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33. Thankfull Remembrances of Gods Wonderful Deliverances… (n. p., 1628). См. также: July 18,1709, Cowper, Diary. Хорошо известна древняя корнуоллская молитва: «От вампиров, и призраков, и ползучих тварей, и от вещей, о которые можно удариться ночью, избавь нас, Милосердный Боже!» (Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, ed. Beck et al., 921).

34. Martine Segalen, Love and Power in the Peasant Family: Rural France in the Nineteenth Century, trans. Sarah Matthews (Chicago, 1983,124–125; Phillipe Martin, "Corps en Repos ou Corps en Danger? Le Sommeil dans les Livres de Piété (Second Moitié du XVIIIe Siècle)," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (2000), 253.

35. Gwyn Jones, comp., The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English (Oxford, 1977), 78; July 15,1705, Cowper, Diary; Gervase Markham, Countrey Contentments… (London, 1615), 31; William Lilly, A Groatsworth of Wit for a Penny; or, the Interpretation of Dreams (London, [1750?]), 18.

36. Cogan, Haven of Health, 235.

37. Harrison, Description, 200–201; Raffaella Sard, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 120; John E. Crowley, The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities & Design in Early Modern Britain & Early America (Baltimore, 2001), 73–76; Anne Fillon, "Comme on Fait son Lit, on se Couche 300 Ans d'Histoire du Lit Villageois," in Populatiens et Cultures… Etudes Réunies en l'Honneur de François Lebrun (Rennes, 1989), 153–161.

38. Stephanie Grauman Wolf, As Various as Their Land: The Everyday Lives of Eighteenth-Century Americans (New York, 1993), 66; Carole Shammas, "The Domestic Environment in Early Modem England and America," JSH14 (1990), 169,158; Dannenfeldt, "Renaissance Sleep," 426 n. 31; Crowley, Comfort, passim; F. G. Emmison, Elizabethan Life: Home, Work & Land (Chelmsford, Eng., 1976), 12–15; Roche, Consumption, 182–185.

39. Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, ed. Beck et al., 290; Lemnius, Touchstone of Complexions, trans. Newton, 73; Cogan, Haven of Health, 235; Brad well, Watch-man, 39.

40. Alan Everitt, "Farm Labourers," in Joan Thirsk, ed., The Agrarian History of England and Wales, IV, 1500–1640 (London, 1967), 449; Horn, Adapting to a New World, ЗЮЗИ, 324–325.

41. A Browning, ed., English Historical Documents, 1660–1714 (New York, 1953), 729; [Ward], A Trip to Ireland… (n. p., 1699), 5.

42. Harrison, Description, 201; OBP, Sept. 9—16,1767,259; Feb. 19,1665, Pepys, Diary, VI, 39; Cissie Fairchilds, Domestic Enemies: Servants & Their Masters in Old Regime France (Baltimore, 1984), 39; Steven L. Kaplan, The Bakers of Paris and the Bread Question, 1700–1775 (Durham, N. C, 1996), 259. Слуга в колониальном Мэриленде жаловался: «Завернуться в одеяло и лечь на землю — вот и весь отдых, который мы можем себе позволить» (Elizabeth Sprigs to John Sprigs, Sept. 22, 1756, in Merrill Jensen, ed., English Historical Documents: American Colonial Documents to 1776 [New York, 1955], 489). Такая судьба ожидала большинство американских рабов в раннее Новое время. Несмотря на то что в некоторых жилищах имелись «кровати из досок», чаще рабы спали на земле среди соломы, тряпья или, если повезет, нескольких грубых одеял (Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, 114).

43. OED, s. V. "bulkers"; John Heron Lepper, The Testaments of François Villon (New York, 1926), 12; Order of Nov. 28, 1732, London Court of Common Council, BL; Menna Prestwich, Cranfield: Politics and Profits Under the Early Stuarts (Oxford, 1966), 529;

Paroimiographia (French), 18; H. S. Bennett, Life on the English Manor: A Study of Peasant Conditions, 1150–1400 (Cambridge, 1967), 233; Richard Parkinson, ed., The Private Journal and Literary Remains off John Byrom (Manchester, 1854), I, Part 2,407.

