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50. Lang, II, 203.

51. Lang, Mystery, 286.

52. Lingard, VI, 97.

53. Froude, III, 110.

54. Muir, Knox, 282.

55. Knox, History, I, vii.

56. Lingard, VI, 126.

57. Ibid., 128; Hughes, III, 278.

58. Roeder, Catherine de’ Medici, 491.

59. Neale, 263.

60. Pastor, XIX, 450–2.

61. Lingard, VI, 187.

62. Ibid., 205–6; Pastor, XXI, 7–19.

63. Ibid., 25; Froude, V, 259–61.

64. Williams, Chas., James I, 76, 80–3; Froude, V, 294.

65. Zweig, 291.


1. Fontenoy in Froude, V, 74.

2. Lang, History, 276, 294–6, 305, 395; Lingard, VI, 183.

3. Lea, Studies in Church History, 502–8.

4. Ibid., 500.

5. Lang, History, II, 243.

6. James I, Basilikon Doron, in Gooch, English Democratic Ideas in the Seventeenth Century, 41.

7. Lang, History, II, 278.

8. History Today, March 1956, 159.

9. Buckle, History of Civilization, II a, 199.

10. Williams, James I, 132.

11. Encẏcl. Brit., IV, 310.

12. Allen, J. W., History of Political Thought, 339–40; cf. Carlyle, R. W., History Of Medieval Political Theory, 332f; Figgis, J. N., From Gerson to Grotius, 167–72.

13. Allen, op. cit., 342.

14. Quoted by Oliver Dick in Introduction to Aubrey’s Brief Lives, xxx.

15. In Chute, Ben Jonson, 249.

16. Ibid., 268.

17. Ibid., 217.

18. Bowen, C. D., The Lion and the Throne, 315.

19. Aubrey, 67.

20. In Robinson, J. H., Readings in European History, 349; Allen, 254; Dunning, W. A., History of Political Theories, II, 217.

21. Allen, J. W., English Political Thought, 26.

22. Ibid., 124.

23. Lingard, VII, 17.

24. Allen, English Political Thought, 223.

25. Williams, James 1, 192–3.

26. Lingard, VII, 19–22.

27. Ibid., 29.

28. Ibid., 40–3.

29. Ibid., 46–8.

30. Ibid., 50, 96.

31. McCabe, Candid History of the Jesuits, 198.

32. Lang, History, II, 508.

33. Aubrey, 21.

34. Hallam, H., Literature of Europe, III, 324.

35. Webster, The White Devil, in Webster and Ford, Plays, p. 91.

36. Webster, Duchess of Malfy, in Webster and Ford, p. 145.

37. Ibid., IV, ii.

38. Thornton, Table Talk, 15.

39. Thomas Fuller in Chute, Ben Jonson, 37.

40. Jonson, Every Man out of His Humour, Induction.

41. Thornton, 7.

42. Jonson, Every Man out of His Humour, Induction.

43. Thornton, 8.

44. Chute, Ben Jonson, 161.

45. Jonson, The Alchemist, II, i.

46. Baskerville, Read, etc., Elizabethan and Stuart Plays, 1077.

47. Herrick, Poems, 241.

48. Chute, Ben Jonson, 310.

49. Williams, James I, 189.

50. Introduction to Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, p. x.

51. Ibid.

52. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, 8.

