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5. Wodrow, Analecta: or, Materials for a History of Remarkable Providences…, ed. Matthew Leishman (Edinburgh, 1843), III, 496; James Miller, The Universal Passion (London, 1737), 46.

Глава десятая

1. WR or UJ, Sept. 22,1738

2. Cogan, The Haven of Health (London, 1588), 232–233; Karl H. Dannenfeldt, "Sleep: Theory and Practice in the Late Renaissance," Journal of the History of Medicine 41 (1986), 422–424.

3. Vaughan, Naturali and Artificial Directions for Health… (London, 1607), 53; Henry Davidoff, ed., World Treasury of Proverbs… (New York, 1946), 25; Dannenfeldt, "Renaissance Sleep," 7—12.

4. John Trusler, An Easy Way to Prolong Life… (London, 1775), 11; F. K. Robinson, comp., A Glossary of Words Used in the Neighbourhood of Whitby (London, 1876), 55; Tilley, Proverbs in England, 36.

5. Wilson, English Proverbs, 389.

6. The Whole Duty of Man… (London, 1691), 188–189; Stephen Innés, Creating the Commonwealth: The Economic Culture of Puritan New England (New York, 1995), 124; The Schoole of Vertue, and Booke of Good Nourture… (London, 1557); An Essay on Particular Advice to the Young Gentry… (London, 1711), 170; David Hackett Fischer, Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America (New York, 1989), 160–161.

7. Andrew Boorde, A Compendyous Regyment or a Dyetary of Health… (London, 1547); Levinus Lemnius, Touchstone of Complexions…, trans. T. Newton (London, 1576), 57.

8. Robert Macnish, The Philosophy of Sleep, ed. Daniel N. Robinson (Washington, D. C, 1977), 279; Boorde, Compendyous Regyment; Lawrence Wright, Warm and Snug: The History of the Bed (London, 1962), 195.

9. William Bullein, A Newe Boke of Phisicke Called у Goveriment of Health… (London, 1559), 91; Boorde, Compendyous Regyment; Tobias Venner, Via Recta ad Warn Longam… (London, 1637), 279–280; Directions and Observations Relative to Food, Exercise and Sleep (London, 1772), 22; Dannenfeldt, “Renaissance Sleep," 430.

10. Wilson, English Proverbs, 738; Tornano, Proverbi, 76; Wright, Warm and Snug, 194; Gratarolus, A Direction for the Health of Magistrates and Studentes (London, 1574); Sir Thomas Elyot, The Castel of Helthe (New York, 1937), iii; Dannenfeldt, "Renaissance Sleep," JHM, 420.

11. Jan. 29,1624, Beck, Diary, 39.

12. John Wilson, The Projectors (London, 1665), 45.

13. Nov. 27, 1705, Cowper, Diary; Schindler, Rebellion, 216; Lean, Collectanea, I, 503; Wright, Warm and Snug, 117; Matthiessen, Natten, 8–9.

14. Eric Sloane, The Seasons of Amecrica Past (New York, 1958), 26; Feb. 8,1756, Dec. 26, 1763, Turner, Diary, 26–27,283; Carol M. Worthman and Melissa K. Melby, "Toward a Comparative Developmental Ecology of Human Sleep," in Mary A. Carskadon, ed., Adolescent Sleep Patterns: Biological, Social, and Psychological Influences (Cambridge, 2002), 79.

15. W. F., The Schoole of Good Manners (London, 1609).

16. "Letter of M. Brady," LC, July 31, 1764; Arthur Friedman, ed., Collected Works of Oliver Goldsmith (Oxford, 1966), II, 214–218; James Boswell, The Hypochondriack, ed. Margery Bailey (Stanford, Calif., 1928), II, 110; George Steiner, No Passion Spent: Essays, 1978–1996 (London, 1996), 211–212; Simon B. Chandler, "Shakespeare and Sleep," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 29 (1955), 255–260.

17. Tornano, Proverbi, 77; "Wits Private Wealth," in Breton, Works, II, 9; Another Collection of Philosophical Conferences of the French Virtuosi…, trans. G. Havers and J. Davies (London, 1665), 419; Richard Oliver Heslop, comp., Northumberland Words… (1892; rpt. edn., Vaduz, Liecht., 1965), 1,248, П, 659; Alexander Hislop, comp., The Proverbs of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1870), 346.

18. William Rowley, All's Lost By Lust (London, 1633); Thomas Shadwell, The Amorous Bigotte (London, 1690), 43; The Dramatic Works of Sir William D'Avenant (New York, 1964), 146; Boswell, Hypochondriack, ed. Bailey, II, 112; Erik Eckholm, "Exploring the Forces of Sleep," New York Times Magazine, Apr. 17,1988,32.

19. James Hervey, Meditations and Contemplations… (London, 1752), П, 42; Boswell, Hypochondriack, ed. Bailey, II, 110; N. Caussin, The Christian Diary (London, 1652), 35; June 2, 1706, Cowper, Diary; Alan of Lille, The Art of Preaching, trans. G. R. Evans (Kalamazoo, Mich., 1981), 135. О важной дискуссии Фрейда по поводу «невротических обрядов», относящихся ко сну, см.: "Obsessive Actions and Religious Practices," in James Strachey, ed. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London, 1975), IX, 117–118; Barry Schwartz, "Notes on the Sociology of Sleep," Sociological Quarterly 11 (1970), 494–495.