44. RB, VI, 220; Tornano, Proverbi, 127.

45. Alain Collomp, "Families: Habitations and Cohabitations," in HPL III, 507; Flandrin, Families, trans. Southern, 98–99; Flaherty, Privacy, 76–79.

46. Constantia Maxwell, Country and Town in Ireland under the Georges (London, 1940), 123: Ménétra, Journal, 137; Flandrin, Families, trans. Southern, 100.0 выражении «to pig» cm.: OED; Journal of Twisden Bradboum, 1693–1694,1698,19, Miscellaneous English Manuscripts c. 206, Bodl.; Edward Peacock, comp., A Glossary of Words Used in the Wapentakes of Manley and Corringham, Lincolnshire (Vaduz, Liecht., 1965), 191.

47. John Dunton, Teague Land, or a Merry Ramble to the Wild Irish: Letters from Ireland 1698, ed. Edward MacLysaght (Blackrock, Ire., 1982), 21; Howard William Troyer, Five Travel Scripts Commonly Attributed to Edward Ward (New York, 1933), 5, 6; Maxwell, Ireland, 125; Patricia James, ed., The Travel Diaries of Thomas Robert Malthus (London, 1966), 188, Pinkerton, Travels, III, 667.

48. James E. Savage, ed., The "Conceited Newes" of Sir Thomas Overbury and His Friends (Gainesville, Fla., 1968), 260.

49. Elias, Civilizing Process, trans. Jephcott, 1,160–163; Abel Boyer, The Compleat French-Master… (London, 1699), 6; Elborg Forster, ed. and trans., A Woman's Life in the Court of the Sun King: Letters of Liselotte von der Pfalz, 1652–1722 (Baltimore, 1984), 149.

50. John Greaves Nail, ed., An Etymological and Comparative Glossary of the Dialect and Provincialism of East Anglia (London, 1866), 512; Elias, Civilizing Process, trans. Jephcott, 1,166–168.

51. May 4, 1763, Frederick A. Pottle, ed., Boswell's London Journal, 1762–1763 (New York, 1950), 253; June 14, 1765, Frank Brady and Frederick A. Pottle, eds., Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 1765–1766 (New York, 1955), 253; Isaac Heller, The Life and Confession of Isaac Heller… (Liberty, Ind., 1836). См. также: Mary Nicholson, Feb. 28,1768, Assi 45/29/1/169; Mar. 23,1669, Pepys, Diary, IX, 495.

52. Milly Harrison and О. M. Royston, comps., How They Lived (Oxford, 1965), II, 235; OBP, Sept. 13–16,1758, 291.

53. Thomas Newcomb, The Manners of the Age… (London, 1733), 454; June 22, 1799, Drinker, Diary, II, 1180; Thomas A Wehr, "The Impact of Changes in Nightlength (Scotoperiod) on Human Sleep," in F. W. Turek and P. C. Zee, eds., Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (New York, 1999), 263–285.

54. LDA, June 10,1751; Sidney Oldall Addy, comp., A Supplement to the Sheffield Glossary (Vaduz, Liecht., 1965), 19; Kenneth J. Gergen et al., "Deviance in the Dark," Psychology Today 7 (October 1973), 130.

55. Richard Bovet, Pandaemonium (Totowa, N. J., 1975), 118; James Orchard Halliwell, ed., The Autobiography and Personal Diary of Dr. Simon Forman… (London, 1849), 8–9; The Princess Cloria: or, the Royal Romance (London, 1661), 530; Dec. 15,1710, Cowper, Diary.

