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28. Nicolas Rémy, Demonolatry, ed. Montague Summers and trans. E. A. Ashwin (Secaucus, N. J., 1974), 43–46; Francesco Maria Guazzo, Compendium Maleficarum, ed. Montague Summers and trans. E. A. Ashwin (Secaucus, N. J., 1974), 33–48.

29. Homeck, Happy Ascetick, 415; M. Lopes de Almeida, Diàlogos de D. Frei Amador Arrais (Porto, 1974), 19; The Whole Duty of Prayer (London, 1657), 13; Richard and John Day, A Booke of Christian Praiers… (London, 1578), 440–441; R. Sherlock, The Practical Christian: or, the Devout Penitent… (London, 1699), 322–323; Frederick James Fumivall, ed., Phillip Stubbes's Anatomy of the Abuses in England in Shakespeare's Youth, A. D. 1583 (London, 1877), 221.

30. Cowper, The Works (London, 1836), IX, 45–50; Danielle Regnier-Bohler, "Imagining the Self," in HPLII, 357; Mid-Night Thoughts.

31. Dorothy Rhodes, Mar. 18, 1650, York Depositions, 28. См. также: Geoffroy de La Tour-Landry, Book of the Knight of La Tour Landry (London, 1906), fo. 3b.; Jan. 4, 1728, Sanderson, Diary.

32. The Deceyte of Women… (n. p., 1568); Helen Simpson, ed. and trans., The Waiting City: Paris, 1782–1788. Being an Abridgement of Louis-Sébastian Mercier's "Le Tableau de Paris" (Philadelphia, 1933), 76; Aviel Orenstein, ed., Mishnah Berurah: Laws Concerning Miscellaneous Blessings, the Minchah Service, the Ma’ariv Service and Evening Conduct… (Jerusalem, 1989), 435.

33. Laurent Joubert, Popular Errors, trans. Gregory David de Rocher (Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1989), 112–113; Thomas Cogan, The Haven of Health (London, 1588), 252. См. также: Boorde, Compendyous Regyment; Orenstein, ed., Mishnah Berurah, 441.

34. Cardano, The Book of My Life (New York, 1962), 82; Thomas Jefferson, Writings, ed. Merrill D. Peterson (New York, 1984), 1417; Francis Quarles, Enchiridion… (London, 1644), ch. 54.

35. Everie Woman in Her Humor (London, 1609); Wilson, English Proverbs, 566. См. также: July 12,1702, Cowper, Diary; May 24,1595, Richard Rogers and Samuel Ward, Two Elizabethan Puritan Diaries, ed. Marshall Mason Knappen (Gloucester, Mass., 1966), 105.

36. Oliver Lawson Dick, ed., Aubrey's Brief Lives (London, 1950), 131; Crusius, Node, ch. 1.5; GM 18 (1748), 108; G and NDA, Feb. 11,1769; Rita Shenton, Christopher Pinchbeck and His Family (Ashford, Eng., 1976), 29.

37. Régnier-Bohler, "Imagining the Self," 390; Edmund Spenser, The Works…, ed. Edwin Greenlaw (Baltimore, 1947), II, 249; Richard Brome, The Northern Lasse (London, 1632); William Davenant, The Platonick Lovers (London, 1636); Cowper, Works, IX, 45.

38. Roy Harvey Pearce, ed., Nathaniel Hawthorne: Tales and Sketches… (New York, 1982), 200–201; John Wade, Redemption of Time… (London, 1692), 187. Другой моралист, обеспокоенный тем, что многие мастурбируют по ночам, предупреждал, что спящему необходимо «привыкнуть вставать сразу после первого сна» (S. A. D. Tissot, Onanism: Or a Treatise upon the Disorders Produced by Masturbation… [London, 1767], 122).

39. Mercier, The Night Cap (Philadelphia, 1788), 4.

40. Tertullian, Apologetical Works, trans. Rudolph Arbesmann et al. (New York, 1950), 288; Sidney J. H. Herrtage, ed., Early English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum (London, 1879), 207; Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, 403–404; Mar. 11,1676, Jane Lead, A Fountain of Gardens… (London, 1697), 121; Jan. 6,1677, Heywood, Diaries, 1,340; Peter Corbin and Douglas Sedge, eds., Ram Alley (Nottingham, 1981), 56.