20. Herbert's Devotions… (London, 1657), 237; Walter L. Straus, ed., The German Single-Leaf Woodcut, 1550–1600; A Pictorial Catalogue (New York, 1975), II, 739; Stephen Bateman, A Christall Glasse of Christian Reformation… (London, 1569).

21. Eugen Weber, My France: Politics, Culture, Myth (Cambridge, Mass., 1991), 85; Thomas Moffett, The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents… (London, 1658), II, 956–957; July 16, 1678, John Lough, ed., Locke's Travels in France, 1675–1679 (Cambridge, 1953), 207; John Southall, A Treatise ofBuggs… (London, 1730); J. F. D. Shrewsbury, The Plague of the Philistines and Other Medical-Historical Essays (London, 1964), 146–161.

22. July 16, 1784, Torrington, Diaries, 1, 174; James P. Horn, Adapting to a New World: English Society in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake (Chapel Hill, N. C, 1994), 318–319. За день до приезда домой из путешествия Сайлас Невилл отправил записку с просьбой о том, чтобы его экономка со своей дочерью спали в эту ночь на его кровати, дабы «просушить» ее (Basil Cozens-Hardy, ed., The Diary of Sylas Neville, 1767–1788 [London, 1950], 162).

23. Carolyn Pouncy, ed., The "DomostroiRules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible (Ithaca, N. Y., 1994), 170; Anna Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Traditional Folklore: The Magic of Time (Boulder, Colo, 1998), 119; PA, Mar. 20,1764.

24. Steven Bradwell, A Watch-man for the Pest… (London, 1625), 39; Oct. 20,1763, Frederick A Pottle, ed., Boswell in Holland 1763–1764 (New York, 1952), 49–50; Venner, Via Recta, 275; Israel Spach, Theses Medicae de Somno et Vigilia… (Strasburg, 1597).

25. Jon Cowans, ed., Early Modem Spain: A Documentary History (Philadelphia, 2003), 121; Alan Macfarlane, The Justice and the Mare's Ale: Law and Disorder in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1981), 56; John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington… (Washington, D. C, 1931), 1, 17. Сведения о спальной одежде встречаются редко, однако см.: С. Willett and Phillis Cunnington, The History of Underclothes (London, 1951), 41–43, 52, 61; Almut Junker, Zur Geschichte der Unterwäsche 1700–1960: eine Ausstellung des Historischen Museums Frankfurt, 28 April bis 28 August 1988 (Frankfurt, 1988), 10–78; Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process: The Development of Manners…, trans. Edmund Jephcott (New York, 1978), I, 164–165. Об отсутствии одежды у спящих см.: Edmond Cottinet, "La Nudité au Lit Selon Cathos et l'Histoire," Le Moliériste (April 1883), 20–25 (June 1883) 86–89; Dannednfeldt, "Renaissance Sleep," 426.

26. Randle Cotgrave, A Dictionaire of the French and English Tongues (London, 1611); Laurence Sterne, The Life & Opinions ofTristam Shandy, Gentleman (New York, 1950), 568; Sept. 22, 1660, Pepys, Diary, I, 251; Alison Weir, Henry VIII: The King and His Court (New York, 2001), 84.

27. The Queens Closet Opened… (London, 1661), 60–61,101–102; Aug. 11,1678, Michael Hunter and Annabel Gregory, eds., An Astrological Diary of the Seventeenth Century: Samuel JeakeofRye, 1652–1699 (Oxford, 1988), 140; Christof Wirsung, Praxis Medicinae Universalis; or a Generali Practise of Phisicke… (London, 1598), 618.

28. Moryson, Itinerary, IV, 44; "T.C.," PL, Dec. 5, 1765. В книге «Celestina: A Novel in Dialogue», написанной Фернандо де Рохасом и опубликованной на английском языке в переводе Лесли Бёрд Симпсон (Berkeley, Calif., 1971), главный герой говорит о вине: «В зимнюю ночь нет лучше грелки. Если, перед тем как лечь спать, я выпиваю три небольших кувшина вина наподобие этих, я не чувствую холода в течение всей ночи» (104).

29. Bradwell, Watch-man, 38; "W," LC, Oct. 9, 1763; Henry G. Bohn, A Hand-book of Proverbs… (London, 1855), 28; May 25,1767, Cozens-Hardy, ed., Neville Diary, 8; Feb. 29,1756, Turner, Diary, 32.

30. Thomas Elyot, The Castel ofHelthe (London, 1539), fo. 46; Governai, In this Tretyse that Is Cleped Govemayle ofHelthe (New York, 1969); Bullein, Goveriment of Health, 90.

31. Sept. 29, 1661, Pepys, Diary, II, 186; East Anglian Diaries, 51; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 113–128; François Lebrun, "The Two Reformations: Communal Devotion and Personal Piety," in HPL III, 96–97. Упоминания о ночном «затворе» можно найти в кн.: Owen Feltham, Resolves (London, 1628), 406; Oct. 2, 1704, Cowper, Diary; Andrew Henderson, ed., Scottish Proverbs (Edinburgh, 1832), 48.

32. John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations…, ed. Emily Morison Beck et al. (Boston, 1980), 320; Whole Duty of Man, 388; Thomas Becon, The Early Works…, ed. John Ayre (Cambridge, 1843), 403.