Выбрать главу

Grandville, Jean Ignace Isidore

365, 37Q-1, 374-5, 479. 487,

( 1 803-47 ) , 358

6 1 2-13, 68o

Granovsky, Timofey Nikolaye

Gasser, Karl, 402-4

vich ( 1 8 1 3-55 ) , xxxviii, 2 3 1 ,

Gedeonov, Stepan Alexandrovich

250, 2 84, 343. 382, 532, 641 -2

( 1 8 1 6-78), 2 9 1

Griboyedov, Alexander Sergeye

Giller, Anton ( 1 83 1-87 ) , 581 -4

vich ( 1 795-1829) , 83

Girardin, Emile de ( 1 806-8 1 ) ,

Guinard, Auguste-Joseph ( 1 79o-

415, 422

1 874) , 356-7




Haag (Henrietta-Wilhelmina)

Kapp, Friedrich ( 1 820-84), 360

Luiza I vanovna ( 1 795- 1 85 1 ) ,

Karakozov, Dmitry Vladimiroxxi and n., 3 and n., g-1o, 20, vich ( 1 84o-66), 607 and n.

38, 1 33

Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhaylovich

Haas, Fedor Petrovich ( 1 78o-

( 1 766- 1 826) , 64, 68, 28g

1 853), 1 6o-t

Karazin, Vasily Nazarovich

"Hangman, The":

( 1 773-1 842 ) , 65 1- and n.

see Miiravev,

Mikhail Nikolayevich

Karlovich, Fedor (tutor ) , 36-7

Haug, Ernst, 6o1 -2

Katkov, Mikhail Nikiforovich

Hecker, Friedrich ( 1 8 1 1--81 ) , 359

( 1 8 1 8-87 ) , xli n., 533-4 and n.,

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich


( 1 7 7o-1 83 1 ) , xviii, 234-7, 248,

Kelsiev, Vasily lvanovich ( 1 835-

250, 253, 41 7, 433, 641 and n.,

7 2 ) , 552-4

642 n.

Ketscher, Nikolay Khristoforovich

Heine, Heinrich ( 1 797-1856),

(c. 1 806-86) , 103-4, 1 05

1 oo, 596 and n., 597 and n.,

Khomyakov, Alexey Stepanovich


( 1 804-60) , 343, 422

Heinzen, Karl Peter ( 1827-80),

Khovansky, Marya Alexeyevna,

36o-l , 364, 381

nee Yakovlev, Princess ( 1 755-

Herwegh, Georg ( 1 8 1 7-75 ) ,

1 847) , 14 n., 469, 47o-2

xviii, xxix, xxxiv, xxxv-vi n.,

Kinkel, Gottfried ( 1 8 15-82 ) ,

xh·i n., 383 and n.

468 n., 469, 47o-2

Herzen, Alexander Alexandrovich

Kireyevsky, Petr Vasilevich

('Sasha') ( 1 839-1 906) , 445-6

( 1 8o8-56) , 1 05, 627

Herzen, Natalya Alexandrovna

Kiselev, Nikolay Dmitriyevich

( Natalie) , mie Zakharin ( 1 8 1 7-

( 1 8oo-69 ) , 403

5 2 ) , xxiii, xxvi, xxix, xxxv and

Kleinmikhel, Petr Andreyevich,

n., 14 and n., 229 and n., 259,

Count ( 1 793-1 869) , 281, 666

375, 39 1 , 485 n.

and n.

Herzen, Y egor I vanovich ( 1 803-

Kochubey, Lev Viktorovich,

82 ) , 1 3n.

Prince ( 1 8 1 0--90), 534 and n.

Herzen, Yelizaveta ( Liza) Alex

Kokoshkin, Sergey Alexandrovich

androvna (b. 1 858), 5 73 n.

( 1 785- 1 86 1 ), 307--9. 3 1 2

Humboldt, Alexander Friedrich

Kolachek, Adolf (b. 1 82 1 ) , 477 n.

Heinrich ( 1 769-1 859) , 97--8,

Koltsov, Alexey Vasilevich

598 n.

( 1 809-46), 252

Konarsky, Shimon ( 1 808-39),

1 82 and n., 413

Kornilov, Alexander Alexeyevich


( 1 80 1-56), 2 1 5-1 6

Kosciusko, Thaddeus ( 1 7 46-

Jellachich, Joseph, Baron (11.

1 8 1 7) , 1 0 1

1 848) , 292 and n.

Kossuth, Lajos ( 1 802--94) , 479,

Jokich (tutor ) , 35-6


.Iones, Ernest Charles ( 1 8 1 9-69) ,

Krylov, Ivan Andreyevich ( 1 769-


1 844 ) , 67 and n., 68, 222, 342

Index of Persons

Kuchin, Tatyana Petrovna : see

xiv, xxvi, xxxiv, 381, 4 1 8, 419-

Passek, Tatyana Petrovna

20 n., 473 and n., 474-6 and n.,

Kuruta, Ivan Emmanuilovich

484 and n., 676-83

( t 78o-t853), 2 2 1 , 2 74

Mazzini, Giuseppe ( 1805-72) ,

Kutuzov, Mikhail Illarionovich

364-5, 369-370, 375, 477-8 1 ,

( 1 745-t 8t5), 7 and n.

