What we did when Nameless first went up wouldn't even have been possible before the internet, or if it was possible would have been heinously expensive. I don't know that a published writer has ever tried putting a "finished" work in front of the public and saying, "Tell me what's wrong." Very few writers have ever even attempted to overhaul a published work because of public criticism. Stephen King released an extended-cut of The Stand which unfortunately resulted in several bizarre anachronisms when he changed the dates in the book, and Marion Zimmer Bradley rewrote a book she published twenty years before, but those are exceptions and not quite the same. George Lucas may have revamped Star Wars, but I'm pretty sure he did it over the protest of his fans, not in response to them.
With Nameless, I said from the start that this was a book I intended to publish, a completed book that I wanted feedback on. This gave people a mindset with which to approach it: they treated the story as a "real" book they wanted to discuss and pick apart as if they were reading it at a book club. They pulled no punches, and this is a better book because of it. I know I'm a measurably better writer than I was at the start.
Chapter by chapter, people told me what was wrong -- sometimes something as small as a mis-spelled word, sometimes a major structural issue. I learned what I was doing right, of course, which is a heady sensation, but more importantly I learned where my weak points were. My dialogue to action ratio was off; my characterization sometimes suffered from a lack of depth, and my cryptic arcs weren't always sharp enough to draw a reader in at the start. The ultimate importance of the first chapter in a book has never been lost on me, but now I understand better how to build something immediate: not everyone is going to trust a writer long enough to get to the good stuff, and a relationship with the reader has to be forged very early.
Criticism is not something you can accept wholesale, of course. You have to pick and choose, but your readers tend to know which way the wind is blowing. If a dozen people notice a single flaw, then it's not a single flaw, it's a problem that needs to be fixed. There is some give and take, and it's a wise child who knows when to listen, but overwhelmingly the advice has been good advice because it's readers giving it. Readers know what throws them out of a book or why they don't trust a character or theme.
It takes a great deal of self-possession to undergo something like this. Even if they like your book, you are never going to please all of the people all of the time and if you try you will end up with a very bad book. Still, you still need to appreciate all viewpoints. You might not act on to what someone says, but you need to take it into account, process it, and thank them for it. They are offering you their honest opinion, which is a precious thing to a writer. Or should be.
All of this requires control on the part of the writer: controlling a knee-jerk "but you don't get it!" reaction, controlling impulses brought on by reader-response, controlling the direction of the book and learning how to direct and manipulate a readership that is responding in real-time. I don't mean manipulation in a negative sense at all, but rather in the sense of guiding your readers along the path you've chosen, improvising and accounting for their unexpected reactions as you go. Every night I read over the notes I'd been given that day and prepped the next day's chapter of Nameless for "publication". Most nights I found myself rewriting significant portions of the new chapter or adding portions that had not been there before, because the story needed them. The readers needed them in order to follow where I was leading.
I have come to learn that control is the most basic tool in a writer's skill set, but not just control of the prose. It seems to me that, as the gap between writer and readership widens, sensible self-control becomes more and more uncommon. Anne Rice has become infamous for refusing to accept commentary from her readers. Some writers have rejected the internet, as a whole, because it is so uncontrolled. I theorize that they do not have the patience or understanding to accept that the burden of responsibility for reader reaction is on them now, I theorize that they fear losing the illusion of control they have had because they are insulated from the wild, organic humanity of the digital community, but who really knows? What I know is that I have accomplished more by exerting control over my shallower impulses, both towards my readers and towards my writing, than I ever accomplished under the assumption that because I was a Writer I knew everything
Ironically, it's hard to articulate how I feel about what happened with Nameless. People worried sometimes that I was hurt, that the criticism was crushing, but I didn't feel that way at all. I was too overwhelmed by what was happening, by what a unique experience it was for me. I felt like I was watching an extribulum come to life. Nameless was a book published online, destined for print but open to examination and feedback prior to its final incarnation. I was looking at another inching step into the future of publishing, where a real dialogue could go on between a writer and a reader and that dialogue, rather than a writer's monologue, could be what went into the final print.
We beta-tested my book. How weird and wonderful is that?
Regardless of the quality of the narrative, regardless of whether you like me or like this book, Nameless is an extribulum. Twenty-five years ago there was no possibility for it to exist. It is a symbol of a new thing, the incunabula of the internet age. This book was written and typeset by the author and mass-produced by an online self-publishing website, but the text is the result of people from all over the world reading and responding and communicating, with their author and with each other.
I highly doubt Nameless will set the world on fire, but it is one small part of the future: someday an extribulum will change our entire human experience purely because it will be available on a scale "dead-tree" publishers only dream of. I'm not afraid; I hope I'm there to see it happen
Nameless is what you get when one person talks and twenty-five hundred people listen...and then talk back.
I could not be more proud.