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5. Cambridge History of English Literature, III, 369.

6. Garnett and Gosse, English Literature, II, 68.

7. Camb. History of English Literature, III, 372.

8. Ascham, Scholemaster, 17–23.

9. Haydn, Portable Elizabethan Reader, 183.

10. Lyly, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit, 33.

11. Greene, Robert, A Groats-worth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance, in Taine, English Literature, 168.

12. In Muir, 28.

13. Symonds, J. A., Shakespeare’s Predecessors, 435.

14. Saintsbury, History of Elizabethan Literature, 233.

15. Bourne, Sir Philip Sidney, 75.

16. Aubrey’s Brief Lives, 278.

17. Bourne, 115.

18. Ibid., 27–30.

19. Ibid., 277.

20. Sidney, Philip, Works: Defense of Poetry, 9.

21. Sidney, Works, III, 14.

22. Ibid., I, 7.

23. Ibid., I, 16.

24. Defense of Poetry, 41.

25. Sidney, Sonnet xxxi.

26. Bourne, 326.

27. In Haydn, Elizabethan Reader, 394.

28. Bourne, 349.

29. Spenser, Poetical Works, 559.

30. Prefatory Letter to Raleigh, in Poetical Works, 407.

31. Faerie Queene, II, xii, 78.

32. Thornton, Table Talk, I.

33. Van Doren, Anthology of World Poetry, 1026.

34. Aristotle, Poetics, 1449–50.

35. Defense of Poetry, 38.

36. Mantzius, History of Theatrical Art, III, II.

37. Shakespeare’s England, II, 241.

38. Chambers, E. K., The Elizabethan Stage, I, 255•

39. Holzknecht, 110.

40. Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, I, 258.

41. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, II, iii.

42. Pericles, IV, ii.

43. Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, IV, 273–5.

44. Henry V, I, i, 13.

45. Hamlet, III, ii, 10.

46. Holzknecht, 153.

47. Shakespeare’s England, II, 277.

48. Hamlet, II, ii, 354.

49. Mantzius, III, 228.

50. Marlowe, Works, Appendix, 428–30.

51. Bakeless, John, Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe, 112.

52. Symonds, Shakespeare’s Predecessors, 437.

53. Bakeless, 113.

54. Marlowe, Tamburlane, Part I, Act II, vii.

55. France, A., The Gods Are Athirst, 57.

56. Ecclesinstes, i, 18.

57. Marlowe, F austus, I, i.

58. The Jew of Malta, II, iii.

59. Ibid., I, i.

60. Ibid., II, i.

61. Tamburlane, Part I, Act I, i.

62. Bakeless, 156; Esquire Magazine, December 1954.


1. Chambers, William Shakespeare, II, 264.

2. Ibid., 257.

3. Lee, Sidney, Life of William Shakespeare, 22.

4. Chambers, Shakespeare, II, 188.

5. Ibid., 189.

6. Ibid., 259, 265.

7. Shakespeare, Sonnet xxix.

8. Sonnet CX.

9. Chute, Shakespeare, 269.

10. Sonnet CLII.

11. Lee, 68.

12. Raleigh, W., Shakespeare, 150.

13. Chambers, Shakespeare, I, 434.

14. As You Like It, II, vii.

15. King Lear, IV, vi, 120.

16. Timon of Athens, IV, i, 35.

17. Ibid., IV, iii, 54.

18. Ibid., IV, iii, 151f.

19. Troilus and Cressida, II, ii, 166.

20. Coriolanus, I, iv, 57.

21. Thornton, Table Talk, 5.

22. Encycl. Brit., Ill, 781b.

23. Two Gentlemen of Verona, I, i, 71.

24. The Tempest, I, ii, 129.

25. Midsummer Night’s Dream, II, iii, 61.

26. Hamlet, II, ii, 310.

27. Romeo and Juliet, I, ii, 139

28. Julius Caesar, I, ii, 139.

29. Tempest, II, i, 47.

30. Hauser, A., Social History of Art, I, 422.

31. Love’s Labour’s Lost, I, i, 166.

32. Richard II, I, i, I.

33. Ibid., I, i, 24.

34. 2 Henry IV, IV, iv.

35. I Henry IV, III, i.

36. Much Ado about Nothing, II, iii.

37. 2 Henry IV, III, i.

