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Y ermolov Alexey Petrovich

280 and n.

( 1 772-t 86 t ), t o t n., 1 29, 1 33

Yusupov, Nikolay Borisovich

1 750- t 8 t 2 ) , 66-7, 79


Yakovlev, Alexander Alexeyevich


( 1 762- 1 82 5 ) , 14 and n., 15-16,


Zagoskin, Mikhail Nikolayevich

Yakovlev, Alexey Alexandrovich

( t 789- t 85 2 ) , 29 1

('the Chemist') , 83-9

Zhukovsky, Vasily Andreyevich

Yakovlev, Ivan Alexeyevich

( t 783- 1 85 2 ) , 207 and n., 2 1 3,

( t 767- 1 846) , xxi, xxii, xxv, 3


and n., 6-t t , 1 4, t S-2 1 , 28, 3S-

Zubkov, Vasily Petrovich ( t 799-

9, 53. 65-g, 7D-79, 1 33. 305,

t 86 2 ) , 1 2 5 and n., 126-7

Document Outline


Title Page


from "The Pole Star" (1855)


Preface by Dwight Macdonald

Introduction by Isaiah Berlin

Dedication (to Nicholay Platonovich Ogarev)

Nursery and University (1812-1834)



Political Awakening

Nick and the Sparrow Hills

My Father

The University

After the University

Appendix: A. Polezhayev

Prison and Exile (1834-1838)

Ogarev's Arrest

My Arrest


Krutitsky Barracks

Investigation and Sentence



Misgovernment in Siberia

Appendix: Alexander Lavrentevich Vitberg

The Tsarevich's Visit

The Beginning of My Life at Vladimir

Moscow, Petersburg and Novgorod (1840-1847)

Return to Moscow and Intellectual Debate

Petersburg and the Second Banishment

Our Friends

Our 'Opponents'

To Petersburg for a Passport

Paris - Italy - Paris (1847-1852)

The Journey

The Honeymoon of the Republic

Western European Arabesques, I

The Revolution of 1848 in France

In Geneva with the Exiles of 1848

Western European Arabesques, II

Money and the Police


Appendix: Second Thoughts on the Woman Question

England (1852-1858)

The Fogs of London

The Emigrants in London

John Stuart Mill and His Book on Liberty

German Emigrants

Robert Owen

The Free Russian Press and 'The Bell' (1858-1862)

Apogee and Perigee

The Younger Emigrants: The Common Fund

Bakunin and the Cause of Poland

The Later Years (1860-1868)


Swiss Views

Beyond the Alps

Living Flowers

The Flowers of Minerva

Venezia la bella


France, Germany ... and America

The Superfluous and the Jaundiced (1860)

Bazarov Once More (1868)

A Relevant Chrestomathy from the Later Years

Appendix: Marx v. Herzen

Index of Persons