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60. Defoe, Tour, I, 123; Robert Semple, Observations on a Journey through Spain and Italy to Naples… (London, 1807), II, 218.

61. F. G. Emmison, Elizabethan Life: Disorder (Chelmsford, Eng., 1970), 245; Ann Kussmaul, ed., The Autobiography of Joseph Mayett of Quainton (1783–1839) (London, 1979), 14–15.

62. V. S. Naipaul, The Loss of El Dorado: A History (London, 1969), 251–257; Davis, Society and Culture, 97—123; Bernard Capp, "English Youth Groups and 'The Pinder of Wakefield/" PP 76 (1977), 128–129; Giffiths, Youth, 169–175; Janekovick-Römer, "Dubrovniks," 110; liana Krausman Ben-Amos, Adolescence and Youth in Early Modern England (New Haven, 1994), 176–177. Касательно концепции «налагающихся друг на друга субкультур» см.: Bob Scribner, "Is a History of Popular Culture Possible?" History of European Ideas 10 (1989), 184–185; David Underdown, "Regional Cultures? Local Variations in Popular Culture during the Early Modern Period," in Tim Harris, ed., Popular Culture in England, c. 1500–1800 (New York, 1995), 29.

63. Jütte, Poverty, 180–185; Schindler, Rebellion, 275; The Honour of London Apprentices: Exemplified, in a Brief Historicall Narration (London, 1647); Richard Mowery Andrews, Law, Magistracy, and Crime in Old Regime Paris, 1735–1789 (Cambridge, 1994), 521–535; "A Constant Correspondent," PA, Apr. 22, 1763; Dekker, Writings, 187–191; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 248–249; A L. Beier, Masterless Men: The Vagrancy Problem in England, 1560–1640 (London, 1985), 125–126.

64. Tornano, Proverbi Italiani, 34; Robert W. Malcolmson, Popular Recreations in English Society, 1700–1850 (Cambridge, 1973), 75.

65. Marston, The Malcontent, ed. M. L. Wine (Lincoln, Neb., 1964), 64.

66. Griffiths, Youth, 151–152; Davis, Society and Culture, 104–123; Fabre, "Families," 533–556, passim; Thompson, Customs in Common, 467–533; Burke, Popular Culture, 199–201.

67. Fabre, "Families," 555–566; The Libertine's Choice… (London, 1704), 14–15; F. Platter, Journal, 172; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 252–253; Giffiths, Youth, 397.

68. American Weekly Mercury (Philadelphia), Oct. 21, 1736; John Brewer, Party Ideology and Popular Politics at the Accession of George III (Cambridge, 1976), 186–188; Stanley H. Palmer, Police and Protest in England and Ireland, 1780–1850 (Cambridge, 1988), 129–130.

69. Jean Delumeau, Sin and Fear: The Emergence of a Western Guilt Culture, I3th-18th Centuries, trans. Eric Nicholson (New York, 1990), 128; Muchembled, Violence, 241; Malcolmson, Recreations, 60–61, 75–76, 81–84; Burke, Popular Culture, 190, 201–203.

70. Bourne, Antiquitates Vulgares, 229–230; Henry Fielding, An Enquiry into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers and Related Writings, ed. Malvin R. Zirker (Middletown, Ct., 1988), 81; Stephen Duck, Poems on Several Occasions (London, 1736), 27.

71. Parkinson, Farmer's Tour, 440; G and NDA, Sept. 15,1767; Paul S. Seaver, "Declining Status in an Aspiring Age: The Problem of the Gentle Apprentice in Seventeenth-Century London," in Bonnelyn Young Kunze and Dwight D. Bräutigam, eds., Court, Country and Culture: Essays on Early Modern British History in Honor of Perez Zagorin (Rochester, N. Y, 1992), 139–140; Dekker, Writings, 173.

72. Oct. 13,1703, May 20, 21, 1704, Jan. 27,1707, Cowper, Diary; Oct. 15,1780, Nov. 25, 1782, Woodforde, Diary, I, 293, II, 45; Carter, Diary, I, 359; Henry Wakefield, Aug. 4, 1729, Assi 45/18/7/1; Eric Robinson, ed., John Clare's Autobiographical Writings (Oxford, 1983), 62.

