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That had been her first piece of luck. The second came at lunch. They were just finishing when her mother called the maid back from the kitchen. She told Nina that she would be needing her for the afternoon. She wanted the brunette's assistance with one of her projects. Karen was never quite sure what these projects of her mother's were all about. She thought they might mean decorating for one of those parties her parents were always attending. Today she couldn't have cared less. All she knew was that Roger was expecting some pussy and Nina wouldn't be around to handle his needs.

Karen had remained downstairs keeping an eye on the maid. She didn't want to give Nina a chance to slip out to the garage and explain to Roger. She would do the explaining herself. The teenager breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her mother and the brunette drive off. Everything had been working right. Her mother's car had even been parked in front of the house. Poor Nina didn't even have a chance to signal the boy from the drive.

She looked out and saw Roger coming from the garage. Karen remembered that he came over to the house every day for lunch. He and Nina ate together in the kitchen after the family had been fed. A moment of terror swept through the girl. The kitchen! Nina would have left a message in the kitchen!

She leaped up and raced to the kitchen, anxious to get there before Roger came in the back door. She ran in, her eyes sweeping the room frantically. Yes, there it was! A note had been left beside the boy's plate. She grabbed it quickly, not taking time to read it. She had already torn it three times and was dropping it in the trash when the door opened. She turned and smiled at Roger as he looked about for the brunette.

"Nina here?" he asked, still looking about.

"She and Mom ran to the store I think." Karen lied. "They should be back in a half hour or so. She left your lunch here for you."

She debated remaining. She hesitated, then walked out, leaving him to eat in peace. Why not? Hell, she was going to have him all afternoon. Instead of remaining and tormenting him, she ran upstairs and took a hurried shower. She pulled out her best cologne and lavished it over her body. This was going to be a good fuck. She wanted it to be the best he'd ever had. She rubbed the exotic smell into her skin, then slipped into her tightest shorts. She pulled on her most seductive halter and checked her appearance in the mirror.

Hell yes, she looked all right. She looked as appealing as hell. She mustn't rush this, however. Shit! Roger hadn't even finished eating and she was all set to start banging away. The blonde laughed at her impatience, then stretched out across her bed. She propped her head on both pillows and waited anxiously until the time she figured he'd be expecting his caller.

Now she eased up his stairs, knowing that he was above her. Was he already naked? Was he, perhaps, waiting naked in his bed? The thought sent another beautiful chill along her spine. Karen made it to the top of the stairs and discovered another door. She tested the knob, found it unlocked, and opened the door into his small apartment. She looked around, amazed at the strange taste Roger showed. Huge, fake fur rugs were spread everywhere. Pictures of naked girls covered the walls. Incense was burning in two small iron pots. The whole apartment reeked with the heady aroma. Karen was glad that she had used the cologne. If smell intrigued Roger, then she would give him plenty of that. She didn't see him, however. Roger wasn't in the room. A frown creased Karen's forehead as she stepped toward the bed with its heavy fur coverlet.

"Be right there," Roger's voice sounded from a room beyond. "I didn't hear you come back. Get ready, baby! I've gotten hornier than hell waiting for you."

Karen giggled and slipped out of her halter. She stopped at the edge of the bed and pulled her shorts down. Her panties followed immediately as she heard his footsteps coming across the next room. The blonde hopped onto the bed, the rich, furry cover sending a tingle all over her body. She lay back, waiting as he stepped into the room.

"What the hell!" he gasped. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He hadn't been waiting naked. He hadn't been dressed, either. Roger wore only a pair of jockey shorts. They didn't conceal much. They sure the hell showed a huge wad of cock and balls down in his groin. The heavy, black hair showed through the white cloth, giving an added touch of excitement. He had dark hair across his chest, too. Somehow it looked heavier, more lush than the light blond hair on her brother. Karen shivered, wondering if all that hair would tickle her when she rubbed her tits against it.

"Get out of here!" Roger demanded. "Get your clothes back on and get out!"

His face was livid with anger. He was panting. His nostrils flared as he looked at her. Damn right he was looking. He might be acting like he was mad but he sure was staring the hell out of her tits and pussy. Karen smiled sweetly, as though he had only told her that she was beautiful. She arched her back, thrusting her tits upward. She lifted one knee to pose her softly rounded thigh and calf for his inspection.

"Out!" he repeated, stepping closer. His breath was coming rapidly. "Come on, hurry up! Get out of here!"

"No way," she answered him calmly. "I came as substitute. You want someone else to substitute? You want maybe Anne? Maybe you want Mom to come up here."

He staggered backwards as if she had slapped him. Karen didn't understand why. She would later. All she saw at the moment, though, was that he was on the defensive. She quickly followed up her advantage.

"Come on," she cooed softly. "You tell me which one you want and I'll send her instead."

"You!" he stammered. "You… you…"

"Stop blubbering," Karen laughed. "I'm getting chilled, laying here all naked. Get on over here and warm me up."

She saw him hesitate. She watched him take a step backwards, then take the same step towards her. His eyes were still glued to her body. She could hear the intensity of his breathing. She rolled slightly from side to side. Then he sent a thrill of excitement through her. He started pulling his shorts off. The teenager moistened her dry lips as she watched the luscious cock come up from his groin as he pulled the shorts away. She smiled at him, then opened her arms as he slipped down beside her.

"You drive a hard bargain," he muttered. "Damn if you don't."

"I'm not interested in a hard bargain," she told him. "I want that hard pecker of yours."

She emphasized her comment by reaching out and grasping his throbbing meat. Karen cuddled the pulsing cock in both hands, slowly pumping the skin along it while she felt his hands go for her tits. Roger leaned over her, his hands cupping and fondling both tits while his lips came down on her mouth. He parted her lips with his tongue, darting it hungrily into her mouth and rubbing it along her own excited tongue. Karen moaned her delight, rolling her tits beneath his sensuous caresses.

"Mmmmmmm," she groaned, sucking on his tongue as he ran it farther into her mouth. She met it with her own tongue play, sucking on it greedily and throbbing as he cuddled her tits with rough appreciation. He broke off the kiss and ran his lips down the line of her jaw. He kissed along her neck and shoulders, then sought for her heaving breasts. Karen moaned as she felt his lips close over one tit. He kissed and sucked on her for a minute, then began widening his mouth and trying to see how much of her delicious tit he could draw inside. Her nipple rubbed against the roof of his mouth as his hands mashed and stroked over her tit in a frantic groping.

"Oooooo!" she panted. "They're getting big and full, Roger. They're getting ripe for you."

He switched to the other tit, pulling the same maddening stunt with it. The blonde lifted herself upward and mashed the satin flesh of tit over his face. She twisted her body to increase the thrill that ran all through both tits. She pumped his cock more firmly, more deliberately. One hand went after his balls, tugging at the soft sac and fingering his nuts.