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"Jam your prick in me," she sobbed. "Ram that prick into my cunt, Red!"

"This time, we do it my way, pretty lady," Red said. He flopped her, over onto her stomach, then forced her to arch her hips in the air. Her lovely asscheeks were an erotic sight.

With a lewd look, he began rubbing his thick cock against her firm asscheeks. His arms reached around her middle, each hand grabbing a tit. As he pulled and tugged at her hard nipples, his prick probed the crevice of her ass.

"Not in my asshole!" she gasped. "Please, no one's ever fucked me there before. It'll hurt!"

"You just trust ol' Red," he urged, his prick not taking no for an answer. He was in the mood for a tight ass fucking, and he was going to get it.

Lisa's ass wriggled from side to side in a desperate attempt to avoid being skewered by his steel-hard prick. "No," she whined, "please. You'll tear my ass in two!"

"You just hold that little ass still and take what Red's got to give you," he said. "No woman's ever died of Red Haplin's ass reaming yet. And you ain't going to be the first. Now hold that ass still!"

His hands let go of her luscious tits and clamped on either side of her wavering hips. She was in a vise-grip now. No amount of squirming could save her ass from what Red intended to do. Sobbing, she felt his prick brushing against the entrance to her cherry asshole.

"No!" she whimpered. "I beg you, don't fuck my ass!"

But there was no stopping Red now. The tantalizing sight of her jiggling asscheeks was more than his lust-crazed prick could stand. He held her ass rigid between his palms and slowly, deliberately, began his assault on her asshole.

Just the tip of his cock made the initial entrance. Lisa gasped with pain as his cockhead probed the one opening in her body that had never been reamed by any man's prick. As his cock shoved farther and deeper, she couldn't suppress the wails of pain that shook her body. But at the same time, a most curious thing began to happen.

Her cunt tingled wildly. Her fingers reached back and toyed with her slippery clit. First one finger, then two, then three found their ways into her creamed-out hole. Red's prick forcing its way into her asshole was driving her cunt into convulsions of pleasure. Even the stretching sensation of his prick in her ass was beginning to send shooting jabs of delight throughout her slender body.

"I don't believe it!" she cried. "Oh, Red. It actually feels good! Your prick in my ass actually feels good! Oh, keep it up! Ram that cock into my asshole! Deeper! Deeper! Please! Rip me wide open! Rip my ass in two!"

Red didn't have to be asked twice. His prick was in total ecstasy already. The tightness of her cherry fuckhole was sending him into orbit.

"I'm going to cream your ass, baby!" he shouted. "I'm going to shoot my load into that pretty little asshole and watch you beg for more!"

"Aaaaah!" Lisa shrieked. "I don't believe it! I'm going to come, too! My cunt is going to cream while you're creaming my ass!"

"I told you ol' Red gave the best ass job you've ever had!" His prick exploded with more force than it had when it was imbedded in her cunt. Her ass muscles threatened to suck his prick up inside her. He shot so much cum into her asshole that it splashed out and onto her firm, round asscheeks.

He watched gleefully as her slender fingers reached around and rubbed off as much of his cum as she could find. She sucked each finger clean and reached back for more.

"Finger my clit!" she cried. "Finger my clit! I have to come! I need to come!"

Red's cock had shot off so hard into her asshole that Lisa's cunt had been unable to keep up. She'd felt his hot jizz spurting into her and knew she was on the verge of coming, herself. She just needed one extra little nudge. And Red's finger would provide it.

His fingers reached between, her splayed ass and shoved their way into her pussy. One finger toyed with her hardened clit. In that split second, Lisa erupted.

"Aaaaiiiiieee!" she screamed. "Oh, that's it! That's it! Oh, this is the best damned fuck session I've had in weeks! Oh, ram those fingers into me hard and deep, Red. Ram 'em in and don't stop! Whatever you do, don't stop until I've stopped coming!"

Her cunt spewed torrent after torrent of cunt juice onto his jabbing fingers. His other hand captured a dangling tit, tugging the nipple fiercely.

"Aaaahhh!" Lisa wailed. "I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh, God, I'm coming! Aaahhh!"

Red didn't have to be told that bit of news. He had the evidence all over his sopping-wet hand. Yes, sir, he thought, this was one helluva way to spend a lunch hour! And on top of the terrific fuck session, she'd even given him a discount on a pair of shoes.

"I think I may need a new pair of shoes once a month," he breathed, as he lay in a gasping heap next to the naked young woman. Even now, her ripe tits were a tempting target, but he dared not be any later back to work. "Hell, I maybe need a new pair every week."

Lisa laughed and gave his prick a playful squeeze. "I sure hope so, Red," she sighed. "You're one of the best customers I've had. You're just a perfect fit, if you know what I mean."

Her mouth descended on his prick once again. "In fact, I think I want to check that size one more lime."

Red groaned. "Oh, baby, you're going to make me lose my job." But her eager lips were too much for him. Her tongue trailed along the length of his prick and down into the crack between his legs.

"Oh, hell," he thought finally. "I never liked that job anyway. Maybe I could get me a job selling shoes." His fired-up prick once again plunged into her waiting pussy.


Lisa's cunt was creaming. It had been two hours since Red had reluctantly gone back to work, and she was horny again. She looked around the store for Harry, her boss, but he was nowhere to be found. Whenever she needed a fast fucking, Harry could always be counted on to come through with his rough and ready prick.

"How's my favorite salesgirl?"

"Harry!" Lisa jumped, turning to face her boss. "Where were you?"

"Your cunt is in need of a little servicing, I take it," Harry said. He could always read the signs with Lisa. She did not even realize it, but she was rubbing her thighs together with quiet desperation.

"Oh, Harry, I knew I could count on you," she sighed weakly. "I need to fuck right now. Can you come in the back room?"

"And leave the store with no one to watch? You know I haven't hired a new salesperson."

"Lock the doors then, Harry. Close early." Her cunt was demanding a cock now. Her clit throbbed its desire for stimulation.

"Just one more hour, Lisa," he assured her. But seeing the look of aching need that crossed her lovely face, he walked over to his desk. "Here," he said. "Amuse yourself with this in the back. As soon as it's time to close, I'll bring my prick in to you."

"Promise?" she moaned, wrapping her fingers around the brown paper bag he handed her.

"Promise. Now go, before I lose my head at the sight of your quivering body and fuck you right here on the floor of the store."

"I'd let you…" she said huskily.

With a groan, he ushered her into the back room. She had to be the horniest woman he had ever known. He blessed the Gods that had sent her to this store. As he watched her close the door to the back room, he concentrated on easing the hard-on she'd caused. His crotch bulged with the obvious signs, and he heard the bell on the door signaling the arrival of a customer. A little old woman was walking into the store. All he could do was hope she didn't notice. Even as he walked toward her, his mind strayed to the image of what Lisa was doing to herself in the back room.

Lisa fingered the life-like dildo. It was a poor substitute for the real thing. How did Harry expect her to fuck herself with it, when she knew his own magnificent prick was just beyond the doorway? She sighed. It would have to do.