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of revolution was basically "soft"-Menshevik-rather than

"hard"-Bolshevik: "/ do not believe that people are serious when they prefer destruction and rude force to evolution and compromise. Men must be preached to, incessantly preached to, workmen as well as masters." (D.M. )



Bakhmetev, Nikolay Nikolayevich

(c. 1 77o--c. 1 830) , 68, 74-5

Aksakov, Konstantin Sergeyevich

Bakhmetev, Pavel Alexandrovich

( t 8 1 7-6o), 28� 30 1

(fl. c. 1 857), 557-9 and n., -

Alenitsyn Petr Yakovlevich, 1 78-


9, t 8o

Bakunin, Mikhail Alexandrovich

Alexander I ( Paylovich) , Tsar of

( 'Jules Elizar') ( 1 8 1 4-76),

Russia ( 1 777-1 825) , 8, 39, 40,

xxxiv and n., 236, 252-3, 324.

44. 1 87. 200, 2 1 1 - 1 4, 2 78-g,

378, 422, 469, 473-5. 477. 5 1 5

289, 290 and n., 298, 648, 65 1

and n., 5 16-17, 560 and n.,

and n.

565-6 and n., s67 and n., 568

Alexander II ( Nikolayevich) ,

and n., 569 and n., 570 and n.,

Tsar of Russia ( formerly Grand

57 1-3 and n., 574-7 and n.,

Duke, Tsarevich ) ( 1 8 t 8-8 1 ) ,

580-5, 643, 68 1

5 70

Bandiera, Attilio ( 1 8 1 o--44) , 366

Alton-Shee, Edmond de Lignieres,

and n.

Comte d' ( 1 8to--74) , 425

Bandiera, Emilio ( 1 8 19-44), 366

'American, the': see Tolstoy,

and n.

Fedor Ivanovich, Count

Barbes, Armand ( 1 809-70 ), 343,

Androsov, Vasily Petrovich

453 and n., 454 and n., 455

( 1 803-41 ) , 292

Barclay de Tolly, Mikhail Bogda

Arago, Etienne ( 1 803-92 ) , 354

novich, Prince ( 1 761-1 8 1 8) ,

Arakchayev, Alexsey Andrey289 and n.

evich, Count ( 1 769-1 834) , 8

Barilli, Giuseppe ('Quirico Filoand n., 9, 40 n.-41 n., 1 0 1 n., panti') ( 1 8 1 2-94) , 449

278, and n., 279 n., 280, 669

Barret, Odilon ( 1 79 1 - 1873), 356

Arnim, Bettina ( Elizabeth) von

n., 359 n.

( 1 785-1 859), 597 and n.

Augereau, Pierre Fran�ois

Bauchart, Alexandre Quentin

Charles, ( 1 756-t8t6), 555

( 1 809-87 ) , 359

Belinsky, Vissarion Grigorevich

( 1 8 t t -48) , xx, xlvi, 96 and n.,


209 and n., 236, 238-45, 250,

253. 641-3, 67 1

Babeuf, Fran<;ois-NoiH ('Grac

Benckendorf, Alexander Khristochus') ( 1 76o--g7 ) , 367, 5 1 2 n., forovich, Count ( 1 783-1 844) ,

5 1 3 and n., 5 14-1 5 and n., 5 1 6-

24 n., 8t and n., 255, 262, 264-

1 7 and n.

6, 283, 3 1 0 and n., 480

Bakhmetev, Alexey Nicolayevich

Biggs, Matilda (d. 1 867), 485 and

1 774- 1 841 ) , 2 1

n., 486


Blanc, Louis ( 1 8 1 1 -82), xxvi, 453

Caussidiere, Marc ( 1 8og-61 ) , 413,

and n., 454. 475 n., 504 n., 68o

454. 456

Blind, Karl ( 1 826-1907) , 357,

Cavaignac, Louis-Eugene ( 1 8o2-

468, 478, 482

57), 339. 415

Bludov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (d.

Chaadayev, Petr Yakovlevich

1 864? ) , 2 2 1 , 223

( 1 794-1856), 243. 246. 292-6

Bolgovsky, Dmitry Nikolayevich

and n., 297 and n., 298 and n.,

( 1 775-1 852), 268

299, 300, 309, 422, 626-7 and n.

Bomba: see Ferdinand II

Changarnier, Nicolas ( 1 793-

Bonaparte, Jerome, King of West1877), 355 and n.

phalia ( 1 784-186o) , 376, 418

'Chemist, the': see Yakovlev,

Botkin, Vasily Petrovich ( 1 81 1-

Alexey Alexandrovich

6g ) , 533

Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Gavrilo

Boullay, Emile, 406

vich ( 1 828--89) , 536 n., 553

Branicki, Ksawary, Count ( 1 8 1 2-

Chersosi ( Quersosi) , Joachim

79) , 341

Rene Theophile ( 1 798--1 874) ,

Brisbane, Albert ( 1 8og-go), 504


Brunetti, Angelo ('Ciceruachio')

Chicherin, Boris Nikolayevich

( 1 80o--49) , 333, 35 1-2

( 1 828--1 904) , 534

Bruno, Giordano ( 1 548--16oo) ,

Chojecki, 'Charles Edmond'


( 1 82 2--99) , xxxiv n., 342-4.

