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"I'm going crazy!" Nina moaned. "Ohhhh, I'll go mad if I don't get to eat your pussy!"

"I'm all for that!" the blonde gasped. "I'm all in favor of you eating my cunt. Mmmmmm! I want to get my mouth on that sweet little box that has been driving me so wild, too."

The girls broke apart for a moment. Their eyes met, laughing softly and eagerly, while their bodies still pulsed with the passion they had generated. They blew a kiss and then twisted about in the bed once more. They positioned themselves where they could each get their mouths at the other girl's pussy. Karen looked at the quivering cunt lips in front of her. She could see the moisture in Nina's hair and across the lips of her pussy. Karen moistened her lips as she contemplated the luscious cunt for a moment. She was just lowering her face toward it when she felt Nina's mouth close over her glowing, panting pussy.

"Mmmmmm!" the brunette moaned. "Oooooo! Gonna suck this sweet pussy! I'm going to eat the hell out of such sweet cunt!"

Then she came after Karen with passionate demand. Her mouth clamped tightly over the girl's pussy. Her tongue lapped eagerly into Karen's slit. She sucked deeply on the youngster's clit, tongued into it again, and finally blew forcefully up along the quivering inner passage.

"Eeeeee!" Karen gasped in delight. "Oooooeeee! Mmmmmm! I never felt it so good! My pussy never felt so wild and happy!"

That wasn't quite true, of course. Her pussy had enjoyed being fucked by a boy, had enjoyed it even more. Still, it seemed right to say this. After all, the brunette was sure giving her a hell of a good suck. Her passion was roaring all through her. She felt even more frantically happy as her lips closed over the quivering pussy of the maid. She drove her tongue into the silken lips and found the maid's clit. She felt Karen leap about as she lapped that passion button into delirium. She sucked eagerly, pulling the slowly pumping juices into her mouth, then blowing just as firmly as she had felt herself blown.

The girls rocked together. They swayed on the soft bed. They wrapped their thighs around each other and held each head imprisoned between soft, sensuous thighs. They sucked at cunts while their hands roved, grabbing at tits and ass with anxious delight. Karen filled one hand with tit, the other with ass. She shook both rapidly while she felt her pussy go absolutely wild from the loving. Her whole body was trembling. Her teeth, even, were shaking from the surging emotion. They groped and sucked frantically as their orgasms rushed through them.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ohhhhhh!" the maid moaned and grunted. "Honey! Ohhhh, honey! I'm there! I'm coming! Ohhhhh!"

"Right with you, Nina!" Karen gasped. "Mmmmmmm! I feel it, too!"

She plunged her mouth back over the maid's cunt, sucking even more hungrily. Nina's thighs trembled about her. They clung to each other tightly while their climax roared over them. They sucked and throbbed. They twisted and writhed in delight. They gasped and panted as they exploded into a pair of orgasms. The room whirled around them. The world outside the bedroom ceased to exist. Karen tingled as her climax swept her into ecstasy. She held tightly to Nina as they rode through the delicious experience.

The room was filled with the smell of woman as they finally rolled apart. Delayed spasms still shook both bodies. They held hands, twisting their fingers together while they smiled hazily into each other's eyes.

"Mmmmmm," Karen moaned softly. "Mmmmmm, that was good! What a delicious way to start the day!"

"Or end it," the brunette laughed, patting the girl's tits. "Start it or end it, even have a little fun in between."

They laughed together. Karen stretched luxuriously. Her body felt soft and lovely. It should, she told herself. It had been loved properly last night. It had awakened this morning to a good cunt suck. What a summer lay ahead of her! Now that everyone was accepting her as old enough, she was going to have one hell of a good time.


The little blonde paused at the door. Her heart was beating like a trip-hammer. She wondered if she ought to knock or just go on up. She hesitated a moment, then decided that it would be less risky if she went on inside. She opened the door quietly, then climbed the stairs, taking special care to make as little sound as possible.

He would be expecting her, she knew. Well, maybe it wasn't her he expected. He was after a little nooky, though. He would be waiting for his pussy to show up. Wouldn't he be surprised to see the new package? The thought sent a shiver of excitement up the girl's spine.

She'd been lucky. She'd been lucky all around. First, she had been lucky that they hadn't known she was sunning on the patio. She'd been in a different spot than usual. She had pulled a chaise lounge off to the side. Karen had been laying quietly, almost hidden up against the hedge that separated the gardens from the pool and terrace.

Nina hadn't seen her. Roger couldn't have seen her. She had stirred from her light nap just in time to catch the maid slipping across the stones and easing into the garden. Something about the stealth made Karen suspicious. Nina kept glancing back toward the house like she wanted to be sure that no one was watching her. Since she hadn't wanted to be watched, Karen watched her. She watched through the hedge as the maid went into the garden and walked softly up behind Roger. She caught him unawares, wrapping her arms about him and hugging him tauntingly. She rubbed those immense tits an against him while a broad, pleased smile broke across the boy's face.

"Hey!" he laughed. "Cut it out! If you want to play, then let me get around facing you. I've got a big piece of meat I'd like to rub against you."

"Not here!" Nina scolded him. "You get that pecker moving against me and we'd be here all day."

"Great idea!" Roger answered, breaking free of her embrace and turning to face her. Karen felt a pang of jealousy and resentment as he pulled the brunette against him and hunched his hot prick against her. At least the blonde assumed it was hot. From the reaction of the brunette it must have been steaming. Nina pulled back like she'd been scalded. Her eyes smiled, but the rest of her body acted angry.

"Stop that!" she hissed at him. "You'll get plenty of time to do that!"

"When?" he asked, reaching out and cupping one of her tits while he stared at her. "Damn, woman! You come out and rub those beauties all over me, then my to keep cool."

"For now," she replied. "Isn't this your afternoon to work on the books?"

"You know it is," he agreed. "I'll be upstairs for an hour or so, balancing the account. Can't have Mr. W. getting mad because I spend money without giving account. Why?"

"I just thought you might need a little help," Nina told him, a faint smile playing about her mouth. "Since you'll have an excuse to be inside, I thought I might supply more reason."

"Just be sure the girl doesn't catch you again," Roger muttered. "You've been getting careless. We don't want the family to know about our fun times. You let Karen keep seeing you coming out of the garage and she'll get suspicious. Let her tell her old man and we'll both get fired."

"You think so?" Nina asked. "I don't. I don't think Mr. Wilson would want to fire me. Maybe his wife wouldn't let him fire you."

"Shut up!" the boy snapped, giving her a quick slap on the ass. "Don't talk that way!"

Nina posed her body for him, thrusting her tits provocatively toward him for a moment, then turning away. She looked back over her shoulder and winked at him.

"Ill see you this afternoon," she promised. "We ought to have a couple of hours to play before I have to get back to the kitchen."

Karen was not sure of the meaning of some of their banter. She suspected that they both had been teasing her parents a little bit. She knew that her mother did enjoy the company of younger men sometimes. And her dad had never turned down a piece of young pussy according to the talk around school. Maybe the two servants suspected the style of life her parents had adopted. She shrugged her shoulders.