41. Hubert, Egypts Favourite. The History of Joseph… (London, 1631). См. также, например: William Vaughan, Naturali and Artificial Directions for Health… (London, 1607), 55.

42. Looker-On, May 22,1792, 234; Geoffrey Keynes, ed., The Works of Sir Thomas Browne (London, 1931), V, 185; Nashe, Works, I, 355.

43. Thomas Tryon, A Treatise of Dreams & Visions… (London, 1689), 9; WR or UJ, Dec. 30, 1732; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 128–130.

44. Keynes, ed., Browne Works, V, 185; James K. Hosmer, ed., Winthop's Journaclass="underline" "History of New England," 1630–1649 (New York, 1908), 1,121.

45. "Somnifer," PA, Oct. 24,1767, S. R. F. Price, "The Future of Dreams: From Freud to Artemidorous," PP 113 (1986), 31–32; Thomas Hill, The Most Pleasaunt Arte of the Interpretation ofDremes… (London, [1571]); Nocturnal Revels: or, a General History of Dreams…, 2 vols. (1706–1707).

46. Thomas Johnson, trans., The Werkes ofthat Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey (London, 1649), 27; Ripa, Nocturno Tempore, ch. 9.27; Levinus Lemnius, The Touchstone of Complexions…, trans. T. Newton (London, 1576), 113–114.

47. Feltham, Resolves (London, 1628), 18,163; Thomas Tryon, Wisdom's Dictates: or, Aphorisms & Rules… (London, 1691), 68.

48. Sept. 12,1644, Josselin, Diary, 20; Mar. 8, 1626, The Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud… (Oxford, 1853), III, 201; July 31,1675, Sewall, Diary, 1,12.

49. Lemnius, Touchstone, trans. Newton, 114; Phillipe Martin, "Corps en Repos ou Corps en Danger? Le Sommeil dans les Livres de Piété (Seconde Moitié du XVIIIe Siècle)," Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (2000), 255; Aug. 15,1665, Feb. 7,1669, Pepys, Diary, VI, 191, IX, 439; Cannon, Diary, 344. Пенис обычно поднимается во время сновидения независимо от содержания сна; в действительности мужчины имеют в среднем «четыре-пять эрекций за ночь (когда они спят), каждая из которых продолжается от пяти до десяти минут» (Kenneth Jon Rose, The Body in Time [New York, 1989], 54,95).

50. Charles Carlton, "The Dream Life of Archbishop Laud," History Today 36 (1986), 9—14; Alan Macfarlane, The Family Life of Ralph Josselin, a Seventeenth-Century Clergyman (Cambridge, 1970), 183–187.

51. Cardano, Book of My Life, 156, 161; July 24, 1751, James MacSparran, A Letter Book and Abstract of Out Services, Written during the Years 1743–1751, ed. Daniel Goodwin (Boston, 1899), 45; James Strachey, ed., The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London, 1975), XXI, 203.

52. Torrington, Diaries, 1,165; Aug. 2,1589, Aug. 6,1597, J. O. Halliwell, ed., The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee (London, 1842), 31,59.

53. Jan. 2,1686, Sewall, Diary, 1,91; Henry Fishwick, ed., The Note Book of the Rev. Thomas Jolly, A.D. 1671–1693 (Manchester, 1894), 100; Jean Bousquet, Les Thèmes du Rêve dans la Littérature Romantique (Paris, 1964).

54. Lady Marchioness of Newcasde, Orations of Divers Sorts… (London, 1662), 300.

55. Apr. 4,1706, Aug. 22,1716, Sewall, Diary, 1,544, II, 829.

56. Sept. 4,1625, Laud Works, III, 173; Oct. 17,1588, Halliwell, ed., Dee Diary, 29; Mar. 20, 1701, Robert Wodrow, Analecta; or, Materials for a History of Remarkable Providences…, ed. Matthew Leishman (Edinburgh, 1842), I, 6; Feb. 17, 1802, Woodforde, Diary, V, 369.

