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“Jesus H. Christ,” Reilly breathed while the A.D.A snapped a couple of pictures. “How did you survive that?”

Carl just shook his head, not knowing how to answer that. Paramedics were called in to treat his wounds. He refused to go to the hospital.

It took several hours for processing. Gloria and Sven were held on charges of kidnapping and torture. A warrant was put out for Turk’s arrest, and Crystal was wanted for questioning. They had failed to turn up at any of the local airports, as Carl had feared. He assumed Turk had chartered a plane or was driving to a hideout, biding his time until he could safely escape.

Either way, Carl doubted Turk would remain in the country for long. It bothered him that they had been so close to capturing him, but he had slipped through their fingers. However, his disappointment paled to the righteous anger displayed by the officers’ sergeant, who yelled at them in the middle of the bullpen over such a boneheaded move.

“What if he’d pulled a gun on you while your backs were turned, huh?!” he’d bellowed. “You’d both be dead and I’d have to explain to your widows what idiots you’d been! Do you think that’d be an easy job? Huh?”

The contrite officers just stood there with heads bowed. Carl suspected they would be walking traffic beats before the week was out.

That reminded him. “Officer—what day is it?” In all the confusion of the last few days, he’d completely forgotten his promise to his client.

“Why, Friday—almost Saturday,” he said, looking at the clock, which read 11:34.

Shit! “I’ve got to use the phone.” Carl hated to call his client so late, but he might be up still, fuming over the project that didn’t get done.

Reilly handed him his cell phone without a word and asked if he needed some privacy. Carl became aware that he was still shirtless, so he began putting it back on even as he shook his head.

As expected, his client was furious—until he heard Carl’s incredible story. He almost didn’t believe him until Carl told him to read the paper in the morning. He signed off, promising to have the completed materials to the printer first thing Monday. The client, much more subdued, said that would be fine. It turned out his hard and fast deadline could be moved a couple of days after all.

It was after midnight when Carl and DeeDee were allowed to leave. It was too late to go home, so they stayed at a hotel. Carl used Gloria’s money to buy a change of clothes for both of them at the hotel boutique. He offered to buy underwear for DeeDee, but she just shook her head and smiled for the first time since her rescue.

“DeeDee, I’m so glad to have you back safe and sound! I was really worried about you.”

She nodded, her face blank. “Thank you,” she said softly.

“What’s wrong? What happened to you in there?” Carl hated to ask, but he wanted to know.

“It was…overwhelming. I didn’t know what to think. And then, I stopped thinking at all. It was easier that way.”

Carl caught himself before he could press for more details. There would be time for that later, he decided. For now, he was just glad she was back.

“Are you hungry?”

The question seemed to surprise her. “Um, I don’t know. I guess.”

Perhaps Turk had decided everything for her, including when to eat. And for that matter what to eat. “Would you like me to get you something? We could order room service. Anything you want.” He showed her the menu.

She glanced at it then shook her head. “I’m not that hungry. Maybe I’ll just have some peanuts from the mini-bar.”

“Sure. Let me get some for you.” He jumped up, trying to show her that she didn’t have to obey anyone anymore. He was happy to fetch something for her. When he turned his back, he heard DeeDee gasp. He turned back, concerned, thinking she was having a flashback to her ordeal. Instead, she pointed to him.

“Your back.”

“Oh. That.” He turned and looked over his shoulder. A red line had seeped through his brand-new shirt. He cursed and eased it off, planning to soak it in the sink.

She gasped again when she saw the bandages over his back. “I’m sorry. So sorry.”

“Why? This isn’t your fault.”

“But it is. Master Turk or Gloria wouldn’t’ve hurt you if it wasn’t for me.”

“That’s nonsense. I’m just glad I was there to help. Think what your life would be like if Turk had come for you before I met you.”

She was silent, apparently thinking about that horror. Carl splashed water on the shirt, rubbing away the bloodstain. He felt guilty too. If he hadn’t explored her darker side, perhaps she would’ve been strong enough to resist Turk’s orders. Then again, knowing how big Turk was, he might’ve just kidnapped her, like he did to so many others.

It worried Carl that the police hadn’t yet tracked Turk down. By now, he’d probably holed up somewhere, under the protection of another slaver, or was on his way out of the country. Carl had told the police about Hank—with any luck, the bald club owner might know where Turk would hide. He hoped they would make the treacherous man sweat.

He returned to the room and went to DeeDee’s side. Carl told her he felt much better and he did, but he suspected it was more because she seemed to be coming out of her shell, becoming a bit more like the DeeDee he knew and loved.

DeeDee was exhausted by her ordeal. She said she wanted to take a shower and go to bed. When she came out of the shower, he went in and cleaned up in the sink, careful not to get his back wet. By the time he came out again, she was in bed, asleep.

Carl slipped in beside her and rested his hand gently on her hip. She had put on an oversized t-shirt he had bought for her and the material felt soft and warm to the touch. She snuggled a little closer and Carl smiled just before he fell asleep.

Chapter Twenty

Carl’s car had been towed to the impound lot after a passing officer had spotted it in front of the hydrant near Turk’s house. Despite the kidnapping, the police didn’t offer to cover the cost of the ticket or the storage fees, so Carl paid it using the last of Gloria’s money and drove the car back to the hotel. DeeDee was waiting in the lobby, dressed in jeans and a blouse. She seemed anxious to get out of there.

Carl had called the police before he left, telling them where they’d be. Reilly thanked him and said they’d call when Turk was in custody. “It’s only a matter of time,” he assured Carl. “The guy can’t disappear.”

The drove south, stopping for lunch at a restaurant near Gilroy then took another break in San Luis Obispo, just to walk around and stretch their legs. Carl was in no hurry. He hoped the drive would bring DeeDee around, as she still seemed somewhat distant. Give her time, he told himself.

They pulled into Santa Barbara just before six, and headed for Carl’s house. He had offered to take her to her apartment instead, but she’d said no immediately. The idea of being alone in that place clearly frightened her.

“I’d feel safer at your place. Is that all right?”

All right! As if she even had to ask. “It’s perfect,” he said.

The house looked inviting to Carl, like an old friend. He parked in the driveway and helped her out. “I know you don’t have much in the way of clothes, but tomorrow, if you’re up to it, we can swing by your place and get some things.”

She nodded, her eyes thoughtful. She focused on Carl’s face. “Thank you,” she whispered, making Carl feel like a hero all over again.

“I wasn’t going to abandon you there. No way. I’m just glad I got there in time.”