So absorbed had I been thus far with the delicious novelty of the sensations I was receiving from each of my sisters that it had not occurred to me how much stronger I was than any of them. I had just bent Anita, fiery, strongheaded Anita, absolutely to my will… and to judge from her reaction as she lay still, still impaled on my soaking prick and unable to extricate herself, made her love it. When I pulled it out of her with that thocking soggy sound I was beginning to love above all the world's music, she uttered a moan of agony and clapped both her hands to her now-empty cunt, working her fingers into it as passion, now unrequited, continued to hold her body in its grip.
Then Darlene grabbed me by both shoulders and spun me around until our faces were close together… we were both on our knees on the big bed… but her expression was not one of desire but of reproof. She said angrily, “Don't ever pull out on a girl so abruptly once you have her coming. It does terrible things to her inside.”
I said, “Oh?” and made a move to turn from her. “You want me to go back in there?”
For answer, she gripped me tightly, pulling my hot, sweat-sticky chest against the cool curves of her soft-firm bosom. I responded by tightening my grip until she was all but crushed against me and then kissed her, mashing her lips against my teeth and filling her mouth with my tongue. It was a long kiss and our bodies were close and the wet stickiness of my lower torso seemed to arouse her, for she kept pushing against me harder and harder until my cock was all but flattened between our bellies… but the heat of her embrace served to restore its stiffness, which had been beginning to flag.
I dropped my left hand and cupped her buttocks and lifted her until her nipples were level with my mouth… and then I jerked her legs forward and pulled that wonderful way-up-front cunt of hers down until I was imbedded to the full in its thin, sheathlike length. Her legs went around my waist in automatic reflex, and I let myself fall forward, squarely on top of her, using my forearms and elbows to break our tumble so that I wouldn't really crush her.
Even so, it almost took the wind out of her and she gasped and lay still. Then, lifting a hand and tracing my lips with a forefinger, she whispered, “My God, but you're strong, Jeff. I saw what you did to Anita just now.”
“I wanted you to,” I told her and, for some reason, I meant it. I was a pushover in everything for my three lovely sisters but I didn't want them, especially Darlene, to think I was a sexual patsy.
“You wouldn't do a thing like that to me?”
I looked down into her bright blue eyes surrounded by her silken red hair and I said, “Not unless you want me to?” I made it a question because I read the indecision in her voice and she suddenly turned her head away to one side. It was all the answer I needed. Darlene wanted the works and I set about giving them to her.
As I've already told you, I've always been closer to Darlene than to the other girls. Maybe it was the fact we were born only ten months apart, while the others were strung out more behind us. But we've always gone to bat for each other without thinking about it, and that means something special. Then, when she came to my bed the night before last, I knew we loved each other… she had shown more depths to her affection for me than I had ever expected… desire, jealousy of Anita, revelation of herself without inhibition… and I had plumbed those depths all the way.
Now she wanted a favor, wanted me to fuck her so that Anita would know our relationship was beyond her reach no matter how hard our stepsister tried to match it. If I had fucked Anita brutally, she wanted me to fuck her even more brutally… and I was more than ready and willing to pick up the challenge.
But how? I hadn't exactly made a study of positions in the special library of illustrated books my father thought he had hidden in the big cedar chest under the stuff in the back of his closet. Sure, I'd slobbered over them some when I got a chance… but I hadn't exactly figured out the how and why of each posture.
As I've said, though, I'd been learning fast since I woke up two afternoons ago and discovered Anita fucking Cousin George on the beach… and now I remembered a position I hadn't believed possible, and, thanks to what Anita had done to me before I rolled her underneath, I thought I knew how to accomplish it.
I rolled us sideways and got my legs out in front of me, and then back so that Darlene was sitting astride me with her legs locked around me and her arms held me close to her stiffly erect breasts. I thrust my two arms up inside hers the way I'd been taught in my lifesaving tests and broke her hold around my body. Then I put a hand on each nipple and squeezed until she cried out and pushed her backward until she had to support herself with her hands flat on the bed behind her like Anita. And then I had Francie bolster my back with the pillows that had been under Anita's dripping bottom and grabbed Darlene's thighs just under and above the knees.
If it was fun being able to see the cock-and-cunt action while I fucked Darlene the night before last, and yesterday morning with Francie after I popped her cherry, this was better yet. I could see everything just by looking down, and I had complete control of the action thanks to the way my hands gripped her legs. I looked around and there was Anita, on her knees, looking down at our sex organs with her eyes popping, her lips parted and the tip of her little pink tongue showing. Over my shoulder, I could catch a glimpse of Francie's platinum-streaked golden hair as she watched the game.
Darlene gasped and looked between her bruised breasts at our interlocked organs and began to wiggle her bottom as a climax began to ripple the sleek surface of her belly. But I had no intention of letting her control the action. I squeezed her buttocks even harder than I had squeezed her boobs and pulled her down hard on my cock until our hairs intertwined with a soppy sound. As I did so, I poked my own pelvis forward and rammed my rod into her hard until my crown drove beyond the flanges of her womb and hit bottom beyond. She stiffened and screamed and then let out a moan as if she were dying. Then she went into a series of convulsions that all but tore my prick out of her cunt.
For a few seconds, I lost my grip on her rear mounds and had to hang in for dear life… but when she stiffened again in an agonized climax, I caught hold of her bottom once again and slowed her down and rammed her all the way a second time, holding it in there and keeping her under tight rein while the sweet sex sap flowed out of her hole and spread a delicious stickiness all around our united fronts. Then I pulled out slowly until only the tip of my cock was nuzzling the lips of her cunt, maneuvering her arse so that it nudged her entrance from every angle. She began to cry for mercy, pleading with me to fill once more the unbearable emptiness of her cavity, but I let her convulse for long moments without granting her an end to her misery.
Finally I decided enough was enough and pushed it back in slowly, feeling her relax in unbearable delight as I slid it past the gates of her womb anew and reached bottom. Then, releasing her buttocks, I poked my left thumb into her arsehole while, with my right hand, I began diddling her clit… all the while with my dong impaling her all the way. Darlene let out another scream and went rigid then, and little Francie began tugging me clear of her, crying, “She's out of it, darling Jeff. Don't waste it on her… I want it while it's still alive!”
What happened next was like something out of the porn novels we pass around at school… I couldn't believe that my darling sisters were behaving the way they were. But I was loving it and them so much that I had to go along with their wanton play. Hell, I couldn't have stopped them if I'd wanted to… which I very definitely did not.
In her scramble to get my dong out of Darlene's dead cunt and into her own, Francie pushed the pillows from behind me and I went over on my back. My cock, still stuck in Darlene's dripping hole, was bent downward so far that I yelled with pain… but at last it came clear and waved upright in the warm air of that torrid bedroom.