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————  The Professional Manager (Bennis, W.G., and McGregor, C., eds.) McGraw-Hill, 1967.

MORGAN, A.E. Search For Purpose. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Community Service, Inc., 1957.

MOUSTAKAS, C. Creativity and Conformity. Van Nostrand, 1967.

————  The Authentic Teacher. Doyle, 1966.

MOWRER, О.Н. The New Croup Therapy. Van Nostrand, 1964.

MUMFORD, L. The Conduct of Life. Harcourt: Brace, 1951.

MURRAY, H.A. Prospect for psychology, Science, May 11, 1962, 483-488.

NEILL, A.S. Summerhill. Hart, 1960.

OTTO, H. (ed.) Explorations in Human Potentialities. С. С. Thomas, 1966.

————  Guide to Developing Your Potential. Scribner's, 1967.

OWENS, С.М. Discovery of the Self. Christopher, 1963.

POLANYI, M. Science, Faith and Society. University of Chicago Press, 1964.

————  Personal Knowledge. University of Chicago Press, 1958.

————  The Tacit Dimension. Doubleday, 1966.

REICH, W. The Function of the Orgasm. Noonday Press, 1942.

RITTER, P. and J. The Free Family. London: Gollancz, 1959.

ROGERS, C. Actualizing tendency in relation to motives and to consciousness, in: Jones, M. R. (ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1963. University of Nebraska Press, 1963.

ROSENTHAL, R. Experimenter Effects in Behavioral Research. Appleton-Century, 1966.

SANDS, B. The Seventh Step. New American Library, 1967.

SCHUMACHER, E.F. Economic development and poverty, Manas, Feb. 15, 1967, 20, 1-8.

SCHUTZ, W. Joy. Grove Press, 1967.

SEGUIN, C.A. Love and Psychotherapy. Libra, 1965.

SEVERIN, F. (ed.) Humanistic Viewpoints in Psychology. McGraw-Hill, 1965.

SHELDON, W.H. Psychology and the Promethean Will. Harper &; Row, 1936.

SHOSTROM, E. Personal Orientation Inventory (POI): A Test of Self-Actualization. San Diego, Calif.: Educational and Industrial Testing Service, 1963.

STEINBERG, S. The Labyrinth. Harper & Row, 1960.

STEINZOR, B. The Healing Partnership. Harper & Row, 1967.

SUTICH, A. The growth-experience and the growth-centered attitude, J. Psychol., 1949, 28, 293-301.

SYKES, G. The Hidden Remnant. Harper & Row, 1962.

TANZER, D. The Psychology of Pregnancy and Childbirth: An Investigation of Natural Childbirth. Ph. D. Thesis, Brandeis University, 1967.

THORNE, F.C. Personality. Journal of Clinical Psychology Publishers, 1961.

TILLICH, P. Love, Power and Justice. Oxford University Press, 1960.

TORRANCE, E.P. Constructive Behavior. Wadsworth, 1965.

VAN KAAM, А. The Art of Existential Counseling. Dimension Books, 1966.

WEISSKOPF, W. Economic growth and human well-being, Manas, Aug. 21, 1963, 16, 1-8.

WHITE, R. (ed.) The Study of Lives. Atherton Press, 1964.

WHITEHEAD, A.N. The Aims of Education. Mentor Bros., 1949.

————  Adventures of ideas. Macrnillan, 1933.

WIENPAHL, P. The Matter of Zen. New York University Press, 1964.

WILSON, C. Beyond the Outsider. London: Arthur Barker Ltd., 1965.

————  Introduction to the New Existentialism. Houghton Mifflin, 1967.

WOLFF, W. The Expression of Personality. Harper & Row, 1943.

WOOTTON, G. Workers, Unions and the State. Schocken, 1967.

YABLONSKY, L. The Tunnel Back: Synanons. Macrnillan, 1965.

ZINKER, J. Rosa Lee: Motivation and the Crisis of Dying. Lake Erie College Studies, 1966.
