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Carol sighed and she helped herself to a cigarette from the pack beside Lennie's chair. She laughed as she saw that he was squirming and threshing around in the chair, too close to orgasm to be able to talk or even think.

Lily could hear his franticoooohhhhhh's and aaaahhhhhhhha's and she knew that she was furnishing him with a very special sort of delight. She was using her tongue frenziedly and she had learned very quickly that there were certain ways of using her tongue to induce his organ to expel more of the delicious sap she liked so much and she knew, instinctively, that she was becoming expert. It tickled her to hear his agonized cries of ecstasy and she listened with one part of her mind while the other parts were busy with her own sensual pleasures. She heard the twins talking and she was glad.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh," he moaned, "Doit now… don't keep me hanging. Do it now… aaaaaahhhhhh, you cute little darling, now you're doing it. that's right… aaaahhhhhh…"

She knew that she was being particularly heartless and that she was draining him with her fierce suction and expert tongue but he didn't complain. He kept on patting her on the top of her head and she just kept right on with her mouth on his sensitive flesh and she could tell it when Carol began necking with Lennie. He came all over again for her and it was almost without any effort on her part. He sure did like Carol. She could tell that. And, she could understand that. She liked Carol, too. And she especially liked the boys.

In time, Lennie had to push her away because she was simply insatiable. Carol said that about her and Lennie agreed. They told her to get onto the bed and she could take turns with the twins and she was welcome to get as much out of them as she could.

Lennie and Carl went off and left her alone with the boys.

The boys had showered but they had not gotten dressed. One of the boys told her that they had come back to ask Carol what they should wear for the day and Lily realized then that while the twins were very good-looking, intensely virile, and quite docile, they were really not too bright. And she could understand how they would welcome the chance to live with Carol and Lennie and be their slaves. She began devoting herself to the two boys with great and infinite care. She learned just how to suck each boy off in a manner that gave him the utmost in sexual pleasures, she taught them how to eat her with great skill and devoted expertise, and she was very well pleased with what she had accomplished.

Carol, fully dressed, walked in and put a stop to the fun for her. She announced that it was time for breakfast and she had it on the table. She waited, smiling indulgently, while Lily finished the boy that she was working on, then she took the twins with her.

"You get dressed, you little sexpot," Carol said, with mock sternness. "And, don't you dare say a word at the table."

"You think I'm crazy?" Lily said, grinning.

"I think you're adorable," Carol said. She stepped close and kissed Lily right on the mouth. She rubbed her palm against Lily's slippery little cleft and when ' Lily danced and gasped in swift reaction, Carol sighed and took her hand away.

"I can't wait to get your sweet little cunt in my mouth again,"

"Me too," Lily said, still grinning. "Me too."

Carol kissed her again, a long, lingering kiss and then they pushed apart. Carol flashed her a big smile as she went out and Lily went into the shower aware that she had a fine head of steam and nowhere to do anything about it. She dropped the soap in the shower and when she bent over to pick it up the shower spray touched her sexual flesh and induced a feeling of extreme sensual rapture in her being. She straightened up, and then she made an adjustment to the shower head and she increased the force of the water and it was beating down on her body arousing all of the nerve endings and tissues to a screaming pitch.

Lying down upon the tiled floor of the shower, she spread her legs and lifted her heels up onto the walls. The water spattered against her sexual meat and in seconds she was having an orgasm. She sat on the floor of the shower, grinning like an idiot, enjoying one orgasm after another until she finally used her finger, sliding in and out, to accomplish the one final orgasm that eventually brought her a measure of peace.

She stood up, shakily, and then she finished her shower, finally, exhausted with the effort.

When she stepped out and began toweling herself dry, she tilted her head to one side as she stared at the glass door of the shower.

"Well, what do you know?" she said, wonderingly.

In her bedroom she got into the too tight clothing that she knew bugged Norm and then she went downstairs eager for food. She had not known that sex and all of its ramifications could be so much fun or that it would build such an appetite.

But, she did know one thing.

She liked sex. She really dug it.

She sat in the breakfast nook with the others and she kept glancing at Norma's beautiful face, wondering if there would be some visible change in her looks because of the wild night that she had experienced with Lennie, Carol and the boys. Norma looked just as she usually did and just as disapproving. Norma was always staring at the lumps on Lily's chest, appalled because the tee shirt was so revealing. Lily smiled at her, sweetly, knowing that Norma would not say anything in front of the others.

Lily didn't really give a damn any more what Norma was liable to say about anything.

Lennie said that Carol would stay and work with Norma on the books, finding out which ones were most valuable and he would take the others along with him. Lily was delighted by that arrangement because she could see that Lennie was a bit stirred up by her pretty, wellrevealed shape. The two boys were watching her with a predatory stare, too, and she felt a moment or two of real delight as she realized that she would be with three guys in the panel truck and there would probably be lots of chances for fun and games.

She was quite right about that.

She took care of Lennie first. When they got into the truck, Lennie told one of the boys to drive and he got into the back of the truck with Lily. There were two seats in the front and an opening between them and he and Lily simply stepped back into the rear compartment and there was a heavy blanket already on the floor and when Lennie told her to take her panties off so that he could get at her, she just laughed at him. She was sitting on the floor and she pulled her skirt high and opened her legs and showed him that she hadn't bothered putting pants on. She giggled as he slipped his hand up onto her inner thigh and then she gasped with pleasure as he began sliding a big fat finger into her.

She reached for him, too, and he slipped his pants off and then his shorts so that she could get her hands on his sexual parts. The truck was bouncing around quite a bit and his finger in her body was intensely exciting because it felt like he was doing her with a vibrator. She decided that lovemaking in a panel truck would be a lot of fun.

"Drive carefully, Mark," Lennie said, as he reached for Lily and took her into his arms. "We don't want to get caught fucking right on the streets."

"I'm Leslie," the driver said.

"All right," Lennie said, amiably. "Be careful."

Lennie was on his back and he pulled her on top of him and as she straddled his body with her thighs he slipped his big cock up inside of her and then they were necking up a storm and the truck was bouncing them around and it was all very exciting and she knew that Lennie was not going to last long and she was glad. Her whole body was on fire with sexual frenzies and urgings and she began shifting her hips like a machine and then he was shoving himself into her and she could feel the head of his cock in her tonsils, it seemed, and then he was exploding inside of her and yelling and squealing.

"Oh… oh… oh… yuck, yuck yuck… oooooohhhhhhh, oh, boy, I'm poppin'… oh, Golly, I'm popping… Goddammit, this little cunt will kill me… ohhhhhh, baby kill me nice… aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… aaaaaahhhhh… all my life I been wanting to come like that… aaaahhh, that was so good."