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64. Lottin, Chavatte, 356; JRAI, II, 488; Blackstone, Commentaries, ed. Lewis, IV, 1618.

65. An Effectual Scheme for the Immediate Preventing of Street Robberies, and Suppressing All Other Disorders of the Night… (London, 1731), 62; Edmond-Jean-François Barbier, Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris sous le Règne de Louis XV (Paris, 1963), 169; Matthiessen, Natten, 12; Jeffry Kaplow, The Names of Kings: The Parisian Laboring Poor in the Eighteenth Century (New York, 1972), 22–23.

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1. Apr. 6,1745, Parkman, Diary, 114.

2. Bräker, Life, 67; John Milton, Complete Prose Works (New Haven, 1953), 1, 228; Nina Gockerell, "Telling Time without a Clock," in Klaus Maurice and Otto Mayr, eds., The Clockwork Universe: German Clocks and Automata, 1550–1650 (New York, 1980), 131–143.

3. Giambattista Basile, The Pentamerone…, ed. and trans. Strith Thompson (1932; rpt. edn., Westport, Ct., 1979), I, 297; Randle Cotgrave, A Didionarie of the French and English Tongues (London, 1611), Muchembled, Violence, 53; Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders (1887; rpt. edn., London, 1991), 99—100; Gockerell, "Telling Time," 134–136.

4. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man (n. p., 1633), 46; Wilson J. Litchfield, The Litchfield Family in America (Southbridge, Mass., 1906), V, 344; Sept. 30, 1774, Patten, Diary, 330,385.

5. Henry Swinburne, Travels in the Two Siciliies… (London, 1783), II, 269; William Sewell, A Large Dictionary English and Dutch (Amsterdam, 1708), 79; Shakespeare, Macbeth, 1, 5,51.

6. "Fantasticks," Breton, Works, П, 15.

7. Oct. 23,1676, Sewall, Diary, I, 28; May 10, 1776, Andrew Oliver, ed., The Journal of Samuel Curwen, Loyalist (Cambridge, Mass., 1972), 156; Philippe Contamine, "Peasant Hearth to Papal Palace: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries," in HPL II, 499; W. Carew Hazlitt, ed., English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases… (London, 1882), 291.

8. Barbara A. Hanawalt, The Ties That Bound: Peasant Families in Medieval England (New York, 1986), 44; Sir Edward Coke, The Reports… (London, 1658), 453; Burt, Letters, II, 206.

9. OBP, Apr. 29-May 1, 1747, 152, May 14, 1741, 12, July 15–17, 1767, 244; David Ogbome, The Merry Midnight Mistake, or Comfortable Conclusion (Chelmsford, Eng., 1765), 34; Timothy J. Casey, ed., Jean Pauclass="underline" A Reader, trans. Erika Casey (Baltimore, 1992), 338; FLEMT, xi-xii.

10. Pounds, Home, 184–186; Hanawalt, Ties That Bound, 38; A Warning for House-Keepers… (n.p., 1676), 4.

11. Pinkerton, Travels, I, 517; John E. Crowley, The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities & Design in Early Modem Britain & Early America (Baltimore, 2001), 36–44, 62–69; Pounds, Culture, 118–120.

12. Edward Clarke, Letters Concerning the Spanish Nation… (London, 1763), 344; June 20, 1766, Diary of Mr. Tracy and Mr. Dentand, Bodl.; John Fielding, Thieving Detected… (London, 1777), 9; Monsieur du Sorbiere, A Voyage to England… (London, 1709), 11.

13. Paolo Da Certaldo, Libro di Buoni Costumi, ed. Alfredo Schiaffini (Florence, 1945), 30; Nov. 12, Oct. 21, 1666, Pepys, Diary, VII, 367, 336; Ann Feddon, Apr. 20, 1751, Assi 45/24/3/42; John Cooper, Dee. 13,1765, Assi 45/28/2A37; Contamine, "Peasant Hearth to Papal Palace," 502; Eugen Weber, "Fairies and Hard Facts; The Reality of Folktales," Journal of the History of Ideas 42 (1981), 101–102.

14. Dec. 13,1672, Isham, Diary, 175; John Worlidge, Systema Agricultural, The Mystery of Husbandry Discovered… (1675; rpt. edn., Los Angeles, 1970), 221; London Gazette, Oct. 1,1694; John Houghton, A Collection for Improvement of Husbandry and Trade, July 20, 1694; William Hamlet, The Plan and Description of a Machine… against Fire and Housebreaking (Birmingham, 1786).

15. C. G. Crump, ed., The History of the Life of Thomas Ellwood (New York, 1900), 7; An Account of a Most Barbarous Murther and Robbery… 25th of October, 1704 (London, 1704/1705); OED, s. v. "bedstaff"; Francis Bamford, ed., A Royalist's Notebook: The Commonplace Book of Sir John Oglander (New York, 1971), 55; Ruff, Violence, 49.

16. Mar. 21,1763, Frederick A Pottle, ed., Boswell’s London Journal, 1762–1763 (New York, 1950), 224; Leonard R. N. Ashley, ed., A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke… (1755; rpt. edn., Gainesville, Fla., 1969), 45; J. S. Cockbum, "Patterns of Violence in English Society; Homicide in Kent, 1560–1985," PP130 (1991), 86–87.

17. Thoresby, Diary, 1,345; George Murray, Jan. 10,1778, Assi 45/33/2/150; Oct. 25,1704, A. H. Quint, "Journal of the Reverend John Pike," Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, 1st Ser., 14 (1875–1876), 139; The Province and Court Records of Maine (Portland, Maine, 1958), IV, 341.

