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46. W. Carew Hazlitt, ed., English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases… (London, 1882), 94; Edward Ward, The London Spy (1709; rpt. edn., New York, 1985), 40; Barber, "Traveller," 39; M. Betham-Edwards, ed., The Autobiography of Arthur Young (1898; rpt. edn., New York, 1967), 194. См. также: Sept. 15, 1779, Andrew Oliver, ed., The Journal of Samuel Curwen, Loyalist (Cambridge, Mass., 1972), 560.

47. OED, s. V. "blind road"; Sept. 16,1795, "Dr. Pierce's Manuscript Journal," Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, 2nd Ser., 3 (1886–1887), 52; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785–1812 (New York, 1990), 202; Hull, Touching the Rock, 103.

48. Faber, ed., Gay Works, 83.

49. Descartes, Selected Philosophical Writings, trans. John Cottingham et al. (Cambridge, 1988), 58; Harry Porter, The Pleasant History of the Two Angry Women ofAbington (n. p., 1599); Oct. 2,1724, Parkman, Diary, 6.

50. Cecil Aspinall-Oglander, ed., Admiral’s Wife: Being the Life and Letters of the Hon. Mrs. Edward Boscawen from 1719 to 1761 (London, 1940), 235; Monique Savoy, Lumières sur la Ville: Introduction et Promotion de l'Elecricité en Suisse: L'Éclairage Lausannois, 1881–1921 (Lausanne, 1988), 50.

51. L'Estrange, Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflections (London, 1699), 1,103.

52. Torrey, ed., Thoreau Writings, III, 340.

53. Farley's Bristol Journal, Feb. 18, 17°9; Ward, London Spy, III, 48–49; Aileen Riberio, Dress in Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1715–1789 (New Haven, 2002), 85.

54. OBP, July 9—11,1740,174; Joseph Lawson, Letters to the Young on Progress in Pudsey during the Last Sixty Years (Stanningley, Eng., 1887), 33; Tornano, Proverbi, 170.

55. Hadrianus Junius, The Nomenclator… (London, 1585), 160–161; OED, s. v. "greatcoat"; John Owen, Travels into Different Parts of Europe, in the Years 1791 and 1792… (London, 1796), II, 81; Tobias Smollett, The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves (London, 1762), 239; Daniel Defoe, The Life of… Robinson Crusoe (London, 1729), 180; Henry Swinburne, Travels in the Two Sicilies… (London, 1783), II, 308; Jonas Hanway, An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea… (London, 1753), II, 336; Riberio, Dress, 22–24,30—31,87.

56. W. Hooper, ed., Letters of Baron Bielfeld… (London, 1768), IV, 166; OED, s.v. "night-kerchief," "mob"; Tilley, Proverbs in England, 296; John Owen, Travels into Different Parts of Europe, in the Years 1791 and 1792… (London, 1796), II, 81; Apr. 24, 25,1665, Pepys, Diary, VI, 89; F. Pomey and A. Lovell, Indiculus Universalis; or, the Universe in Epitome… (London, 1679), 68; Riberio, Dress, 49.

57. Thomas Burke, English Night-Life: From Norman Curfew to Present Black-Out (New York, 1971), 54; Andrew Henderson, ed., Scottish Proverbs (Edinburgh, 1832), 69; OBP, Oct. 4,1719,6; Cohens, Italy, 49.

58. Torrington, Diaries, III, 290.

59. Nov. 28, 1785, Woodforde, Diary, II, 216; James Peller Malcolm, Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century… (London, 1810), 1,145. См. также: July 30,1755, Parkman, Diary, 293.

60. LC, Aug. 18,1785.

61. Varrò, On the Latin Language, trans. Roland G. Kent (Cambridge, Mass., 1957), I, 177–179; Censorinus, De Die Natale, trans. William Maude (New York, 1900), 40; Henry Hibbert, Syntagma Theologicum… (London, 1662), 30.

62. Augustin Gallo, Secrets de la Vraye Agriculture… (Paris, 1572), 213; Leonard Lawrence, A Small Treatise betwixt Arnalte and Lucenda (London, 1639), 7; Nina Gockerell, "Telling Time without a Clock," in Klaus Maurice and Otto Mayr, eds., The Clockwork Universe: German Clocks and Automata, 1550–1650 (New York, 1980), 137. Эта хронология составлена на основе многочисленных первоисточников.

63. Ralph Knevet, Rhodon and Iris… (London, 1631); OED, s. v. "hen and chickens," "seven stars"; Weinsberg, Diary, 1,59; Gockerell, "Telling Time," 137.

64. Barber, "Traveller," 42; Crusius, Node, ch. 3.12; Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1, 2, 198; The RapeofLucrece, 113–119.

65. OBP, Oct. 12,1737, 205; M. D'Archenholz, A Picture of England… (London, 1789), II, 79; Ménétra, Journal, 195–196.

66. SWP, I, 99; Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1, 1, 143; Bourne, Antiquitatecs Vulgares, 38; Alan Gailey, "The Bonfire in North Irish Tradition," Folklore 88 (1977), 18; Crusius, Node, ch. 3.36.

67. William Howitt, The Boy's Country Book (London, n.d), 196; Bourne, Antiquitates Vulgares, 87, 84, passim; Francis Grose, A Provincial Glossary (1787; rpt. edn., Menston, Eng., 1968), 3, 2. См. также: James Dawson Bum, The Autobiography of a Beggar Boy, ed. David Vincent (London, 1978), 67; Bartholomäus Sastrow et al., Social Germany in Luther's Time: Being the Memoirs of Bartholomew Sastrow, trans. H. A. L. Fisher (Westminster, Eng., 1902), 291.

