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18. Grose, Dictionary; Robert Abbot, The Young Mans Warning-Piece… (London, 1657), 35 (taken from Job 24:15); F. Platter, Journal, 80; Samuel Rowlands, The Night-Raven (London, 1620); Wendy Dortiger, The Bedtrick: Tales of Sex and Masquerade (Chicago, 2000), passim; Joanne Bailey, Unquiet Lives: Marriage and Marriage Breakdown in England, 1660–1800 (Cambridge, 2003), 140–167.

19. Aug. 18, June 2,1668, Nov. 8, 1665, Apr. 9, 1667, Pepys, Diary, IX, 282, 221, VI, 294, VIII, 159, passim; Lawrence Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 (New York, 1977), 552–561.

20. Frederick J. Fumivall, ed., Phillip Stubbes's Anatomy of the Abuses in England in Shakespeare's Youth A. D. 1583 (London, 1877), 1, 149; David Cressy, Birth, Marriage & Death: Ritual Religion, and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England (Oxford, 1997), 352; Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 380.

21. Brand 1848, II, 229; Clodagh Tait, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Ireland, 1550–1650 (New York, 2002), 34–35; Cressy, Birth, Marriage & Death, 427; Margo Todd, The Culture of Protestantism in Early Modem Scotland (New Haven, 2002), 212–213; Edward MacLysaght, Irish Life in the Seventeenth Century (1950; rpt. edn., New York, 1970), 318.

22. Darryl Ogier, "Night Revels and Werewolfery in Calvinist Guernsey," Folklore 109 (1998), 54; Jean-Louis Flandrin, Families in Former Times: Kinship, Household and Sexuality, trans. Richard Southern (Cambridge, 1979), 108–109, John McManners, Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France (Oxford, 1999), II, 203; Steven Ozment, Flesh and Spirit: Private Life in Early Modern Germany (New York, 1999), 208.

23. Farmer, ed., Songs and Ballads, II, 82; Gloria L. Main, Peoples of a Spacious Land: Families and Cultures in Colonial New England (Cambridge, Mass., 2001), 7; C. Scott Dixon, The Reformation and Rural Society: The Parishes of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 1528–1603 (Cambridge, 1996), 112, 128; Griffiths, Youth, 258; Paroimiographia (British), 25; Thomas Willard Robisheaux, "The Origins of Rural Wealth and Poverty in Hohenlohe, 1470–1680" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of Virginia, 1981), 170; Sara Tilghman Nalle, God in La Mancha: Religious Reform and the People of Cuenca, 1500–1650 (Baltimore, 1985), 28–29; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 256.

24. Aug. 19,1794, Drinker, Diary, I, 584; The Roving Maids of Aberdeen's Garland ((Edinburgh?], 1776); Feb. 10, 1873, William Plomer, ed., Kilvert's Diary: Selections from the Diary of the Rev. Francis Kilvert… (London, 1971), II. 322. См. также: Charles Woodmason, The Carolina Backcountry on the Eve of the Revolution…, ed. Richard J. Hooker (Chapel Hill, N. C, 1953), 100.

25. Roger Lonsdale, The New Book of Eighteenth-Century Verse (Oxford, 1984), 405; George Parfitt and Ralph Houlbrooke, eds., The Courtship Narrative of Leonard Wheatcrofi, Derbyshire Yeoman (Reading, Eng., 1986), 52; Émile Guillaumin, The Life of a Simple Man, ed. Eugen Weber, trans. Margaret Crosland (Hanover, N. H., 1983), 41,43–44.