56. Helmut Puff, Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400–1600 (Chicago, 2003), 77–78; OBP, Sept. 10–16,1755,309; G. R Quaife, Wanton Wenches and Wayward Wives: Peasants and Illicit Sex in Early Seventeenth-Century England (London, 1979), 73; Michael Rocke, Forbidden Friendships: Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence (New York, 1996), 156.

57. The English Rogue… (London, 1671), Part II1,31; David P. French, comp., Minor English Poets, 1660–1780 (New York, 1967), III, 318; Elias, Civilizing Process, trans. Jephcott, I, 161; Maza, Servants and Masters, 184.

58. J. C. Ghosh, ed., The Works of Thomas Otway: Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters (Oxford, 1968), II, 340; Joanna Brooker, Nov. 21, 1754, Suffolk Court Files № 129733b, Suffolk County Court House, Boston.

59. Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (Avon, Ct., 1974), 440–441; George Morison Paul, ed., Diary of Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston (Edinburgh, 1911), 56; Jan. 1, 1663, Pepys, Diary, IV, 2; Nov. 29, 1776, Charles McC. Weiss and Frederick A. Pottle, eds., Boswell in Extremes, 1776–1778 (New York, 1970), 62; Dec. 28,1780, Joseph W. Reed and Frederick A. Pottle, eds., Boswelclass="underline" Laird of Auchinleck, 1778–1782 (New York, 1977), 281.

60. Joshua Swetman, The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward [sic], and Unconstant Women… (London, 1702), 43–44; May 11,1731, Clegg, Diary, 1,118; Rudolph M. Bell, How to Do It: Guides to Good Living for Renaissance Italians (Chicago, 1999), 232; The Fifteen Joys of Marriage, trans. Elisabeth Abbott (London, 1959), 22–24, 72–84.

61. Edward Jemingham, The Welch Heiress (London, 1795), 70; Diary of John Eliot, 1768, 3, passim, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford; July 21, 1700, Diary of John Richards, Dorsetshire Record Office, Dorchester. См. также: Autobiography of the Rev. Dr Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk… (Edinburgh, 1860), 545.

62. P. J. P. Goldberg, Women in England, c. 1275–1525: Documentary Sources (Manchester, 1995), 142; Ulinka Rublack, The Crimes of Women in Early Modem Germany (Oxford, 1999), 227; Boston Post-Boy, Aug. 17,1752; NYWJ, Dec. 12,1737.

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1. C. E. Roybet, ed., Les Serees de Guillaume Boucher Sieur de Brocourt (Paris, 1874), 1П, 154.

2. William C. Dement, The Promise of Sleep (New York, 1999), 101.

3. Adventurer 39, Mar. 20,1753,228; Christof Wirsung, Praxis Medicinae Universalis; or a Generali Practise of Phisicke… (London, 1598), 618.

4. T. D. Gent, Collin's Walk through London and Westminster… (London, 1690), 43; Shakespeare, Macbeth, II, 2, 35; William Mountfort, The Injur'd Lovers… (London, 1688), 49.

5. Sylvain Matron, "Le Rêve Dans les «Secrètes Sciences»: Spirituels, Kabbalistes Chrétiens et Alchimistes," Revue des Sciences Humaines 83 (1988), 160; Adventurer 39, Mar. 20, 1753, 229. Конечно, в греческой мифологии «сон» (hypnos) и «смерть» (thantos) считались близнецами — сыновьями «ночи».

6. J. С. Smith and E. De Selincourt, eds., Spenser: Poetical Works (London, 1969), 606; Burton E. Stevenson, ed., The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases (New York, 1948), 2134; Philip Sidney, Astrophel and Stella… (London, 1591); Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, The Adventures of Don Quixote, trans. J. M. Cohen (Baltimore, 1965), 906.

7. Joshua Sylvester, trans., Du Bartas: His Divine Weekes and Workes (London, 1621), 465; Shakespeare, King Henry V, IV, 1, 264–267; Verdon, Night, 203–206. В Екклесиасте говорится: «Сладок сон работящего», 5:12.