68. Lynn Doyle, An Ulster Childhood (London, 1926), 61; Charles Jackson, ed., The Diary of Abraham De la Pryme, the Yorkshire Antiquary (Durham, Eng., 1870), 39. См. также: Life and Struggles of William Lovett… (London, 1876), 11.

69. OBP, Jan. 16–20, 1752, 48; Matthiessen, Natten, 63; Oct. 27, 1771, Basil Cozens-Hardy, ed., The Diary ofSylos Neville, 1767–1788 (London, 1950), 132; Richard Cobb, Paris and its Provinces, 1792–1802 (New York, 1975), 45; Paul Zumthor, Daily Life in Rembrandt's Holland (New York, 1963), 249; James Lackington, Memoirs of the First Forty-Five Years… (London, 1792), 34.

70. June 23, 1745, Lewis, Diary, 184; "Journal of P. Oliver, 1776–1810," Egerton Mss. 2672,1, fo. 68, BL; Diary of John Leake, 1713, Rawlinson Mss., D. 428, fo. 37, Bodl.; F. Platter, Journal, 36.

71. Taillepied, Ghosts, 78; Moryson, Itinerary, IV, 294; Early Prose and Poetical Works of John Taylor the Water Poet (1580–1653) (London, 1888), 156; Letters from Minorca… (Dublin, 1782), 213; Matthiessen, Natten, 24.

72. Clare Williams, ed., Thomas Platter's Travels in England, 1599 (London, 1937), 150; Sept. 19, 1662, Pepys, Diary, III, 201; Paolo Da Certaldo, Libro di Buoni Costumi, ed. Alfredo Schiaffini (Florence, 1945), 14; OBP, Oct. 17–19, 1749, 163; Mrs. Grant, Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland… (New York, [1831?]), 1,121; Jackson, ed., De la Pryme Diary, 71; Schindler, Rebellion, 215.

73. Yves-Marie Bercé, History of Peasant Revolts: The Social Origins of Rebellion in Early Modern France, trans. Amanda Whitmore (Ithaca, N. Y., 1990), 278; Diary of James Scudamore, ca. 1710, Hereford City Library, Eng.; Feb. 13, 14, 1667, Pepys, Diary, VIII, 60, 62; Lawrence F. Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 (New York, 1977), 94.

74. Nov. 18, 1762, Frederick A. Pottle, ed., Boswell's London Journal, 1762–1763 (New York, 1950), 43. См. также: Dec. 17,1769, Woodforde, Diary, 1,95.

75. Brian Hill, Observations and Remarks in a Journey through Sicily and Calabria (London, 1792), 49; Journal of Twisden Bradboum, 1693–1967, 1698, 103, Miscellaneous English Manuscripts c. 206, Bodl. «Окропление святой водой, — писал Ноэль Тайльпье, — это верная защита от козней и хитрости злых духов» (Ghosts, 174).

76. Grose, Provincial Glossary, 70; R. D. Oliver Heslop, comp., Northumberland Words… (London, 1894), I, 204; Brand 1848, III, 15; Muchembled, Popular Culture, trans. Cochrane, 84–85; Enid Porter, Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore (New York, 1969), 62; Paul-Yves Sébillot, Le Folklore de la Bretagne… (Paris, 1968), II, 132; Jean Delumeau, La Peur en Occident, XlVe-XVllle Siècles. Une Cité Assiégée (Paris, 1978), 92; William Dillon Piersen, Black Yankees: The Development of an Afro-American Subculture in Eighteenth-Century New England (Amherst, Mass., 1988), 85.

77. Faber, ed., Gay Works, 81; Rousseau, Emile, trans. Bloom, 148; John Bumap, July 10, 1766, Assi 45/28/2/97c. См. также: Thomas Hardy, The Trumpet-Major… (1912; rpt. edn., New York, 1984), 274.

78. Remarks 1717,175; Watson, ed., Men and Times, 115; Bernard Mandeville, An Enquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Executions at Tyburn, ed. Marvin R. Zirker, Jr. (Los Angeles, 1964), 10; Muchembled, Violence, 65,120–121.

79. Schindler, Rebellion, 223; Muchembled, Violence, 120–123, 259; William Mowfitt, Aug. 14,1647, Assi 45/2/1/229; T. Platter, Journal, 197; Pinkerton, Travels, 1,224; Milly Harrison and О. M. Royston, comps., How They Lived… (Oxford, 1965), II, 253; OBP, May 2–5,1739,73; Rousseau, Emile, trans. Bloom, 138.

80. Anna Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Traditional Folklore: The Magic of Time (Boulder, Colo., 1998), 63; Sébillot, Folklore de la Bretagne, II, 162; Autobiography of the Blessed Mother Anne of Saint Bartholomew (St. Louis, 1916), 15; Casey, ed., Jean Paul, trans. Casey, 339; F. Platter, Journal, 104.

81. Abel Boyer, Dictionare Royal… (Amsterdam, 1719); Paul Monroe, Thomas Platter and the Educational Renaissance of the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1904), 161, 107; Dietz, Surgeon, 110–111. См. также: Stephen Bradwell, A Watch-Man for the Pest… (London, 1625), 39.

82. Llewellynn Jewitt, ed., The Life of William Hutton… (London, 1872), 159; Braker, Life, 58; David Pulsifer, ed., Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England (Boston, 1861), XI, 106; Dec. 13,1765, Frank Brady and Frederick A. Potde, eds., Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 1765–1766 (New York, 1955), 232.

83. Feb. 7,1704, Cowper, Diary.

84. Jan. 29,1735, Clegg, Diary, I, 217; June 14,1757, Turner, Diary, 100.

85. SWP, II, 560–561; Oct. 28,1833, McGrath, ed., O'Sullivan Diary, III, 247.