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29. OBP, Oct. 17–19,1744, 257, Aug. 30,1727,4.

30. Lavater, Spirites, 22; Jeannine Blackwell and Susanne Zantop, eds., Bitter Healing: German Women Writers from 1700 to 1830: An Anthology (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 60; Brand 1848, II, 314; Danker, "Bandits," 88. См. также: Taillepied, Ghosts, 31.

31. Crusius, Node, ch. 11.9; Keller, ed., Hangman's Diary, trans. Calvert and Grüner, 110; Brand 1848,1, 312, III, 278–279; Marjorie Rowling, The Folklore of the Lake Distrid (Totowa, N. J., 1976), 26; Matthiessen, Natten, 94–95. См. также: Bargellini, "Vita Notturna," 84; John McManners, Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France (Oxford, 1999), II, 232.

32. Karl Wegert, Popular Culture, Crime, and Social Control in 18th Century Württemberg (Stuttgart, 1994), 101; Keller, ed., Hangman's Diary, trans. Calvert and Grüner, 112–113; Brand 1848,1,312; Times (London), July 3,1790.

33. Tornano, Proverbi, 171.

34. Pinkerton, Travels, II, 565; Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Venice Triumphant: The Horizons afa Myth, trans. Lydia G. Cochrane (Baltimore, 2002), 161; Ruff, Violence, 120–121.

35. Alessandro Falassi, Folklore by the Fireside: Text and Context of the Tuscan Veglia (Austin, 1980), 6; J. Mitchell and M. D. R Leys, A History of London Life (London, 1958), 73; Claude Fouret, "Douai au XVIe Siècle: Une Sociabilité de l'Agression," Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 34 (1987), 9—10; Robert Muchembled "La Violence et la Nuit sous l'Ancien Régime," Ethnologie Française 21 (1991), 237; Rudy Chaulet, "La Violence en Castille au XVIIe Siècle," Crime, Histoire & Sociéetés 1 (1997), 14–16. См. также: Barbara A Hanawalt, "Violent Death in Fourteenth- and Early Fifteenth-Century England," Comparative Studies in Society and History 18 (1976), 305, 319.

36. J. R. Hale, ed., The Travel Journal of Antonio de Beatis…, trans. J. R. Hale and J. M.A. Lindon (London, 1979), 82; James Casey, The Kingdom of Valencia in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 1979), 212; Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 463, 163; Cleone Knox, The Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion in the Year 1764–1765 (New York, 1926), 220; Ménétra, Journal, 86; S. Johnson, London: A Poem… (London, 1739), 17; James Hervey, Meditations and Contemplations (New York, 1848), II, 33; J. S. Cockbum, "Patterns of Violence in English Society: Homicide in Kent, 1560–1985," PP 103 (1991), 86; Matthiessen, Natten, 141.

37. Dec. 21,1494, Luca Landucci, ed., A Florentine Diary from 1450 to 1516…, trans. Alice De Rosen Jervis (1927; rpt. edn., Freeport, N. Y., 1971), 77; Remarks 1717, 238, 241; Ruff, Violence, 75–76; Jonathan Walker, "Bravi and Venetian Nobles, C. 1550–1650," Studi Veneziani 36 (1998), 85—113.

38. Aug. 18,1692, Wood, Life, V, 398; G. C. Faber, The Poetical Works of John Gay… (London, 1926), 81; Robert Shoemaker, "Male Honour and the Decline of Public Violence in Eighteenth-Century London," SH 26 (2001), 190–208.

39. The Rules of Civility (London, 1685), 114–115, passim; Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process: The Development of Manners…, trans. Edmond Jephcott, 2 vols. (New York, 1978–1982); Ruff, Violence, 7–8; Penelope Corfield, "Walking the City Streets: The Urban Odyssey in Eighteenth-Century England," JUH 16 (1990), 132–174; Jan Bremmer and Herman Roodenburg, eds., A Cultural History of Gesture (Ithaca, N.Y., 1992), passim.

