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Carol turned and went over to a bureau. She opened a drawer and then she faced Norma and there was a small hand gun in her fist. Carol was wearing a funny little smile on her face and she seemed to enjoy the startled look on Norma's face.

"I suppose that there are probably many subtle ways of doing this," Carol said, "but I don't really have the time or the patience. I want you and Lennie wants you so we will begin to get you ready for your star performance. Take your clothes off, Norma."

She was too stunned to obey and Carol took a step closer to her. The brunette slapped her in the face hard and she almost fell. She was frightened and cowed by the look of cold anger in Carol's face and eyes. Carol slapped her again and she could feel the pain in each cheek.

"I won't tell you again," Carol said. "If you do not obey me instantly, I will shoot a hole through your cheek. It won't kill you, but you won't ever be pretty again. Now, you move. And, if you try to give us a really good time, I will make Lennie let you and Lily live after it is all over. He usually kills them, you know, saves time and trouble. But, you try to make it good for us and I will do my best with Lennie. Now, hurry up and get undressed,"

Norma realized that she was shaking as she began unbuttoning her blouse. Carol was eating her up alive with her eyes and she knew then that Carol was eager to get at her, to force the details of lesbian lovemaking upon her. The tears were squeezing out and sliding down her cheeks and Carol noticed. She smiled.

"That's good," she said. "I like it when they Cry."

Carol sat down on the edge of the big four poster bed and she watched as Norma got out of her clothes. When she was naked, Carol's beautiful eyes glowed with desire. She stood and moved close to Norma. She put the gun down and her fingers reached out to clasp the tiny, blushing nipples, to cup the sweet, young breasts in her warm palm. Norma sobbed and her body began to shake and she was devastated by the realization that she was reacting erotically to Carol's touch.

The brunette knew and she just smiled. She felt Carol's fingertips between the slippery lips of her sexual organs and then Carol moaned and she felt the girl's palms on her buttocks as the brunette slid to her knees, the gun forgotten, the sight of sweet young flesh the greater lure at the moment.

She was too weak to stand, and she sat down on the edge of the bed and Carol's mouth glued itself to her sensitive flesh and then she was responding with feverish haste. She came in Carol's mouth and she realized that she was shameless, unable to control her own passions.

Carol was fully dressed and she wished that she was not. Suddenly she ached with the urge to taste Carol's sweet juices and that sensation

overwhelmed her. Carol must have known what she felt because she stopped for a moment and then she was on the bed with Norma and Carol flipped her skirt up and she was naked, the hairless crotch wet and sloppy from excessive discharges of Carol's sexual nectars. Carol sat on her face and Norma began licking the thighs, sucking the slit and using her tongue and her hands to induce more and more of Carol's sap from its source.

Frenzy built and one orgasm followed upon the heels of another and it seemed to her that she and Carol spent hours in a wild and glorious sixty-nine. She thought of Adam, finally, but only when she and Carol were resting. She tried to decide about Adam and she could think of nothing. She was on fire with sexual urgings and when Carol smiled at her, and then kissed her, she was sure that she loved the glowing, beautiful young brunette.

Carol offered her cigarettes and she sat up while they smoked.

"You come into the bathroom with me," Carol said. "I have to get rid of that cunt hair. Lennie don't like hair on cunts. He likes to eat his girls and the hair tickles his nose or something. You come along now."

She was obedient and when Carol smeared the lotion all over her crotch she didn't care. She thought it might be nice to get rid of the pubic hair, but she was in no shape to ponder it. She sat down on the toilet while they waited for the depilatory to do its work and Carol suggested that she relieve herself and get ready for a long time of sustained and extended ecstasy.

"We are going to have an orgy," Carol said. "That's what Lennie has got in mind. He likes orgies. And, so does your little sister. That little bombshell is a really wild one. She loves to suck the boys off, one after the other. She loves to suck cunt, too. When we had the boys fuck you, she enjoyed eating you right afterwards. That little Lily is really something, believe me."

She sat on the toilet, her groin a place of pure fire and excitement and she began remembering the dreams, the horrid indignities, the way she had been used and abused in the dreams and she knew for sure, now, that they hadn't been dreams after all.

Carol watched her, knowing that she was beginning to realize what had actually taken place.

"That's right, honey," Carol said. "It was the stuff we gave you in the wine, or in your food. Lennie picked it up-in Mexico and it sure does work slick. Which you know, of course. Lennie got some beautiful stuff on film and we have now got lots of great pictures to peddle all over the place. But, don't worry, we will have a wonderful time today. Lennie will fuck you silly, and the boys will fuck you, too, and your little sister will suck your cunt till it feels like dust

down there. Lennie wants to fuck you up the ass and you love that. Did you know you like it in the ass?"

Astonished by the things that Carol was saying, Norma just. shook her head. It was all too much for her to deal with at the moment and Carol seemed to know a moment of pity for her.

"Would you like me to give you some of the stuff that Lennie has, dearie?" Carol asked. "It will kind of help you through what you have got to face. You know what it does. Want some?"

Norma shook her head. She didn't want any sort of dope, or drugs. She stood up and let Carol lead her into the shower and she let the warm water drench her while she stood in the tiled stall by herself. A moment or two later Carol, naked now, stepped into the shower with her. Carol began soaping her body and she began to react to the girl's touch in a way that made her feel a touch of shame. She was no longer the ice maiden, but she had now gone to the other extreme and she was becoming a sexpot, eagerly reacting with erotic bliss to the slightest touch upon her person.

Carol used the washcloth in her crotch and she was suddenly bald there and as Carol's fingers trailed caressingly across the denuded area she shivered with a new thrill and then she came and Carol pulled her into an embrace and she could feel Carol's fingers in her slit and her whole being throbbed and rippled with sexual excitements.

"I will wash you off and then I want to suck you some more," Carol said. "So, let us hurry before the others get here. I want you all to myself for a while."

She moved then in a stupor but it was not the dreamlike daze that she had experienced in the past. She was just turned on so thoroughly she was not really able to function properly and she simply obeyed Carol. They wound up on the bed and she writhed and twisted in anguished ecstasy for what seemed like hours. Carol's saddle was often in her mouth and she feasted upon the girl's sweetness with an unashamed ardor.

She lost track of things for a long time and her whole being was on fire with a brand new type of fury. At one point she knew what others were with them, she was reasonably alert when one of the boys fucked Carol who was on top of her at the moment, and she feasted upon Carol's flesh with renewed eagerness. She was alert when Lennie sat back, legs apart and patted her shining head as she suck his cock into bursting splendor. The boys had to be sucked off too and she realized that Lily was stark naked and eagerly enjoying all sorts of sexual activity.

It made her feel bad to have to accept the knowledge that Lily was utterly depraved. She was, too, she knew, but during the time of greatest sexual thrills and multiple orgasms, she thought little about anything. She knew, instinctively that Lily's body was glorious, she watched the twins fuck her little sister under Lennie's directions and when she was told to eat her sister so that they could watch and enjoy her pleasures, she did it. Lily kept patting her head