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35. June 2,1663, Pepys, Diary, IV, 171, Beattie, Crime, 173–175. См. также: Best, Books, 35.

36. Domestic Management, or the Art of Conducting a Family; with Instructions to Servants in General (London, 1740), 59; Pinkerton, Trawls, III, 316; Mar. 22,1770, Carter, Diary, I, 372; John Greaves Nail, ed., Etymological and Comparative Glossary of the Dialect of East Anglia (London, 1866), 521; William Hector, ed., Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire… (Paisley, Scot., 1876), 203–204.

37. Newton D. Mereness, ed., Travels in the American Colonies, 1690–1783 (New York, 1916), 592, 606–607; John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington (Washington, D.C., 1939), XXXII, 264; Richard Parkinson, The Experienced Farmer's Tour in America (London, 1805), 446–447; James M. Rosenheim, ed., The Notebook of Robert Doughty, 1662–1665 (Norfolk, 1989), 39; Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, passim.

38. Manning, Village Revolts, 296, 284–305, passim; Rachel N. Klein, "Ordering the Backcountry: The South Carolina Regulation," WMQ, 3rd Ser., 38 (1981), 671–672.

39. Robert Bell, Early Ballads… (London, 1889), 436–437; David Davies, The Case of Labourers in Husbandry… (Dublin, 1796), 77; Spike Mays, Reuben's Corner (London, 1969), 197; Frank McLynn, Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England (London, 1989), 172–197. См. также: Walker's Hibernian Magazine, April 1792,296.

40. LEP, Oct. 5,1738; Arthur Walter Slater, ed., Autobiographical Memoir of Joseph Jewell, 1763–1846 (London, 1964), 134; Cal Winslow, "Sussex Smugglers," in Douglas Hay et al, eds., Albion's Fatal Tret. Crime and Society in Eighteenth-Century England (New York, 1975), 119–166; Hufton, Poor of Eighteenth-Century France, 284–305.

41. Defoe, Tour, 1,123; OED, s. v. "owler"; McLynn, Crime and Punishment, 177; Burton E. Stevenson, The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases (New York, 1948), 1623; Eric Partridge, ed., A Dictionary of the Underworld… (New York, 1950), 449; Dec. 13,1794, Woodforde, Diary, IV, 160, passim; Slater, ed., Jewell Memoir, 135; "Extract of a Letter from Orford" LC, March 23,1782; John Kelso Hunter, The Retrospect of an Artist's Life: Memorials of West Countrymen and Manners of the Past Half Century (Kilmarnock, Scot., 1912), 42.

42. T. J. A. Le Goff and D. M. G. Sutherland "The Revolution and the Rural Community in Eighteenth-Century Brittany," PP 62 (1974), 100; Jütte, Poverty, 153–156. В отличие от контрабанды, разграбление кораблей, потерпевших крушение, жителями побережья не было исключительно ночным видом преступления. Несмотря на изредка звучавшие голословные обвинения в том, что на берегу зажигались фальшивые сигнальные огни, приведшие к кораблекрушению, свидетельств этому крайне мало. В основном мародеры грабили суда, как только могли до них добраться, вне зависимости от того, какое было время суток. См.: "An Act for Enforcing the Laws Against Persons Who Shall Steal or Detain Shipwrecked Goods…," 26 George II c. 19; W. H. Porter, A Penman’s Story (London, 1965), 129; John G. Rule, "Wrecking and Coastal Plunder," in Hay et al., eds., Albion's Fatal Tree, 180–181.

43. Tobias Smollett, Travels through France and Italy (Oxford, 1979), 215; Cannon, Diary, 183; OBP, Sept. 18, 1752, 244; Richard Jefferson, Oct. 16, 1734, Assi 45/20/1/9; D. R Hainsworth, Stewards, Lords, and People: The Estate Steward and His World in Later Stuart England (Cambridge, 1992), 208–209; Jim Bullock, Bowers Row: Recollections of a Mining Village (Wakefield Eng., 1976), 163; Douglas Hay, "Poaching and the Game Laws on Canock Chase," in Hay et al., eds., Albion's Fatal Tree, 201–202; Manning, Village Revolts, 293; Douglas Hay "War, Dearth and Theft in the Eighteenth Century: The Record of the English Courts," PP 95 (1982), 117–160. Как сказал E. П. Томпсон, «тот же человек, который снимает шляпу перед сквайром днем и кто мог бы остаться в истории как образец почтительности, ночью может убивать его овец, ловить в капканы его фазанов и отравлять его псов». (Customs in Common: Studies in Traditional Popular Culture [New York, 1991], 66.)

44. Robert M. Isherwood, Farce and Fantasy: Popular Entertainment in Eighteenth-Century Paris (New York, 1986), 208; Roger Thompson, Unfit for Modest Ears: A Study of Pornographic, Obscene and Bawdy Works Written or Published in England in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century (Totowa, N. J., 1979), 59; Alexander Hamilton, Gentleman's Progress: The Itinerarium of Dr. Alexander Hamilton, 1744, ed. Carl Bridenbaugh (Chapel Hill, N. C, 1948), 46; "T.S.C.P.," PA, Nov. 13, 1767; Kathryn Norberg, "Prostitutes," in HWW III, 459–474.

45. Helen Langdon, Caravaggio: A Life (New York, 1999), 144; Ferrante Pallavicino, The Whores Rhetorick… (London, 1683), 144; OBP, passim; Norberg, "Prostitutes," 462, 472–474.

46. OBP, Dec. 7—12, 1743, 13, Dec. 9—11, 1747, 15; J. M. Beattie, "The Criminality of Women in Eighteenth-Century England" JSH 8 (1975), 90.

