay there still and white; I jumped out of the bed, got a spongeful of cold water and used it on her forehead. At once, to my joy, she opened her eyes. «I'm sorry,» she gasped, and took a drink of water,

«but I was so tired, I must have slept. You dear heart!» When I had put down the sponge and glass, I slipped into her again and in a little while she became hystericaclass="underline" «I can't help crying, Frank, love,» she sighed. «I'm so happy, dear. You'll always love me? Won't you? Sweet!» Naturally, I reassured her with promises of enduring affection and many kisses. Finally, I put my left arm round her neck and so fell asleep with my head on her soft breast. In the morning we ran another course, though, sooth to say, Kate was more curious than passionate. «I want to study you!» she said, and took my sex in her hands and then my balls. «What are they for?» she asked, and I had to explain that that was where my seed was secreted.

She made a face, so I added, «You have a similar manufactory, my dear, but it's inside you, the ovaries they are called, and it takes them a month to make one egg, whereas my balls make millions in an hour. I often wonder why?» After getting Kate an excellent breakfast, I put her in a cab and she reached her friend's house just at the proper time, but the girl friend could never understand how they had missed each other at the station. I returned to Lawrence the same day, wondering what fortune had in store for me! I was soon to find out that life could be disagreeable. The University of Kansas had been established by the first western out-wanderers and like most pioneers they had brains and courage; and accordingly they put in the statutes that there should be no religious teaching of any kind in the university; still less should religion ever be exalted into a test or qualification. But in due course Yankees from New England swarmed out to prevent Kansas from being made into a slave-state, and these Yankees were all fanatical so-called Christians belonging to every known sect, but all distinguished, or rather deformed, by an intolerant bigotry in matters of religion and sex. Their honesty was by no means so pronounced: each sect had to have its own professor: thus history got an Episcopalian clergyman who knew no history, and Latin a Baptist who, when Smith greeted him in Latin, could only blush and beg him not to expose his shameful ignorance; the lady who taught French was a joke but a good Methodist, I believe; and so forth and so on: education degraded by sectarian jealousies. As soon as Professor Smith left the university, the faculty passed a resolution establishing «college chapel» in imitation of an English university custom. At once I wrote to the faculty, protesting and citing the statutes of the founders. The faculty did not answer my letter and instituted roll call instead of chapel; and when they got all the students assembled for roll call, they had the doors locked and began prayers, ending with a hymn. After the roll call, I got up and walked to the door and tried in vain to open it. Fortunately, the door on this side of the hall was only a makeshift structure of thin wooden planks. I stepped back a pace or two and appealed again to the professors seated on the platform. When they paid no heed, I ran and jumped with my foot against the lock. It sprang and the door flew open with a crash. Next day by a unanimous vote of the faculty, I was expelled from the university and was free to turn all my attention to law. Judge Stephens told me he would bring action on my behalf against the faculty, if I wished, and felt sure he'd get damages and reinstate me. But the university without Smith meant less than nothing to me, and why should I waste time fighting brainless bigots? I little knew then that that would be the main work of my life; but this first time I left my enemies the victory and the field, as I probably shall at long last. I made up my mind to study law, and as a beginning induced Barker of Barker amp; Sommerfeld to let me study in his law office. I don't remember how I got to know them, but Barker, an immensely fat man, was a famous advocate and very kind to me, for no apparent reason. Sommerfeld was a tall, fair, German-looking Jew, peculiarly inarticulate, almost tongue-tied, indeed, in English; but an excellent lawyer and a kindly, honest man who commanded the respect of all the Germans and Jews in Douglas County, partly because his fat little father had been one of the earliest settlers in Lawrence and one of the most successful tradesmen. He kept a general provision store and had been kind to his compatriots in their early struggling days. It was an admirable partnership. Sommerfeld had the clients and prepared the briefs, while Barker did the talking in court with a sort of invincible good humor, which I never saw equalled save in the notorious Englishman, Bottomley. Barker before a jury used to exude good nature and common sense and thus gain even bad cases. Sommerfeld I'll tell more about in due time. A little later I got depressing news from Smith: his cough had not diminished and he missed our companionship. There was a hopelessness in the letter which hurt my very heart, but what could I do? I could only keep on working hard at law, while using every spare moment to increase my income by adding to my boardings in two senses. One evening I almost ran into Lily.

Kate was still away in Kansas City, so I stopped eagerly enough to have a talk, for Lily had always interested me. After the first greetings she told me she was going home. «They are all out, I believe,» she added. At once I offered to accompany her and she consented. It was early in summer but already warm, and when we went into the parlor and Lily took a seat on the sofa, her thin white dress defined her slim figure seductively. «What do you do,» she asked mischievously, «now that dear Mrs. Mayhew's gone? You must miss her!» she added suggestively. «I do,» I confessed boldly. «I wonder if you'd have pluck enough to tell me the truth,» I went on.