73. Robinson, ed., Clare's Autobiographical Writings, 167; OBP, Oct. 16,1723, 7; May 24, 1711, Cowper, Diary; Marybeth Carlson, "Domestic Service in a Changing City Economy; Rotterdam, 1680–1780" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1993), 132; Fairchilds, Domestic Enemies, 209; Patricia S. Seleski, "The Women of the Laboring Poor: Love, Work and Poverty in London, 1750–1820" (Ph. D. diss., Stanford Univ., 1989), 89.

74. Jan. 24, 1770, Carter, Diary, I, 348; Fitzpatrick, ed., Washington Writings, XXXII, 246, XXXIII, 369, 444; Gladys-Marie Fry, Night Riders in Black Folk History (Knoxville, Term., 1975), 60–73; Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, 524–526.

75. Griffiths, Youth, 78; Manning, Village Revolts, 72–73, 97, 197, 207; Mihoko Suzuki, "The London Apprentice Riots of the 1590s and the Fiction of Thomas Deloney," Criticism 38 (19 %), 181–182; Matthiessen, Natten, 139; Thomas Willard Robisheaux, Rural Society and the Search for Order in Early Modem Germany (Cambridge, 1989), 119; Koslofsky, "Court Culture," 759; Martina Orosovâ, "Bratislavski Zobräci V 18. Storoci," Slovenska Archivistika 34 (1999), 95; Faber, "Evil That Men Do," 169–171; William M. Wiecek, "The Statutory Law of Slavery and Race in the Thirteen Mainland Colonies of British America," WMQ, 3rd Ser., 34 (1977), 272; Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness: The First Century of Urban Life in America, 1625–1742 (Oxford, 1971), 219.

76. WJ, Apr. 20, 1723; Life of Michael Martin, Who Was Executed for Highway Robbery, December 20, 1821 (Boston, 1821), 6–7; Keith Lindley, Fenland Riots and the English Revolution (London, 1982), passim; Manning, Village Revolts, 217–218; G and NDA, Aug. 24, Sept. 9, 13, 1769; J. R. Dinwiddy, "The 'Black Lamp' in Yorkshire, 1801–1802," PP 64 (1974), 118–119; Assi 45/25/2/30; Whitehall Evening-Post (London), Aug. 3, 1749; Andrew Barrett and Christopher Harrison, eds., Crime and Punishment in England: A Sourcebook (London, 1999), 169–170.

77. E. P. Thompson, "The Crime of Anonymity," in Hay et al., eds., Albion's Fatal Tree, 278; Thomas D. Morris, Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619–1860 (Chapel Hill, N. C, 1996), 330–332; Bob Scribner, "The Mordbrenner Fear," in Richard J. Evans, ed., The German Underworld: Deviants and Outcasts in German History (London, 1988), 29–56; Penny Roberts, "Arson, Conspiracy and Rumor in Early Modem Europe," Continuity and Change 12 (1997), 9—29; André Abbiateci, "Arsonists in Eighteenth-Century France: An Essay in the Typology of Crime," in Forster and Ranum, eds., Deviants and the Abandoned, trans. Forster and Ranum, 157–179; Bernard Capp, "Arson, Threats of Arson, and Incivility in Early Modem England," in Peter Burke et al., eds., Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas (Oxford, 2000), 199–200.

78. Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, 309; Kenneth Scott, "The Slave Insurrection in New York," New York Historical Quarterly 45 (1961), 43–74; Rose, ed., Slavery, 99—101,104, 109–113; Michael Craton, Testing the Chains: Resistance to Slavery in the British West Indies (Ithaca, N. Y., 1982), passim; Wood, Black Majority, 308–326; James Sidbury, Ploughshares into Swords: Race, Rebellion, and Identity in Gabriel's Virginia, 1730–1810 (New York, 1997); David Barry Gaspar, Bondmen & Rebels: A Study of Master-Slave Relations in Antigua (Baltimore, 1985), 222; Elsa V. Goveia, Slave Society in the British Leeward Islands at the End of the Eighteenth Century (Westport, Ct., 1980), 184; Beckles, Black Rebellion, passim; Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Africans in Colonial Louisiana: The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Baton Rouge, 1992), 354–355.

