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29. S/C, Oct. 25,1783; De Beer, "Street-Lighting," 317–320; Beckman, Discoveries, trans. Johnston, 180; Matthiessen, Natten, 26.

30. John Scott, A Visit to Paris in 1814… (London, 1815), 40; Defrance, Histoire de l’Éclairage, 47; G. E. Rodmell, ed., "An Englishman's Impressions of France in 1775," Durham University Journal (1967), 78. См. также: Maurice Délibéré and Paulette Délibéré, Préhistoire et Histoire de la Lumière (Paris, 1979), 117.

31. Koslofsky, "Court Culture," 759; Corinne Walker, "Du Plaisir à la Nécessité: l'Apparition de la Lumière dans les Rues de Genève à la Fin du XVHIe Siècle," in François Walter, ed., Vivre et Imaginer la Ville XVllle — XIXe Siècles (Geneva, 1988), 107; Henry Hibbert, Syntagma Theologcum… (London, 1662), 31; Beattie, Policing, 170.

32. Smollett, Humphry Clinker… (New York, 1983), 113.

33. R. G. Bury, trans., Plato in Twelve Volumes (Cambridge, Mass., 1963), XI, 69; Crusius, Node, ch. 5.5.

34. 13 Edward I c. 4; Beckman, Discoveries, trans. Johnston, 188; Joachim Schlör, Nights in the Big City: Paris, Berlin, London 1840–1930, trans. Pierre Gottfried Imhof and Dafydd Rees Roberts (London, 1998), 73.

35. Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 365–366; Clare Williams, ed., Thomas Platter's Travels in England, 1599 (London, 1937), 174; Raine, ed., York Civic Records, V, 102; Bowsky, "Medieval Commune," 9—10; Alan Williams, The Police of Paris, 1718–1789 (Baton Rouge, 1979), 67.

36. Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness: The First Century of Urban Life in America, 1625–1742 (Oxford, 1971), 64–67.

37. Beckman, Discoveries, trans. Johnston, 189; Schlör, Nights in the Big City, trans. Imhof and Roberts, 74; Duke of Ormond, "Whereas by the good and wholsome lawes of this realm… night-watches should be kept…" (Dublin, 1677); Ruff, Violence, 92; M. De La Lande, Voyage en Italie… (Paris, 1786), 154.

38. Memoirs of François-René Vicomte de Chateaubriand, trans. Alexander Teixera de Mattos (New York, 1902), IV, 27; William Young, The History of Dulwich College… with a Life of the Founder, Edward Alleyn, and an Accurate Transcript of His Diary, 1617–1622 (London, 1889), II, 356; A.F.J. Brown, Essex People, 1750–1900 (Chelmsford, Eng., 1972), 40; Robert C. Davis, Shipbuilders of the Venetian Arsenaclass="underline" Workers and Workplace in the Preindustrial City (Baltimore, 1991), 157.

39. Mr. Ozell, trans., M. Misson's Memoirs and Observations in His Travels over England (London, 1719), 358–359; Beattie, Policing, 169–197; Williams, Police of Paris, 67; e-mail of Nov. 16, 2003, from Paul Griffiths; Frank McLynn, Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England (London, 1989).

40. NHCR 1,33; Beattie, Policing, 181; Matthiessen, Natten, 52; Thomas Forester, ed., Norway and Its Scenery… the journal of a Tour by Edward Price… (London, 1853), 181–182; Pinkerton, Travels, I, 265; John Carr, A Northern Summer or Travels Round the Baltic… (Hartford, Ct., 1806), 129; An Accurate Description of the United Netherlands… (London, 1691), 65; Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness, 64–67.

41. Robert Poole, A Journey from London to France… (London, 1741), 10; Moryson, Itinerary, 1,18, 413; Moryson; Unpublished Itinerary, 365–366, 385; Sir Richard Camac Temple and Lavina Mary Anstey, eds., The Travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia, 1608–1667 (London, 1914), IV, 169; Mr. Nugent, The Grand Tour, or, a Journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and France… (London, 1756), I, 87; A Tour through Holland etc. (London, 1788), 80–81; John Barnes, A Tour throughout the Whole of France… (London, 1815), 6; NHCR I, 485; Matthiessen, Natten, 13, 31–32; Theodor Hampe, Crime and Punishment in Germany… trans. Malcolm Letts (London, 1929), 7–8.