38. King John, IV, ii.

39. Troilus and Cressida, III, iii.

40. Midsummer Night’s Dream, I, iii.

41. Merchant of Venice, I, iii.

42. Twelfth Night, III, iv.

43. Mid. Night’s Dream, I, i.

44. Othello, I, i.

45. King Lear, IV, vi.

46. Hamlet, I, iv.

47. Ibid., II, ii.

48. Mid. Night’s Dream, II, i.

49. Two Gentlemen of Verona, IV, ii.

50. Cymbeline, II, iii.

51. Measure for Measure, IV, ii.

52. Mid. Night’s Dream, V, i, 7.

53. Examples in Chambers, Shakespeare, 228–30.

54. Comedy of Errors, III, i, 76.

55. Tempest, IV, i, 199.

56. As You Like It, III, ii.

57. Shaw, Bernard, Man and Superman, Preface, xxviii.

58. Hamlet, I, v.

59. Much Ado about Nothing, V, i.

60. Hamlet, III, iv, 88.

61. Ibid., II, ii.

62. Coriolanus, IV, vii.

63. Hamlet, I, iv, 25.

64. Richard III, V, iii.

65. Richard 11, III, iii.

66. I Henry IV, III, i; cf. Haydn, Counter-Renaissance, 602f.

67. Troilus and Cressida, I, iii.

68. King Lear, V, ii, 9.

69. Twelfth Night, II, iii.

70. King Lear, IV, vi, 112f.

71. Pericles, II, i.

72. Tempest, II, i, 147–64.

73. Hamlet, IV, iv, 35.

74. Raleigh, Shakespeare, 61.

75. King John, III, i.

76. Henry VIII, II, ii; Romeo and Juliet, IV, ii.

77. King Lear, IV, i, 36.

78. Ibid., V, iii, 169.

79. V, ii, 10.

80. King John, III, iv, 108.

81. Hamlet, I, iii, 126–28.

82. Macbeth, V, v, 23.

83. Merchant of Venice, V, i.

84. Measure for Measure, III, i, 118.

85. Hamlet, I, iv, 67.

86. Chambers, Shakespeare, II, 194.

87. In Lee, Shakespeare, 179.

88. Jonson, Timber, in Chute, Ben Jonson, 340.

89. Lee, 177.

90. Ibid., 178.

91. Aubrey, 275.

92. Jonson, Timber, in Lee, 277.

93. Chambers, Shakespeare, I, 84.

94. Lee, 203.

95. Aubrey, 275.

96. Ibid., 85.

97. Tempest, I, ii, 5.

98. Ibid., IV, i, 148.

99. V, i, 48.

100. V, i, 181.

101. Chambers, Shakespeare, I, 89.

102. Holzknecht, 380–1.

103. Voltaire, Letter of July 19, 1776, in Denoiresterres, G., Voltaire et la société française au xviiime siècle, VIII, 108.

104. In Croce, B., Ariosto, Shakespeare, and Corneille, 284.

105. Voltaire, article on Dramatic, Art, in Holzknecht, 387.

106. Goethe, Wilhelm Meister, Book II, chs. xiii-xvi.


1. Brantôme, Book of the Ladies, 92.

2. Ibid., 124.

3. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 6.

4. Pastor, XVI, 283.

5. Lingard, VI, 12.

6. Book of Discipline, Heads I and III, in Knox, History of the Reformation in Scotland, II, 281–3.

7. Knox, History, II, 321–2.

8. In National Portrait Gallery, London, and in Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

9. Lang, Andrew, Mystery of Mary Stuart, 13, 61.

10. Knox, History, II, 10; Froude, Elizabeth, I, 255.

11. Knox, II, 8.

12. Ibid., 12.

13. Ibid., 13f.

14. Lang, History of Scotland, II, 107.

15. Ibid.

16. Muir, Edwin, John Knox, 240.

17. Knox, History, II, 29.

18. Lang, History, II, 110.

19. Fosdick, Great Voices of the Reformation, xxix.

20. Knox, History, II, 44–6.

21. Lang, History, II, 126.

22. Knox, II, 71–7; Lang, II, 127; Muir, Knox, 253.

23. Knox, II, 81.

24. Ibid., 83.

25. Ibid., 93.

26. Zweig, Mary Queen of Scots, 108.

27. Neale, Queen Elizabeth, 141.

28. Lang, History, II, 160.

29. Ibid.; Froude, Elizabeth, II, 50.

30. Lang, II, 162.

31. Camb. Mod. History, III, 272.

32. Lang, Mystery, 75.

33. Ibid., 108–11.

34. Camb. Mod. History, III, 273.

35. Lang, History, II, 171; Lingard, VI, 67.

36. Lang, II, 170–2.

37. Ibid.; Knox, History, lxxiii.

38. Zweig, 158.

39. Lang, Mystery, 236.

40. Acton, Lectures, 150–2; Lang, Mystery, 295, 353, 362.

41. Ibid., 133.

42. Lang, History, II, 188.

43. Neale, 161.

44. Lang, Mystery, 194.

45. Froude, Elizabeth, II, 307, 310.

46. Brockway and Winer, Second Treasury of the World’s Great Letters, 112.

47. Hallam, I, 167.

48. Froude, Elizabeth, II, 407.

49. Ibid., 404; Lang, II, 200.