79. Lindley, Fenland Riots, 179; E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (New York, 1964), 559, 565; Gaspar, Bondmen & Rebels, 246–247; Craton, Testing the Chains, 122–123; Scott, "Slave Insurrection in New York," 47; James S. Donnelly Jr., "The Whiteboy Movement, 1761–1765," Irish Historical Studies 21 (1978), 23; Peter Sahlins, Forest Rites The War of the Demoiselles in Nineteenth-Century France (Cambridge, Mass., 1994), 42–47.


1. Geoffrey Keynes, ed., The Works of Sir Thomas Browne (London, 1931), III, 230.

2. Alastair Fowler, ed., The New Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse (Oxford, 1991), 416; Stanley Coren, Sleep Thieves: An Eye-Opening Exploration into the Science and Mysteries of Sleep (New York, 1996), 9; "Почему пещерный человек спал? (Не только потому, что уставал)," Psychology Today 16 (March 1982), 30; Burton E. Stevenson, ed., The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases (New York, 1948), 1685; Carol M. Worthman and Melissa K. Melby, "Toward a Comparative Ecology of Human Sleep," in Mary A. Carskadon, ed., Adolescent Sleep Patterns: Biological, Social and Psychological Influences (Cambridge, 2002), 102–103.

3. Thomas Cogan, The Haven of Health (London, 1588), 233; [Joseph Hall], The Discovery of a New World (Amsterdam, 1969), 219–244.

4. The Adventurer, Mar. 20, 1753, 229; Craig Tomlinson, "G. C. Lichtenberg: Dreams, Jokes, and the Unconscious in Eighteenth-Century Germany," Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 40 (1992), 781. Кроме Френсиса Бэкона, написавшего историю сна, самым пылким сторонником первостепенной важности исторического исследования был Джордж Стайнер. Изучение сна, доказывал Стайнер, «столь же, если не более, необходимо для нашей способности быстро усвоить развитие нравов и восприимчивости, как история костюма, еды, заботы о детях, психической и физической немощи, которую историки и historiens des mentalités [историки ментальностей] наконец стали доводить до нашего сведения» (No Passion Spent: Essays 1978–1996 [London, 1996], 211–212). Совсем недавно Даниэль Рош упрашивал: «Давайте помечтаем о социальной истории сна» (Consumption, 182). Исторические доклады о сновидениях включают в себя: Peter Burke, "L'Histoire Sociale des Rêves," Annales Economics, Sociétés, Civilisations 28 (1973), 329–342; Richard L. Kagan, Lucrecia’s Dreams: Politics and Prophecy in Sixteenth-Century Spain (Berkeley, Calif., 1990); Steven F. Kruger, Dreaming in the Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1992); Carole Susan Fungaroli, "Landscapes of Life: Dreams in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction and Contemporary Dream Theory" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of Virginia., 1994); S. R. F. Price, "The Future of Dreams: From Freud to Artemidorous," PP 113 (1986), 3—37; Manfred Weidhom, Dreams in Seventeenth-Century English Literature (The Hague, 1970); David Shulman and Guy G. Stroumsa, eds. Dream Cultures: Explorations in the Comparative History of Dreaming (New York, 1999); Mechal Sobel, Teach Me Dreams: The Search for Self in the Revolutionary Era (Princeton, N. J., 2000). О том, как менялось отношение человека ко сну на протяжении веков, от древности до XX века, см. в книге: Jaume Rosselló Mir et al., "Una Aproximacion Historica al Estudio Cientifico de Sueno: El Periodo Intuitivo el Pre-Cientifico," Revista de Historia de la Psicologia 12 (1991), 133–142. Краткое исследование о сне в Средние века см. в: Verdon, Night, 203–217. Обзор основных медицинских текстов об отношении ко сну у людей раннего Нового времени см. в работе: Karl Н. Dannenfeldt, «Sleep: Theory and Practice in the Late Renaissance,» Journal of the History of Medicine 41 (1986), 415–441. Совсем недавно Филлип Мартин проанализировал отношение ко сну католических авторов XVIII столетия. «Corps en Repos ou Corps en Danger? Le Sommeil dans les Livres de Piété (Seconde Moi tré du X Ville Siècle),» Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (2000), 255.