42. Thomas Dekker, Villanies Discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-Light… (London, 1616); Walter George Bell, Unknown London (London, 1966), 213; Félix-L. Tavernier, La Vie Quotidienne à Marseille de Louis XIVà Louis-Philippe (Paris, 1973), 96; Hana Urbancovâ, "Nightwatchmen's Songs as a Component of the Traditional Musical Culture," Studies, 48 (2000), 14; John F. Curwen, Kirkbie-Kendall… (Kendall, Eng., 1900), 116. См. также: Einar Utzon Frank, ed., De Danske Vaegtervers (Copenhagen, 1932).

43. Matthiessen, Natten, 48; Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 350.

44. Samuel Rowlands, Heavens Glory, Seeke It (London, 1628); Henry Alexander, trans., Four Plays by Holberg… (Princeton, N. J., 1946), 170; "Insomnis," PA, Oct. 8,1767; Colm Lennon, Richard Stanyhurst the Dubliner, 1547–1618 (Blackrock, Ire., 1981), 147.

45. Second Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing the Boston Records 1634–1660… (Boston, 1877), 151; Louis-Sébastien Mercier, The Picture of Paris Before & After the Revolution (New York, 1930), 132; Pounds, Culture, 132–134; Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness, 374; Schindler, Rebellion, 218; Jacques Rossiaud, "Prostitution, Youth, and Society in the Towns of Southeastern France in the Fifteenth Century," in Robert Forster and Orest Ranum, eds., Deviants and the Abandoned in French Society: Selections from the Annales Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations, trans. Elborg Forster and Patricia Ranum (Baltimore, 1978), 45 n. 85; Matthiessen, Natten, 115,117.

46. Awnsham Churchill, comp., A Collection of Voyages and Travels… (London, 1745), 1, 147; Sept. 11,1663, Pepys, Diary, IV, 304.

47. Thomas Pennington, Continental Excursions… (London, 1809), 1,242; Fabian Philipps, Regale Necessarium: or the Legality, Reason and Necessity of the Rights and Priviledges Justly Claimed by the Kings Servants… (London, 1671), 580; William Edward Hartpole Lecky, A History of England in the Eighteenth Century (New York, 1892), II, 106–107; Edward Ward, Nuptial Dialogues and Debates… (London, 1723), 258; Shoemaker, Prosecution and Punishment, 264–265.

48. N. M. Karamzin, Letters of a Russian Traveler: 1789–1790…, trans. Florence Jonas (New York, 1957), 305.

49. The Midnight-Ramble; or, the Adventures of Two Noble Females… (London, 1754), 20; Sept. 19,1771, Basil Cozens-Hardy, ed., The Diary ofSylas Neville, 1767–1788 (London, 1950), 117; Matthiessen, Natten, 23.

50. New England Courant (Boston), Nov. 16, 1724. О правоохранительных органах Лондона см. блестящее исследование: Beattie, Policing, 77—225.

51. Walter Rye, ed., Extracts from the Court Books of the City of Norwich, 1666–1688 (Norwich, 1905), 140–141; OBP, May 1,1717,5; A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing the Boston Records from 1660 to 1701 (Boston, 1895), 8; The Way to be Wiser… (London, 1705), 28; Urbancova, "Nightwatchmen's Songs," 6; Beattie, Policing, 172–174.

52. The Humourist: Being Essays Upon Several Subjects… (London, 1724), II, 88; Dekker, Writings, 107; Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Ш, 3,56–57.

53. Thomas Brennan, Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris (Princeton, N.J., 1988), 304; Legg, Low-Life, 15; Edward Phillips, The Mysteries of Love & Eloquence… (London, 1658), 101; ECR, VI, 439–440; Matthiessen, Natten, 41, 46; Walker, "Genève," 76; Keith Wrightson, "Two Concepts of Order: Justices, Constables and Jurymen in Seventeenth-Century England," in John Brewer and John Styles, eds., An Ungovernable People: The English and Their Law in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (London, 1980), 21–46, passim.