57. Nov. 20, 1798, Drinker, Diary, II, 112. См., например: Cardano, Book of My Life, 89; Wodrow, Analecta, II, 315, III, 339; July 15, 1738, Benjamin Hanbury, An Enlarged Series of Extracts from the Diary, Meditations and Letters of Mr. Joseph Williams (London, 1815), 131.

58. Jan. 7,1648, C.H. Josten, ed., Elias Ashmole (1617–1692)… (Oxford, 1967), II, 467, Jan. 6,1784, Irma Lustig and Frederick Albert Pottle, eds., Boswell, The Applause of the Jury, 1782–1785 (New York, 1981), 175.

59. Feb. 10,1799, William Warren Sweet, Religion on the American Frontier, 1782–1840: The Methodists… (Chicago, 1946), IV, 217–218.

60. June 30, 1654, Feb. 15, 1658, Josselin, Diary, 325, 419; June 16, 1689, Mar. 18, 1694, Feb. 13,1705, Sewall, Diary, 1,219,328,518; May 28,1789, Woodforde, Diary, III, 108; Dec. 2, 1720, William Byrd, The London Diary (1717–1721) and Other Writings, ed. Louis B. Wright and Marion Tinling (Oxford, 1958), 481; Oct. 12,1582, Halliwell, ed., Dee Diary, 17; Jan. 29,1708, J. E. Foster, ed., The Diary of Samuel Newton (Cambridge, 1890), 118; Aug. 27, Oct. 14,1773, Frederick A. Pottle and Charles H. Bennett, eds., Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LLD, 1773 (New York, 1961), 87–88, 303–304; Feb. 3, 15, 1776, Ryskamp and Pottle, eds., Ominous Years, 230,235.

61. May 30,1695, Foster, ed., Newton Diary, 109; Dec. 21,1626, Laud Works, III, 197; Carlton, "Dream Life of Laud," 13.

62. Mid-Night Thoughts, 34; Mark R. Cohen, ed. and trans., The Autobiography of a Seventeenth-Century Venetian Rabbi: Leon Modena's Life of Judah (Princeton, N. J., 1988), 94, 99; James J. Cartwright, The Wentworth Papers, 1705–1739 (London, 1883), 148; Wolfgang Behringer, Shaman of Oberstorf: Chonrad Stoeckhlin and the Phantoms of the Night, trans. H. C. Erik Midelfort (Charlottesville, Va., 1998); Boyereau Brinch, The Blind African Slave… (St. Albans, Vt., 1810), 149–150; Michael Craton, Testing the Chains: Resistance to Slavery in the British West Indies (Ithaca, N. Y, 1982), 250.

63. Another Collection of Philosophical Conferences of the French Virtuosi…, trans. G. Havers and J. Davies (London, 1665), 3; Jean de La Fontaine, Selected Fables, ed. Maya Slater and trans. Christopher Wood (Oxford, 1995), 283; Jacques Le Goff, The Medieval Imagination, trans. Arthur Goldhammer (Chicago, 1988), 234. См. также: Tornano, Proverbi, 261.

64. David P. French, comp., Minor English Poets, 1660–1780; A Selection from Alexander Chalmers' The English Poets (New York, 1967), II, 259; "Meditations on a Bed," US and WJ, Feb. 5,1737; Enid Porter, The Folklore of East Anglia (Totowa, N. J., 1974), 126–127; David Simpson, A Discourse on Dreams and Night Visions; with Numerous Examples Ancient and Modern (Macclesfield, Eng., 1791), 61.

65. Отсюда пустые угрозы нациста Роберта Лея: «Единственный человек в Германии, по-прежнему живущий личной жизнью, — это человек, который спит» (George Steiner, No Passion Spent: Essays 1978–1996 [London, 1996], 211); Augustine FitzGerald, ed., The Essays and Hymns of Synesius of Cyrene… (London, 1930), 345; Carlo Ginzburg, The Night Battles: Witchcraft & Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries, trans. John and Anne Tedeschi (London, 1983).