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He did, looking dubious. “We haven’t much coin, truly.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to say I’d gladly steal whatever was needful when my gaze fell on the hateful, discarded chains. “Actually, we do.” I picked up the chains. “These are nearly solid silver. They must be worth a small fortune.”

Aleksei frowned. “You mean to steal them?”

“Aye, sweet boy, I do,” I said. “As fair exchange for the months of my life stolen from me. They were made for me, were they not? And I mean to sell them to a smith who will melt them down and ensure they are never, ever used again to bind someone against their will.”

He was silent a moment.

I raised my brows at him. “Aleksei, whatever sins must be committed in the pursuit of freedom, I will gladly take on myself. If you are going to scruple at it, stay. Stay and take your punishment, and break your mother’s heart. Only tell me first where I might find a smithy south of Riva.”

“Moirin, you can’t go south.”

I glanced in the direction of Bao’s distant diadh-anam. “Oh, but I am.”

“Not right away,” Aleksei said in stubborn tone. “That’s exactly where my uncle will look for you. And he will look, believe me.”

I shrugged. “He cannot find me in the twilight.”

“Can you work your magic while sleeping?” he asked shrewdly. “Can you be on guard every minute of every day? Do you imagine there’s a single village between here and the border that doesn’t remember you passing through it in those chains? It’s not a sight one forgets. Any smith you approach would know you in an instant for the Patriarch’s witch. Any baker in the market, any… anyone!” He shook his head. “I may not have thought this through, but this part, I have. It’s too dangerous to do exactly what my uncle will expect.”

I didn’t like it, but he had a point. “Where, then? We haven’t much time to debate this.”

“Udinsk,” Aleksei said promptly. “It’s a city some days away to the northeast. It’s a trade center. I thought I could find work there. I’m sure we could find a smith willing to ask no questions, and aught we need to purchase for the journey.”

“The journey south,” I said.

He nodded. “In two weeks’ time, my uncle will realize his mistake and begin searching farther afield. Then we can slip through, amply provisioned, hidden by your magic when need be.”

I hesitated.

Every impulse in me yearned to go south, toward Bao, to flee. To trust to my magic to conceal me, to my hard-won skills to allow me to survive. But I’d ventured into Tatar territory alone despite being warned of the danger and nearly died because of it; and I’d had all the supplies I thought I would need there. If I’d learned nothing else from this ordeal, I’d learned a measure of patience.

And, too, there was Aleksei to consider. He was betraying everything he held dear to help me. I owed it to him, and especially to his mother, Valentina, not to do anything rash and impulsive for once in my life.

“So be it,” I said. “Let’s go to Udinsk.”

Cloaked in the twilight, we stole through the Patriarch’s living quarters, Aleksei carrying bread and cheese and a few weighty yards of bespelled silver chains knotted in a worn woolen blanket.

My senses heightened in the twilight, I let my awareness roam through the quarters, touching on its inhabitants.

Stone and sea, it was good to feel wholly myself once more!

Pyotr Rostov slept deep and hard, and the acrid taste of his dreams reminded me of the sulfur and saltpeter of the Divine Thunder. Even in his sleep, he was angry. I shuddered, and looked elsewhere.

His wife, Luba, slept beside him, more lightly. She was smiling in her sleep, no doubt dreaming of selecting the perfect stone to hurl at me come dawn.


She was awake, kneeling in the antechamber by the outer door, her head bowed and her arms wrapped around herself, filled with a despairing mix of hope and fear.

“Aleksei.” I touched his arm. “Your mother is waiting for us. I think she wishes to say farewell.”

His eyes widened. “How do you know?”

“I just do.”

A moment later, he saw her huddled figure. A faint sound escaped him. Valentina didn’t hear it, didn’t raise her head. Aleksei glanced at me in alarm. “Moirin…”

“It’s all right, sweet boy.” I brushed his cheek with my fingers. “I told you, they cannot see or hear us in the twilight. I will try to bring her into it.”

I breathed it in deeper, blew it softly over Valentina, spinning it around her like a gentle cocoon.

Her head came up. “How-?” She glanced all around her, eyes stretched wider than her son’s. “What is this? Am I dreaming?”

I smiled at her, helping her to her feet. “No, my lady. It is only a small piece of magic. I will release it if you like, but I think it is better if I don’t. Your sister-in-law sleeps lightly, dreaming of cracking my skull open.”

Valentina gave her broken laugh, hands rising involuntarily to stifle it. “Moirin. It is you. So Aleksei… he did it. He did it. Oh, God. God have mercy on me. I was afraid he wouldn’t. Will you…?”

I nodded. “I will try.”

She glanced at her son. In the twilight, the tears in her eyes shone like stars. “Aleksei…”

He embraced her. “Mother.”

Valentina clung to her tall, broad-shouldered son like a drowning woman-and mayhap she was. My heart ached for the both of them. She tugged his head down to her shoulder and whispered somewhat in his ear. What she said to him, I could not say. Even if I could have heard it, I would not have listened.

Aleksei nodded, tears streaking his cheeks.

I peered through the small window set into the outer door. It was hard to gauge the hour in the twilight, but the summer nights were short, and every hour of darkness was precious. “My lady, I’m sorry, but we have to go.”

“Go.” With an effort, she released her son, turning him loose. “Go. For what it is worth, go with my blessing.”

“A mother’s blessing is worth a great deal,” I murmured. “I will not forget this.” I kissed her cheek. “Thank you, a thousand times over. Thank you.”

Valentina nodded. “You are a mother’s child, too, Moirin. I can only begin to imagine how much she is missing you. For her sake, I pray you come home to her someday.”

Oh, it hurt.

“So do I.” It was all I could say, all I had to say. Valentina gave her son one last, long embrace, and then opened the door for us.

The street was empty and quiet. Aleksei squared his shoulders and began walking purposefully.

I ran after him. “Wait! Aleksei, you mean to go on foot?”

He gave me a blank look. “How else?”

“I was brought here in a wagon. I know cart-horses are not ideal for riding, but it’s faster than walking.” I cast around with my senses. “The stable’s over there, is it not?”

“Moirin, you can’t steal the Church’s horses!”

“Oh, yes, I can. Your precious Church didn’t hesitate to steal me.” Aleksei’s delicate sensibilities were beginning to grate on my nerves. I set out in the direction of the stable. “You’d best stay close to me,” I said over my shoulder. “Else you’ll lose the cover of the twilight. I can only extend it so far, for so long.”

He followed, silent.

The cart-horses were drowsing in their stalls, heads nodding low. I glanced around and quickly determined there was no riding tack, only the wagon and harness gear.

“That’s because they’re not for riding,” Aleksei murmured. “Moirin, can we please go now?”

Ignoring him, I spun the twilight over one of the horses. He lifted his head, lambent eyes open and gleaming. I blew softly into his nostrils, touching his thoughts. “You’re a big, strong fellow, aren’t you?” I whispered. “Strong enough to carry us both.” The cart-horse pricked his ears in agreement and lipped at the trailing ends of my head-scarf. I smiled and unlatched the door to his stall.