26. Lochwd, Ymddiddan Rhwng Mab a Merch, Y'nghylch Myned 1 Garu yn y Gwely (n. p., [1800 s]), 4.

27. A Tour in Ireland in 1775 (London, 1776), 103–104; Ernest W. Marwick, The Folklore of Orkney and Shetland (Totowa, N. J., 1975), 86; Rosalind Mitchison and Leah Lenman, Sexuality and Social Controclass="underline" Scotland, 1660–1780 (Oxford, 1989), 180; A Tour in Ireland in 1775 (London, 1776), 103. Об Америке раннего Нового времени (включая не только Новую Англию, но также Нью-Джерси и Пенсильванию) см.: Richard Godbeer, Sexual Revolution in Early America (Baltimore, 2002), 246–255; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and Lois K. Stabler, "Girling of it' in Eighteenth-Century New Hampshire," Annual Proceedings, Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife (1985), 24–36; "John Hunt's Diary," New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings 53 (1935), 111, 112,122; John Robert Shaw, An Autobiography of Thirty Years, 1777–1807, ed. Oressa M. Teagarden and Jeanne L Crabtree (Columbus, Ohio, 1992), 108; Bernard Chevignard, “Les Voyageurs Européens et la Pratique du 'Bondelage' (Bundling) en Nouvelle-Angleterre a la Fin du XVllle Siècle," in L'Amérique et l'Europe: Réalité et Représentations (Aix-en-Provence, 1986), 75–87.

28. May 5,1663, William L. Sachse, ed., The Diary of Roger Lowe of Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire, 1663–1674 (New Haven, 1938), 20, passim; Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture (1843; rpt. edn., New York, 1968), 365; Griffiths, Youth, 259–261; Apr. 5, 18, 1765, Turner, Diary, 318,320; Parfitt and Houlbrooke, eds., Courtship, 53, passim.

29. Tour in Ireland, 103–104; Rudolf Braun, Industrialization and Everyday Life, trans. Sarah Hanbury Tension (Cambridge, 1990), 44; J.-L. Flandrin, "Repression and Change in the Sexual Life of Young People in Medieval and Early Modem Times," in Robert Wheaton and Tamara K. Hareven, eds., Family and Sexuality in French History (Philadelphia, 1980), 34–35.

30. Enid Porter, Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore (New York, 1969), 5; Les Nuits d'Épreuve des Villageoises Allemandes… (Paris, 1861), 8.

31. Cannon, Diary, 137.

32. Howard C. Rice, Jr., and Anne S. K. Brown, trans, and eds., The American Campaigns of Rochambeau's Army 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783 (Princeton, N. J., 1972), I, 245; Michael Drake, Population and Society in Norway 1735–1865 (Cambridge, 1969), 144; Henry Reed Stiles, Bundling: Its Origin, Progress and Decline in America (1871; rpt. edn., New York, 1974), 33; Stone, Family, Sex and Marriage, 606.

33. Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 385; Hugh Jones, О Gerddi Newyddion (n. p., [1783?]), 3; Rice, Jr., and Brown, trans, and eds., Rochambeau's Army, I, 32,169; Drake, Population, 144; Christine D. Worobec, Peasant Russia: Family and Community in the Post-Emancipation Period (Princeton, N. J., 1991), 138–139; Flandrin, "Repression," 36.

34. Lochwd, Ymddiddan Rhwng Mob a Merch, 4; Stiles, Bundling, 96, 29–30; Flandrin, "Repression," 36; Dana Doten, The Art of Bundling: Being an Inquiry into the Nature & Origins of that Curious but Universal Folk-Custom… (Weston, Vt., 1938), 156; History and Journal of Charles Joseph de Losse de Bayac, 1763–1783, 1, Manuscripts Department, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; Jack Larkin, The Reshaping of Everyday Life, 1790–1840 (New York, 1988), 193–195,199; Martine Segalen, Historical Anthropology of the Family, trans. J. C. Whitehouse and Sarah Matthews (Cambridge, 1986), 130–131.

35. Flandrin, "Repression," 35–36; John R. Gillis, For Better, For Worse: British Marriages, 1600 to the Present (New York, 1985), 30–31; Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 385.

36. Jollie's Sketch of Cumberland Manners and Customs… (1811; rpt. edn., Beckermet, Eng., 1974), 40; Bernard Capp, English Almanacs, 1500–1800: Astrology and the Popular Press (Ithaca, N.Y., 1979), 122.

37. Feb. 8,1779, Sanger, Journal, 29; Fanner, ed., Songs and Ballads, IV, 220–222.

38. Braker, Life, 96; Rice, Jr., and Brown, trans, and eds., Rochambeau ’s Army, 1,245; Baker, Folklore and Customs of Rural England, 139; Les Nuits d'Épreuve, 9; Sara F. Matthews Grieco, "The Body, Appearance, and Sexuality," in HWW III, 69; Stone, Family, 607; Gillis, British Marriages, 30; Shorter, Family, 103.