«Pluck?» She wrinkled her forehead and pursed her large mouth.

«Courage, I mean,» I said. «Oh, I have courage,» she rejoined.

«Did you ever come upstairs to Mrs. Mayhew's bedroom,» I asked,

«when I had gone up for a book?» The black eyes danced and she laughed knowingly. «Mrs. Mayhew said that she had taken you upstairs to bathe your poor head after dancing,» she retorted disdainfully, «but I don't care: it's nothing to do with me what you do!» «It has too,» I went on, carrying the war into her country. «How?» she asked.

«Why the first day you went away and left me, though I was really ill,» I said, «so I naturally believed that you disliked me, though I thought you lovely!» «I'm not lovely,» she said. «My mouth's too big and I'm too slight.» «Don't malign yourself,» I replied earnestly,

«that's just why you are seductive and excite a man.» «Really?» she cried, and so the talk went on, while I cudgelled my brains for an opportunity but found none, and all the while was in fear lest her father and mother should return. At length, angry with myself, I got up to go on some pretext and she accompanied me to the stoop. I said good-bye on the top step and then jumped down by the side with a prayer in my heart that she'd come a step or two down, and she did.

There she stood, her hips on a level with my mouth; in a moment my hands went up her dress, the right to her sex, the left to her bottom behind to hold her. The thrill as I touched her half-fledged sex was almost painful in intensity. Her first movement brought her sitting down on the step above me and at once my finger was busy in her slit.

«How dare you!» she cried, but not angrily. «Take your hand away!» «Oh, how lovely your sex is!» I exclaimed, as if astounded. «Oh, I must see it and have you, you miracle of beauty,» and my left hand drew down her head for a long kiss while my middle finger still continued its caress. Of a sudden her lips grew hot and at once I whispered, «Won't you love me, dear? I want you so: I'm burning and itching with desire. (I knew she was!) Please; I won't hurt you and I'll take care. Please, love, no one will know,» and the end of it was that right there on the porch I drew her to me and put my sex against hers and began the rubbing of her tickler and front part of her sex that I knew would excite her. In a moment she came and her love-dew wet my sex and excited me terribly; but I kept on frigging her with my man-root while restraining myself from coming by thinking of other things, till she kissed me of her own accord and suddenly moving forward pushed my prick right into her pussy. To my astonishment, there was no obstacle, no maidenhead to break through, though her sex itself was astonishingly small and tight. I didn't scruple then to let my seed come, only withdrawing to the lips and rubbing her clitoris the while, and, as soon as my spurting ceased, my root glided again into her and continued the slow in-and-out movement till she panted with her head on my shoulder and asked me to stop. I did as she wished, for I knew I had won another wonderful mistress. We went into the house again, for she insisted I should meet her father and mother, and, while we were waiting, she showed me her lovely tiny breasts, scarcely larger than small apples, and I became aware of something childish in her mind which matched the childish outlines of her lovely, half-formed hips and pussy. «I thought that you were in love with Mrs. Mayhew,» she confessed, «and I couldn't make out why she made such funny noises. But now I know,» she added, «you naughty dear, for I felt my heart fluttering just now and I was nearly choking.» I don't know why, but that ravishing of Lily made her dear to me. I resolved to see her naked and to make her thrill to ecstasy as soon as possible, and then and there we made a meeting place on the far side of the church, whence I knew I could bring her to my room at the Gregorys in a minute; and then I went home, for it was late and I didn't particularly want to meet her folks. The next night I met Lily by the church and took her to my room. She laughed aloud with delight as we entered, for indeed she was almost like a boy of bold, adventurous spirit. She confessed to me that my challenge of her pluck had pleased her intimately. «I never took a 'dare'!» she cried in her American slang, tossing her head. «I'll give you two,» I whispered, «right now: the first is, I dare you to strip naked as I'm going to do, and I'll tell you the other when we're in bed. Again she tossed her little blue-black head. «Pooh,» she cried, «I'll be undressed first,» and she was. Her beauty made my pulses hammer and parched my mouth. No one could help admiring her: she was very slight, with tiny breasts, as I have said, flat belly and straight flanks and hips: her triangle was only brushed in, so to speak, with fluffy soft hairs, and, as I held her naked body against mine, the look and feel of her exasperated my desire. I still admired Kate's riper, richer, more luscious outlines: her figure was nearer my boyish ideal; but Lily represented a type of adolescence destined to grow on me mightily. In fact, as my youthful virility decreased, my love of opulent feminine charms diminished and grew more and more to love slender, youthful outlines with the signs of sex rather indicated than pronounced. What an all-devouring appetite Rubens confesses with the great, hanging breasts and uncouth fat pink bottoms of his Venuses!