47. Koslofsky, "Court Culture," 759; Frederique Pitou, "Jeunesse et Desordre Sociaclass="underline" Les 'Coureurs de Nuit' à Laval au XVIIIe Siècle," Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 47 (2000), 69; Ferdinando Bottarelli, The New Italian, English and French Pocket-Dictionary… (London, 1795), I; S. A. H. Bume, ed., The Staffordshire Quarter Sessions Rolls, 1581—[1606] (Kendall, Eng., 1940), V, 238; PA, July 30,1762; Davenant, Works; The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (Boston, 1881), III, 647; Daniel Fabre, "Families: Privacy versus Custom," in HPL III, 546–561.

48. Schindler, Rebellion, 210; Matthiessen, Natten, 137; Rudolf Braun, Industrialization and Everyday Life, trans. Sarah Hanbury Tension (Cambridge, 1990), 84; Minutes of the Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, 1704–1776 (Philadelphia, 1847), 405; J. R. Ward, "A Planter and His Slaves in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica," in T. C. Smout, ed., The Search for Wealth and Stability: Essays in Economic and Social History Presented to M. W. Flinn (London, 1979), 19.

49. HMM and GA, Mar. 10, 1752; Koslofsky, "Court Culture," 760; Pitou, "Coureurs de Nuit," 72, 82–84; Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, "Potere Politico e Spazio Sociale," in Mario Sbriccoli, ed., La Notte: Ordine, Sicurezza e Disciplinamcnto in Età Moderna (Florence, 1991), 61; Maurice Andrieux, Daily Life in Venice in the Time of Casanova, trans. Mary Fitton (London, 1972), 29; Elizabeth S. Cohen, "Honor and Gender in the Streets of Early Rome," JIH 22 (1992), 597–625; Matthiessen, Natten, 129; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 258–260; Auguste Philippe Herlaut, "L'Éclairage des Rues à Paris à la Fin du XVIIe Siècle et au XVIIIe Siècle," Mémoire de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France 43 (1916), 221–222,226.

50. Iona Opie and Moira Tätern, eds., A Dictionary of Superstitions (Oxford, 1989), 142; Washington Irving, History, Tales and Sketches, ed. James W. Tuttleton (New York, 1983), 1071–1072; Darryl Ogier, "Night Revels and Werewolfery in Calvinist Guernsey," Folklore 109 (1998), 56–57; Lavater, Spirites, 21–22; A. Voisin, "Notes sur la Vie Urbaine au XV Siècle: Dijon la Nuit," Annales de Bourgogne 9 (1937), 271.

51. D. M. Ogier, Reformation and Society in Guernsey (Rochester, N. Y., 1996), 137; Apr. 30, 1673, Isham, Diary, 207; Pavan, "Nuit Vénitienne," 345; Muchembled, Violence, 124.

52. Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 275; Evelyn, Diary, И, 472; Mar. 25,1668, Pepys, Diary, IX, 133.

53. Moryson, Itinerary, IV, 373; Hannah Miurk [?], Feb. 28,1677, Suffolk Court Files № 1549, Suffolk County Court House, Boston; Janekovick-Römer, "Dubrovniks," 103; Koslofsky, "Court Culture," 755; Jacques Rossiaud, "Prostitution, Youth, and Society," in Robert Forster and Orest Ranum, eds., Deviants and the Abandoned in French Society: Selections from the Annales Economics, Sociétés, Civilisations, trans. Elborg Forster and Patricia Ranum (Baltimore, 1978), 12–13; Aug. 16,1624, Beck, Diary, 152; T. Platter, Journal, 249; George Huppert, After the Black Death: A Social History of Early Modern Europe (Bloomington, Ind., 1986), 38.

54. Fabre, "Families," 547; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 261; Dec. 26, 1718, Lewis, Diary; James R. Farr, Hands of Honor: Artisans and Their World in Dijon, 1550–1650 (Ithaca, N. Y., 1988), 211; Muchembled, Violence, 124; Pitou, "Coureurs de Nuit," 73–74. См. также: Nov. 20, 1680, Heywood, Diary, 1,276.

55. Eli Faber, "The Evil That Men Do: Crime and Transgression in Colonial Massachusetts" (Ph. D. diss., Columbia Univ., 1974), 168; VG, Aug. 28,1752; Boston Gazette, Jan. 8,1754; Sept. 6,1774, The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell (New York, 1924), 35; NYWJ, May 22,1738; Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, 394–398.

56. James C. Scott, "Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance," in James C. Scott and Benedict J. Kerkvliet, eds., Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance in South-east Asia (London, 1986), 6. Эго не значит, что празднование Масленичного карнавала не приводило порой к непредвиденным беспорядкам, особенно после наступления ночи. См.: Davis, Society and Culture, 103–104, 117–119, 122–123; Mikhail Baktin, Rabelais and His World, trans. Helene Iswoldky (Cambridge, Mass., 1968).

57. M. Dorothy George, London Life in the XVIIIth Century (London, 1925), 280; Joe Thompson, The Life and Adventures… (London, 1788), 1,93; "Advice to Apprentices," Walker's Hibernian Magazine (1791), 151; Awnsham Churchill, comp., A Collection of Voyages and Travels… (London, 1746), VI, 542; Philip D. Morgan, "Black Life in Eighteenth-Century Charleston," Perspectives in American History, New Ser., 1 (1984), 324–325; Fabre, "Families," 550, 548.

58. Pitou, "Coureurs de Nuit," 88; A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing the Selectmen's Minutes from 1764 to 1768 (Boston, 1889), 100; OED, s. V. "scour"; Bume, ed., Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, V, 238. См. также: Matthiessen, Natten, 137–139; "John Blunt," G and NDA, Oct. 31,1765.

59. George, London Life, 400, n. 101; OBP, Sept. 7,1737,187,190.