39. Cereta, Collected Letters of a Renaissance Feminist, ed. Diana Maury Robin (Chicago, 1997), 34.

40. Leo P. McCauley, S. J. and Anthony A Stephenson, trans., The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (Washington, D. C, 1969), 1, 188; Another Collection of Philosophical Conferences of the French Virtuosi of France…, trans. G. Havers and J. Davies (London, 1665), 316–317; Daniello Bartoli, La Ricreazione del Savio (Parma, 1992), 192–193.

41. Burton E. Stevenson, The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases (New York, 1948), 1686; Lucien Febvre, Life in Renaissance France, ed. and trans. Marion Rothstein (Cambridge, Mass., 1977), 34–36; ODNB, s. v. "Elizabeth Carter" and "John Scott"; Cecile M. Jagodzinski, Privacy and Print: Reading and Writing in Seventeenth-Century England (Charlottesville, Va., 1999), 13; Raffaella Sard, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 138–139.

42. William Devenant, The Works… (London, 1673); Roger Chartier, "The Practical Impact of Writing," in HPL III, 111–124.

43. J. R. Hale, Machiavelli and Renaissance Italy (London, 1972), 112; Chartier, "Writing," 124–157; Jagodzinski, Privacy and Print, 2–6; Anthony Grafton, "The Humanist as Reader," in Guglielmo Cavallo and Roger Chartier, A History of Reading in the West, trans. Lydia G. Cochrane (Amherst, Mass., 1999), 179–181.

44. May 19,1667, Pepys, Diary, VIII, 223, X, 34–39; Nov. 4, 1624, Beck, Diary, 199–200, passim; Canon, Diary, 41,56; Blaak, "Reading and Writing," 64–76,83—87.

45. Apr. 27, 1706, Cowper, Diary, passim; Jagodzinski, Privacy and Print, 20, 25–43; François Lebrun, "The Two Reformations: Communal Devotion and Personal Piety" and Chartier, "Writing," in HPL III, 96-104,130–134.

46. Yehonatan Eibeshiitz, Yearot Devash (Jerusalem, 2000), 371; Rabbi Aviel, ed. Mishnah Berurah: Laws Concerning Miscellaneous Blessings, the Minchah Service, the Ma'ariv Service and Evening Conduct… (Jerusalem, 1989), 413; Salo Wittmayer Baron, The Jewish Community: Its History and Structure to the American Revolution (Westport, Ct., 1972), II, 169,176, III, 163.

47. Thomas Wright, Autobiography… 1736–1797 (London, 1864), 24; Steven Ozment, Three Behaim Boys Growing Up in Early Modem Germany: A Chronicle of Their Lives (New Haven, 1990), 103; Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, trans., The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand… (New York, 1902), I, 54.

48. Dec. 31,1666, Pepys, Diary, VII, 426, X, 174–176, passim; Apr. 26,1740, Kay, Diary, 34.

49. Tilley, Proverbs in England, 79; Jan. 2,1624, Beck, Diary, 27–28, passim; Cereta, Letters, ed. Robin, 101, 31–32, passim; Lorraine Reams, "Night Thoughts: The Waking of the Souclass="underline" The Nocturnal Contemplations of Love, Death, and the Divine in the Eighteenth-Century and Nineteenth-Century French Epistolary Novel and Roman-Mémoire" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of North Carolina or Chapel Hill, 2000), 138; William Riley Parker, Milton: A Biography (Oxford, 1968), 1,578, II, 710; Blaak, "Reading and Writing," 79–87; Chartier, "Writing," Madeleine Foisil, "The Literature of Intimacy," and Jean Marie Goulemont, "Literary Practices: Publicizing the Private," in HPL III, 115–117,157-159, 327–332, 380–383.

50. Henry Halford Vaughan, ed., Welsh Proverbs with English Translations (1889; rpt. edn., Detroit, 1969), 94; Michael J. Mikos, ed., Polish Renaissance Literature: An Anthology (Columbus, Ohio, 1995), 168; RB, I, 84.