663, 68o

Medici, Giacomo ( 1 8 t g-82 ) , 365-



Menotti, Ciro ( 1 798-t83 1 ) , 366

and n.

Labzin, Alexander Fedorovich

Menshikov, Alexander Sergeye

( 1 766-1 825 ) , 40 and n.

vich ( 1 787-t 86g) , 289, 296-7 n.

Lacroix ( French minister), 354

Meschersky, Anna Borisovna,

Lamennais, Felicite Robert de

Princess, 4 and n., 76

( 1 782-1 854) . 41� 470

Metternich, Klemens, Prince von

Lamoriciere, Louis de ( t 8o6-6s) ,

< • 773-1859), 288, 297

339 and n.

Michelet, Karl Ludwig ( 1801-

Ledru-Rollin. Alexandre-Auguste,

93) , 426, 652 n., 655 and n.,

( t807-74), 353 n., 356-7, 361,

656 n.

4 1 3- 1 5, 474. 479-80, 68o-t

Mickiewicz, Adam ( t 798-t855 ) ,

Lemke, Mikhail K., xxxi


Lenin (Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov)

Mieroslawski, Ludwig ( t 8 1 4-78),

( 1 870-1 924), xii, 68o-3


Leontine (fl. 1 849) , 602-3, 6os

Mikhaylov, Mikhail I llarionovich

Leopardi, Giacomo ( t 798- t 837),

( 1 829-65 ) , 571 and n.


Mill, John Stuart ( t 8o6-73),

Leroux, Pierre ( 1 797-1 87 1 ) , 337,

4 1 8 n., 459-67, 498, 6 t 6, 662

347. 4 1 6 and n.

Miloradovich, Mikhail Andreye

Lesovsky, Stepan lvanovich

vich. Count ( 1 77t -t 825 ) , t o

( 1 782-1839), 1 06

and n., 40, 187, 204

Linton, William J. ( t 8 1 2-97),

Milovicz, Vladimir (fl. 1 863) , 581

X X X n . , XXXV, 482

Mirovich, Vasily Yakovlevich

Liszt, Franz ( 1 82 2-86), 99

( 1 740-64) , 43 and n.

Luxemburg, Rosa ( t 87o?-1919),

Montagnards, 353 and n., 356


and n.

!VIozart, \\' olgang Amadeus

( 1 756-g t ) , 23, 33-4


Miiller-Strubing, Hermann

( 1 8 1 o-g3 ) , 355-6, 6ot

Maistre, Xavier de ( 1 763- 1 85 2 ) ,

Miiravev, Mikhail Nikolayevich,

xxxvii, 1 1 7

"The Hangman" ( 1 796-1 866) ,

Malia, Martin, xviii, xxiv n., 682

1 1 7, 534 n . , 535, 570

Malov, Mikhail Yakovlevich

( 1 79D- 1 849) , 91 and n., 92-5

and n.


Martyanov, Petr Alexeyevich

( 1 835-65 ) , 585-6 and n.

Nadezhdin, Nikolay Ivanovich

Marx, Karl ( 1 8 1 8-t883 ) , xii, xiii,

( 1 804-56), 627



Napoleon I, Emperor of the

485 n., 487 and n., 488-g and

French ( 1 76g- 1 82 1 ) , xxi, 6-8,

n., 490--9, soo- t , 503-5 and n.,

14, 1 7, t 8, 345--6, 3 73-4, 376,

506--g, 5 1 1 , 5 1 4, 515 and n.,

41 2-13, 435, 437, 5 1 7- 1 8

5 1 6- 1 7, 5 2 0, 68o

Napoleon III, Emperor of the

Owen, Robert Dale ( t 8o t -77),

French ( t 8o8-73) , 454-5

478 n., 488

Nechayev, Sergey Gennadiyevich

( 1 847-82 ) , 559--60 n.

Nicholas I ( Pavlovich ) , Tsar of


Russia ( 1 796- t 855), xxiii,

xxiv n., 39-40 and n., 41 and n.,

Padelwski ( Podlewski) , Zyg44 and n., 45, 82, 92, to t and munt ( 1 835-63) , 58t, 583-4

n., 1 02 n., 1 1 7- t 8, 1 43-5, 1 53-

Palmier, Dr., 4 1 1

5, 1 93, 1 99-200, 207, 245, 2 79,

Paskevich-Erivansky, Ivan

290 and n., 291 and n., 298-g,

Fedorovich, Prince, 359

307, 32 1 , 402, 405. 487 n., 493,

Passek, Tatyana Petrovna, nee

5 3 1 , 54 1 , 569-70, 5 79. 623, 640

Kuchin ( 1 8 t o-89) , 47 and n.,

Noailles, Due de, 32 5-7


Passek, Vadim Vasilevich ( t 8o8-

42 ) , 1 02-4, 1 06


Paul ( Pavel ) I ( Petrovich) , Tsar

of Russia ( 1 754- t 8ot ) , 1 7, 44,

Obolensky, Andrey Petrovich,