40. Sir Thomas Overbury, His Wife (London, 1622); Feb. 8, 1660, Pepys, Diary, I, 46; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 275; Thomas Bell, May 2,1666, York Depositions, 142; WJ, Mar. 23,1723.

41. Richard A. Page and Martin K. Moss, "Environmental Influences on Aggression: The Effects of Darkness and Proximity of Victim," Journal of Applied Social Psychology 6 (1976), 126–133.

42. Francis Lenton, Characterismi: or, Lemons Leasures… (London, 1631); Robert E. Thayer, The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress (New York, 1996), passim.

43. Carolyn Pouncy, ed., The “Domostroi": Rules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible (Ithaca, N. Y., 1994), 81; Arne Jansson, From Swords to Sorrow: Homicide and Suicide in Early Modern Stockholm (Stockholm, 1998), 125.

44. F. G. Emmison, ed., Elizabethan Life: Disorder; Mainly from Essex Sessions and Assize Records (Chelmsford, Eng., 1970), 206; Matthiessen, Natten, 133; Ruff, Violence, 126; Muchembled, Violence, 31–32.

45. Francis Henderson, June 11, 1777, Assi 45/33/l/14а; Plain Advice to Hard-Drinkers… (London, 1796), 10; Pieter Spierenburg, "Knife Fighting and Popular Codes of Honor in Early Modem Amsterdam," in Pieter Spierenburg, ed., Men and Violence: Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America (Columbus, Ohio, 1998), 109; Julius R. Ruff, Crime, Justice and Public Order in Old Regime France: The Sénéchaussées of Libourne and Bazas, 1696–1789 (London, 1984), 80–81.

46. Dietz, Surgeon, 194; Johnson, London, 17; Muchembled, Violence, 32; Beattie, Crime, 93; Schindler, Rebellion, 215–216.

47. Matthiessen, Natten, 96.

48. "Palladio," Middlesex Journal, or, Chronicle of Liberty (London), July 30,1769; Shakespeare, Othello, 1,1,75; William Devenant, The Wits (London, 1636); Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 15; Johan Goudsblom, Fire and Civilization (London, 1992), 144–145.

49. James Gabriel Fyfe, ed., Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, 1550–1746 (Stirling, Scot., 1928), 259; Samuel H. Baron, ed. and trans., The Travels of Olearius in Seventeenth Century Russia (Stanford, Calif., 1967), 112; Penny Roberts, "Agencies Human and Divine: Fire in French Cities, 1520–1720," in William G. Naphy and Penny Roberts, eds., Fear in Early Modem Society (Manchester, 1997), 9.

50. Stephen Porter, "Fires in Stratford-upon-Avon in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries," Warwickshire History 3 (1976), 103, passim.

51. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 333; Mar. 16, 1701, Cowper, Diary; Matthiessen, Natten, 121–122.

52. Sir Richard Blackmore, Prince Arthur (London, 1695), 190; E. L. Jones et al., A Gazetteer of English Urban Fire Disasters, 1500–1900 (Norwich, 1984).

53. Roy Porter, London, a Social History (Cambridge, Mass., 1995), 85; Sept. 4,1666, Evelyn, Diary, III, 454; Neil Hanson, The Great Fire of London: In that Apocalyptic Year (Hoboken, N. J., 2002).

54. NYWJ, Sept. 26,1737; SJC, Aug. 4,1785; Roberts, "Fire in French Cities," 9—27.

55. Mar. 30,1760, "Stow, and John Gate's Diary," Worcester Society of Antiquity Proceedings (1898), 270; Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness: The First Century of Urban Life in America, 1625–1742 (Oxford, 1971), 55–63,206–213,364-372; Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in Revolt: Urban Life in America, 1743–1776 (Oxford, 1971), 18,100–105, 292–294.