54. Augusta Triumphans: or, the Way to Make London the Most Flourishing City in the Universe… (London, 1728), 47; Richard Mowery Andrews, Law, Magistracy, and Crime in Old Regime Paris, 1735–1789 (Cambridge, 1994), 521; Margaret J. Hoad, Portsmouth Record Series: Borough Sessions Papers, 1653–1688 (London, 1971), 50; Janekovick-Römer, "Dubrovniks," 107; Matthiessen, Natten, 137–139; Schindler, Rebellion, 218–219; De La Lande, Voyage en Italie, 122.

55. Herbert, Jaculum Prudentium or Outlandish Proverbs… (London, 1651), 54.

56. Jean Carbonnier, Flexible Droit: Textes Pour une Sociologie de Droit sans Rigueur (Paris, 1976), 46–51.

57. S. P. Scott, ed. and trans., The Civil Law. Including the Twelve Tables… (New York, 1973), 1, 58; Crusius, Node, ch. 7.3, 7 passim, 13.6, 15.3; Ripae, Nodunro Tempore, passim; Nina Gockerell, "Telling Tune without a Clock," in Maurice and Mayr, eds., Clockwork Universe, 137.

58. Matthew Hale, Historia Placitorum Coronae: The History of the Pleas of the Crown (1736; rpt. edn., London, 1971), 1, 547; David H. Flaherty, Privacy in Colonial New England (Charlottesville, Va., 1972), 88; Matthew Bacon and Henry Gwillim, A New Abridgement of the Law (London, 1807), 11,346.

59. Legg, Low-Life, 101.

60. Ripae, Nodurno Tempore, ch. 91.11; DUR, Dec. 23, 1785; Tommaso Astarita, Village Justice: Community, Family, and Popular Culture in Early Modern Italy (Baltimore, 1999), 153–154; Patricia H. Labalme, "Sodomy and Venetian Justice in the Renaissance," Legal History Review 52 (1984), 221–222; Samuel Cohn, "Criminality and the State in Renaissance Florence, 1344–1466," JSH 14 (1980), 222; Guido Ruggiero, Violence in Early Renaissance Venice (New Brunswick, N. J., 1980), 6,19; Matthiessen, Natten, 137; Aug. 17,1497, Landucci, ed., Florentine Diary, trans. Jervis, 125–126.

61. Bowsky, "Medieval Commune," 4; Ripae, Nodurno Tempore, ch. 24:3, passim; JRAI, I and II, passim; High Court of Justiciary, Small Papers, Main Series, JC 26/42—43, passim, Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh; Julius R. Ruff, Crime, Justice and Public Order in Old Regime France: The Sénéchaussées of Libourne and Bazas, 1696–1789 (London, 1984), 115; Matthiessen, Natten, 129.

62. Beattie, Crime, 148; Ian W. Archer, The Pursuit of Stability: Social Relations in Elizabethan London (Cambridge, 1991), 247; Ian Cameron, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720–1790 (Cambridge, 1981), 155–156; Edgar J. McManus, Law and Liberty in Early New England Criminal Justice and Due Process, 1620–1692 (Amherst, Mass., 1993), 30–31.

63. "Justus Sed Humanus," London Magazine, April 1766, 204; Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, ed. William Draper Lewis (Phildadelphia, 1902), IV, 1579; Scott, ed. and trans., Civil Law, 59; Katherine Fischer Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (Philadelphia, 1973), 58; F. R. P. Akehurst, ed., The Coutumes de Beauvaisis of Philippe de Beaumanoir (Philadelphia, 1992), 429–430; Ripae, Nodurno Tempore, ch. 24; Crusius, Node, ch. 11.5–8; Samuel E. Thome, ed., Bradon on the Laws and Customs of England (Cambridge, Mass., 1968), II, 408; Porret, Crime et ses Circonstances, 288–289.