18. OED, s. V. "bandog"; Harrison, Description, 339–348; Thomas Kirk and Ralph Thoresby, Tours in Scotland 1677 & 1681, ed. P. Hume Brown (Edinburgh, 1892), 27; OBP, Apr. 9—11, 1746, 118; Keith Thomas, Man and the Natural World (New York, 1983), 101–104; Mrs. Reginald Heber, The Life of Reginald Heber… (New York, 1830), 1,217; George Sand, Story of My Life…, ed. Thelma Jurgrau (Albany, 1991), 631.

19. Augustin Gallo, Secrets de la Vraye Agriculture… (Paris, 1572), 204; Harrison, Description, 343; Daniel Defoe, Street-Robberies Consider'd…. (1728; rpt. edn. Stockton, N. ]., 1973), 68; M. Conradus Heresbachius, comp., Foure Bookes of Husbandry, trans. Barnabe Googe, (London, 1577), fo. 154–156; Charles Stevens and John Liebrault, Maison Rustique, or, the Countrey Farme, trans. Richard Surflet (London, 1616), 120–122; Worlidge, Systema Agriculturae, 162,222; Times, Jan. 16,1790.

20. Campion, The Discription of a Maske (London, 1607).

21. Aug. 2, 1708, Cowper, Diary; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, passim, esp. 493–497.

22. George Peele, The Old Wives Tale, ed. Patricia Binnie (Manchester, 1980), 42 n. 104; Edward Young, Night Thoughts, ed. Stephen Comford (Cambridge, 1989), 121; Casey, ed., Jean Paul, trans. Casey, 338; R. Sherlock, The Practical Christian… (London, 1699), 322; Taillepied, Ghosts, 169.

23. W. M., Hesperi-neso-graphia: or, a Description of the Western Isle… (London, 1716), 8; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 496–497; Robert Muchembled, "Popular Culture," in Robert Muchembled et al., Popular Culture (Danbury, Ct., 1994), II.

24. SAS, V, 335; C. Scott Dixon, The Reformation and Rural Society: The Parishes of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 1528–1603 (Cambridge, 1996), 183, 180–181, 194–195; George Saintsbury, ed., The Works of John Dryden (Edinburgh, 1884), IX, 443; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 222–231; Burke, Popular Culture, passim.

25. OED, s. V. "night-spell"; Minor White Latham, The Elizabethan Fairies: The Fairies of Folklore and the Fairies of Shakespeare (1930; rpt. edn., New York, 1972), 38; Ralph Merrifield, The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic (London, 1987), 137–158.

26. Scott, Witchcraft, 27; Catherine Maloney, "A Witch-Bottle from Dukes Place, Aldgate," Transactions of the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society 31 (1980), 157–159; John Demos, Remarkable Providences: Readings on Early American History (Boston, 1991), 437–438; Merrifield, Archaeology, 159–178.

27. Roderick A. McDonald, The Economy and Material Culture of Slaves: Goods and Chattels on the Sugar Plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana (Baton Rouge, 1993), 40; Carla Mulford et al., eds., Early American Writings (New York, 2002), 508.

28. Anna Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Traditional Folklore: The Magic of Time (Boulder, Colo, 1998), 122; Matthiessen, Natten, 100; Anonymous, Travel Diary, 1795, Chetham's Library, Manchester, Eng.; OED, s. v. "mezuzah."

29. Sewall, Diary, 1,400; David D. Hall, "The Mental World of Samuel Sewall," in David Hall et al., eds., Saints & Revolutionaries: Essays on Early American History (New York,

1984), 80; Brand 1848, II, 73, III, 20–21; Kingsley Palmer, The Folklore of Somerset (Totowa, N. J., 1976), 45; Mrs. Gutch, County Folk-Lore: Examples of Printed Folk-Lore Concerning the East Riding of Yorkshire (London, 1912), 64; Karl Wegert, Popular Culture, Crime, and Social Control in 18th Century Württemberg (Stuttgart, 1994), 71.

30. Trenchard, The Natural History of Superstition (London, 1709), 24; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 636–637,647—648.

31. UM, May, 1751,220.

32. Henry Bull, comp., Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations… (Cambridge, 1842), 75.

33. ВС, July 1, 1761; Brand 1848, III, 180–182, 228; Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Folklore, 67,204; R.W. Scribner, Popular Culture and Popular Movements in Reformation Germany (London, 1987), 32; Mrs. M. MacLeod Banks, British Calendar Customs: Scotland (London, 1941), III, 112, 116–117; e-mail of Jan. 29, 2002 from David Bromwich, Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, Taunton, Eng.; Muchembled, "Popular Culture," 24.

34. Dec. 7,1758, Dyer, Diary; June 3,1662, Pepys, Diary, III, 101; Ian Cameron, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720–1790 (Cambridge, 1981), 127.

35. Eugen Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870–1914 (Stanford, Calif., 1976), 161; Pounds, Culture, 109–117; Roche, Consumption, 125–130; Raffaella Sarti, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 92–93.

36. William Carr, ed., The Dialect of Craven, in the West-Riding of the County of York (London, 1828), 1,30; Joseph Lawson, Letters to the Young on Progress in Pudsey during the Last Sixty Years (Stanningley, Eng., 1887), 23; Annik Pardailhe Galabrun, The Birth of Intimacy: Privacy and Domestic Life in Early Modern Paris, trans. Jocelyn Phelps (Philadelphia, 1991), 120.

37. Pounds, Culture, 110–112; Roche, Consumption, 130–131; Tobias George Smollett, Travels through France and Italy, ed. Frank Felsentein (Oxford, 1979), 209.