56. Ludwig Holberg, Moral Reflections & Epistles, ed. P. M. Mitchell (Norvik, Eng., 1991), 169; "The Diary of George Booth," Journal of the Chester and North Wales Architectural Archaeological and Historic Society, New Ser., 28 (1928), 40; Enid Porter, Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore (New York, 1969), 205.

57. John Bancroft, The Tragedy of Sertonius (London, 1679), 20. См. также: Benjamin Keach, Spiritual Melody (London, 1691), 28; Rowlands, Night Raven.

58. Benjamin Franklin, Writings, ed. J. A Leo Lemay, ed. (New York, 1987), 220–221; "Philanthropos," LEP, Jan. 25,1763; Carl Bridenbaugh, Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590–1642 (New York, 1967), 144; The Life and Errors of John Dunton… (London, 1818), 11,606.

59. Paroimiographia (English), 5; Thomas Tusser, Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, eds. V. Payne and J. Sidney (London, 1878), 179; Jan. 13, 1669, Josselin, Diary, 545; Nov. 3, 1710, Raymond A. Anselment, ed., The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke, 1671–1714 (London, 2001), 270; Mar. 22,1683, J. E. Foster, ed., The Diary of Samuel Newton (Cambridge, 1890), 84; PG, Feb. 18,1729.

60. Hugh Platte, The Jewell House of Art and Nature… (1594; rpt. edn., Amsterdam, 1979), 50.

61. July 20,1709, Sewall, Diary, II, 622; George Lyman Kittredge, The Old Farmer and His Almanack… (Cambridge, Mass., ca. 1904), 147; DUR, July 11,1787.

62. Matybeth Carlson, "Domestic Service in a Changing City Economy: Rotterdam, 1680–1780" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1993), 157–158; Wilson, English Proverbs, 167.

63. Grub Street Journal (London), May 16,1734.

64. PA, July 15, 1763; William Langland's Piers Plowman: The C Version, trans. George Economou (Philadelphia, 1996), 25; Christopher R. Friedrichs, The Early Modern City, 1450–1750 (London, 1995), 276–277.

65. William Hector, ed., Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire… (Paisley, Scot., 1876), 239; Bernard Capp, "Arson, Threats of Arson, and Incivility in Early Modem England," in Peter Burke et al., eds.. Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas (Oxford, 2000), 197–213; Matthiessen, Natten, 121.

66. Goudsblom, Fire and Civilization, 158; Roberts, "Fire in French Cities," 22; Country Journaclass="underline" or the Craftsman (London), June 24,1738.

67. S/C, May 25, 1769; Frank McLynn, Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England (London, 1989), 85; Ruff, "Crime, Justice, and Public Order," 262; BC, May 20,1761.

68. Augustus Jessopp, ed., The Autobiography of the Hon. Roger North (London, 1887), 41; WJ, Aug. 15,1724; Effectual Scheme, 69–70.

69. Bob Scribner, "The Mordbrenner Fear in Sixteenth-Century Germany: Political Paranoia or the Revenge of the Outcast?" in Evans, ed., German Underworld, 29–56; Penny Roberts, "Arson, Conspiracy and Rumor in Early Modem Europe," Continuity and Change 12 (1997), 9-29.

70. Jacqueline Simpson, The Folklore of Sussex (London, 1973), 135–136; Capp, "Arson," 204; Thomas D. Morris, Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619–1860 (Chapel Hill, N. C, 1996), 330–332.

71. Weinsberg, Diary, 1,125; SJC, Nov. 4, 1769; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 531–533.

72. Grose, Dictionary; 6 Anne c. 31; PG, Apr. 30, 1730. См. также: Effectual Scheme, 69; Michael Kunze, Highroad to the Stake: A Tale of Witchcraft, trans. William E. Yuill (Chicago, 1987), 147.

73. Nashe, Works, 1,386.

74. Rudolph Braun, Industrialisation and Everyday Life, trans. Sarah Hanbury Tenison (Cambridge, 1990), 84.