Buchanan, James, President of

422, s8o and n.

the United States ( 1 791-t868) ,

Ciceruacchio: see Brunetti,

479. 48D-t


Bulgarin, Faddey Benediktovich

Condorcet, Jean-Antoine, Marquis

( 1 7 8g-1 859) , 291

de ( 1 743--94), 4 1 2

Butkov, Vladimir Petrovich

Considerant, Victor ( 1 8o8--g3 ) ,

( 1 82o-8 t ) , 534

416 and n., 504 and n.

Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord

Constantine Pavlovich, Grand

( 1 788--1 824), 386-7, 38g, 390

Duke ( 1 779-183 1 ) , 40, 45, 61,

58o n.

Cosenz, Enrico ( 1 82o--g8), 370


Cowen, Joseph ( 1 829-1900) , xxxv

Calot, Karl lvanovich (d. 1 842 ) ,

1 2, 1 3


Cambaceres, Jean-Jacques ( 1 753-

1 824) , 436 and n.

Dejazet, Virginie ( 1 797-1 875 ) ,

Carlier, Pierre ( 1 799-1858), 406,



Delessert, Gabriel Abraham

Carlyle, Thomas ( 1 795-1 88 1 ) ,

c 1 786-1858), 35o--1 , 456

6 1 5

Dickens, Charles ( 1 81 2-70),

Carr, E . H., xvii, xxvii n., xxxv

X X X n.

vi n.

Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhaylovich

Catherine (Yekaterina ) II, Tsar

( 1 82 1 -81 ) , xiv n., xx, xli n., 1 04

itsa of Russia ( 1 729-96), 43,

Dubelt, Leonty Vasilevich ( 1 792-

28g, 65o n., 65 1 n., 653

1862 ) , 257. 26o-6, 268, 308--1 2

Index of Persons


Dvigubsky, Ivan Alexeyvich

Goethe, Johann \<Volfgang von

( 1 7 7 1- 1 839) , 93-4

( 1 749-1 832 ) , 34. 1 00, 247. 377,


Gogo!, Nikolay Vasilevich ( 1 8og-


5 2 ) , 1 85

Golitsyn, Alexander Fedorovich,

Prince ( 'junior') ( 1 796-1 864),

Elizar, Jules: see Bakunin, Mik41 , 8 1, 9 7 , 1 I I , 1 54-7, 1 59, 1 64-hail Alexandrovich


Essen, Petr Kirillovich ( 1 77 2-

Golitsyn, Alexander Nikolaye-.

1 844) , 2 Q- 1

vich, Prince ( 1 773-1 844) , 205,

207, 279

Golitsyn, Dmitry Vasilevich,


Prince ( 1 771-1844) , 97, 306-7,

205 and n.

Fain, Franc;ois, Baron ( 1 778--

Golitsyn, Sergey ('Sergiy') Mik1 83 7 ) , 6 and n.

haylovich, Prince ('senior')

Faucher, Leon ( 1 804-54), 427

( 1 774- 1 859) , 8 1 , 1 5 5-6

Ferdinand II ('Bomba') , King of

Golitsyn, Yury Nikolayevich,

Naples and the Two Sicilies

Prince ( 1 823-7 2 ) , 539-49

( 1 8 1 o-5 9 ) , 368 n.

Golokhavastov, Pavel lvanovich

Filopanti, Quirico: see Barilli,

(d. 1 8 1 2 ) , 3 and n., 2-4, 9, 10


Golokhvastov, Yelizaveta Alexe

Forestier, Henri-Joseph ( 1 787-

yevna, nee Yakovlev ( 1 763-

1 882) , 356

1 82 2 ) , 14 n.

Fouche, Joseph ( 1 759-1 820) , 4 1 3

Golovin, Ivan Gavrilovich ( 1 816-

Fourier, Franc;ois Marie Charles

90) , 4 7 7 and n., 482

( 1 772-1 837), 493 n.

Goncourt, Edmond Huot de

Frappoli, Ludovico ( 1 8 1 5-78) ,

1 822-96) , xxxiv and n.

4 1 4 and n.

Goncourt, Jules H uot de ( 1 83o-

Fulton, Robert ( 1 765- 1 8 1 5 ) , 5 1 7

7 0 ) , xxxiv and n.

Gorgei, Arthur ( 1 8 1 8--1 9 1 6), 359

Gorky. :\1axim (Alexey Maximo


vich Peshkov) ( 1 868--1936) ,


Gall, Franz Joseph ( 1 758--1 828),

G racchus: see Babeuf, Franc;ois



Garibaldi, Giuseppe ( 1 8o8-g2),