53. Ibid., 3.

54. Ibid., 79–80.

55. Donne, Poems, 83.

56. Ibid., 26.

57. Elegy XIII; Elegy II.

58. Poems, 182.

59. Ibid., 180.

60. Thornton, 4.

61. Poems, 253.

62. In Peterson, Treasury of the World’s Great Speeches, 91.

63. Ibid., 92.

64. Walton, Life of Dr. Donne, in Peterson, 95.

65. Hallam, Constitutional History, I, 347; Encycl. Brit., XVIII, 961b; Lingard, VII, 7.

66. Text in Schuster, M. L., Treasury of the World’s Great Letters, 82–4.

67. Raleigh, Sir Walter, Selections, 61.

68. Ibid., 117.

69. Lingard, VII, 101.

70. Spedding, Life of Fr. Bacon, II, 288–9; Wallace, Sir Walter Raleigh, 261f.

71. Lingard, VII, 102.

72. Encycl. Brit., XVIII, 961b.

73. Wallace, Raleigh, 315.

74. Raleigh, Selections, Introduction, 28.

75. Lingard, VII, 117.

76. Williams, James I, 258.

77. Hallam, Constitutional History, 109.

78. Ibid., 122.

79. MacLaurin, G, Mere Mortals, 137.


1. Browne, Sir Thomas, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, in Works, Vols. II and III.

2. Thorndike, Lynn, History of Magic and Experimental Science, VI, 548–9.

3. Lecky, Rationalism in Europe, I, 38n; Williams, James I, 106–10.

4. Lang, History, II, 434.

5. Hughes, Reformation, II, 286n.

6. Ibid., 285.

7. Thorndike, VI, 550; Chute, Ben Jonson, 229.

8. Trevelyan, English Social History, 232.

9. Smith, Preserved, History of Modern Culture, I, 97.

10. Ibid., 95.

11. Robertson, History of Freethought, II,

12. Huntington Library Bulletin, April 1934, P. 99.

13. Wolf, History of Science, I, 292.

14. Ibid., 426.

15. John, Evan, King Charles I, 153; Kellogg, The New Dietetics, 847.

16. Garrison, History of Medicine, 248.

17. Sigerist, The Great Doctors, 141.

18. Harvey, Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis, in Hammerton, Great Books, 273.

19. Walsh, J. J., The Popes and Science, 396.

20. Aubrey, 131.

21. Prinzmetal, Heart Attack, 121–2.

22. Aubrey, 128.

23. Ibid., 130.

24. Ibid., 11.

25. Gardiner, S. R., in Garnett and Gosse, English Literature, II, 12.

26. Spedding, Life of Bacon, I, 542.

27. Aubrey, 9.

28. Macaulay, Critical and Historical Essays, II, 326–8.

29. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne, 428; Camb. Mod. History, III, 571.

30. Spedding, Life, II, 463.

31. Ibid., 633.

32. Ibid., I, 563.

33. Ibid., 569.

34. Bacon, Philosophical Works, 241.

35. Ibid.

36. Ibid., 244.

37. Ibid., 247.

38. Aubrey, 130.

39. Bacon, Phil. Works, 167.

40. Ibid., 76, 78; De Augmentis scientiarum, Preface.

41. Philosophical Works, 76.

42. Advancement of Learning, ch. 8.

43. Bacon, Works, ed. Spedding and Ellis, VII, 241.

44. Novum organum, i, 97.

45. Ibid., i, 82; and “Plan of the Work” in Philosophical Works, 250.

46. Novum organum, ii, 13, 17.

47. Philosophical Works, 144.

48. Ibid., 77.

49. Ibid., 50.

50. Spedding, Life, I, III.

51. Novum organum, ii, 2.

52. Ibid., ii, 8.

53. Ibid.

54. De Augmentis, iv, 3.

55. Novum organum, i, 66.

56. De Augmentis, end.

57. Essay “Of Atheism.”

58. Ibid.; Advancement of Learning, in Philosophical Works, 45; De Augmentis, iii, 2.

59. Essay “Of Atheism.”

60. Valerius Terminus, ch. i, in Philosophical Works, 186.

61. Rawley’s Life, in Phil. Works, 9.

62. De Augmentis, ix, 1.

63. Essay “Of Goodness.”

64. Ibid.

65. “Of Marriage and Single Life.”

66. Essays “Of Empire” and “Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms.”

67. De Augmentis, viii, 3, in Phil. Works, 610–11.

68. “Of Vicissitude of Things.”

69. “Of Seditions and Troubles.”

70. Phil. Works, 727.

71. History of Henry VII, in Works, VI, 238–45.

72. In Nichol, J., Fr. Bacon, II, 4.

73. Pope’s Essay on Man, line 282.

74. Thema coeli, in Phil. Works, 705; Descriptio globi intellectualis, ibid., 685.

75. In Friedell, Cultural History of the Modern Age, I, 335.

76. The Advancement of Learning, in Phil. Works, 167.

77. Wolf, Science in the Sixteenth Century, 640; Bernal, Science in History, 305.

78. Hallam, Literature of Europe, III, 72.

79. Nichol, J., II, 235.

80. Novum organum, i, 49.

81. Ibid., i. 26, 05.


1. Rogers, Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 103.

2. Ibid., table at p. 73.

3. John, Charles I, 167.

4. French, Allen, Charles I and the Puritan Upheaval, 100–2.

5. Robertson, J. M., Freethought, II, 24.

6. Ibid., 77.

7. Ibid., 76.

8. Ibid.

9. Aubrey, 135.

10. Belloc, H., Richelieu, 49.

11. McCabe, Candid History, 202.

12. Toynbee, A., Study of History, IX, 178.

13. Allen, English Political Thought, 237.

14. Ibid., 242.

15. Ibid.

16. Taine, English Literature, 259–62.

17. Hume, D., History of England, IV, 183.

18. Gardiner, S. R., History of England 1603–42, VII, 302.