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"Ohhhh!" Karen panted as she pulled the boy's hand tighter against her tits. "Ohhhh! Wow! Ohhhh!"

Nina squeezed her hand frantically as their fuck grew rapidly toward its culmination. Karen hung on to her, watching the surging power of Brad's plunging cock, watching the way his muscles rippled as he balled the brunette with greater intensity. He was panting for air as he drove his cock viciously at the responding pussy. They both bounced over the bed, clutching at each other and moaning as their orgasms approached.

"Ohhhh, baby!" Brad gasped. "Ohhhh, sweet baby! I'm going to let you have it! I'm about to unload it into you!"

"Any time!" the brunette woman called back to him. "I've been ready! I've been waiting! Fuck me, Brad! Let it flow! Ooooooeee!"

Both bodies shuddered as they reached their climax. Karen feared for a moment that Nina would crush her fingers, she was squeezing so hard. The blonde could feel her pussy dripping juice all over Roger's plunging finger. She felt it running down her thigh. Karen leaned back against the boy and twisted her face up so he could kiss her as they listened to the delicious sounds of the other couple exploding into orgasm.

Karen was still tingling by the time her brother finally slowed his enraged thrusts. She saw the smile of satisfaction spread over his face. Brad sighed heavily and kissed Nina gently. Then he rolled off the voluptuous brunette and looked up at his sister.

"Give us five or ten minutes," he panted. "Then we'll be ready to start a real party."

"Any time," Roger answered. "Maybe you'd like a beer while you recharge those batteries."

Brad smiled thankfully and nodded. Roger pushed Karen over onto the bed and got up. He walked into the next room, then came back with four cans of beer. He smiled at the other three and handed the cans around. Karen hesitated. She had never liked the taste of beer. Her parents had never forbidden her to drink it. It was always available to her when they sat about the pool on hot days. Karen never enjoyed it, though. She didn't care for the taste of the heaviness she felt after she had drank it.

This afternoon, however, seemed like a good time for beer. She sure could use something to cool her off. She realized that she'd been sweating in excitement while the other couple fucked. She turned the can up and took a deep swallow. It was amazing how much better the liquid tasted than she had expected. She laughed to herself, deciding that it must be the company which made the difference. This sure beat a family gathering about the pool. It beat the hell out of any family gathering.

They smoked and drank the beer, chatting about everything and nothing, all at the same time. Karen wished suddenly that it had been a rainy day. A storm would have made the scene that much cozier. Yes, a storm would have really made it all perfect.

"Too bad Anne wasn't around to join the party," Roger commented. "That red-head loves a good fuck. Man, but she likes to screw."

Another pang of jealousy and resentment ran through Karen. She caught her breath quickly and turned to look at the handy-man. Her eyes flashed at him as she responded.

"If I'm not good enough for you," she retorted, "just say so. Maybe we can find Anne for you, since you've been panting for her all afternoon."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Roger laughed, patting her thigh affectionately. "Who said anything against you? Your sister likes to play sex games. I just thought she might enjoy being in on all this. No way I'm going to miss this next fuck with you, baby."

"If we had Anne with us, who'd screw her?" Nina asked. She showed the same distrust of Roger's meaning as Karen. "Looks to me like we've got two pairs. I can't see how we could handle a spare pussy."

"Hell, I didn't mean just Anne," the boy answered peevishly. "Damn but you two are touchy! I meant that it's too bad Anne didn't bring one of her boy friends up, like that guy, Ritchie."

"Who's Ritchie?" Karen asked.

"This religious nut she picked up somewhere," Brad explained. "He's a member of some Jesus outfit on the campus of the university. He wants to save Anne's soul, I think."

"For what?" Karen asked innocently.

The other three burst into laughter. The blonde caught the joke and joined in. She laughed even harder as she began to imagine how this Ritchie would react to what they had been doing this afternoon.

"Wouldn't it be great!" she burst out. "Wouldn't it be great if she brought him up right now. He'd walk in and catch us all laying here naked, the smell of cum all over us. He'd see us like this, see the beer and the cigarettes, and get the shock of his life."

"It'd scare the shit out of him," Brad agreed. "I'd like to see it."

"I screwed a fellow like that once," Nina commented. "Damn, but he was good looking, I worked on it for months before I got him in the sack. Then I discovered it wasn't worth the effort. Hell, he was popping off as he pulled his cock out of his pants. What was worse, he came by the store where I worked the next day. He was all upset about it. He felt guilty as hell. The bastard tried to have a prayer meeting right there in the store in front of everybody. Can you imagine it? He wanted me to kneel down there, with customers all around me, and confess my sins to the Lord."

"Did you?" Roger asked.

"Hell no!" the brunette retorted. "I told him that I didn't feel guilty. Any guy that couldn't lay it to a girl any better than he did sure ought to feel guilty."

They all laughed again. Karen was surprised to discover that she had finished the can of beer. She looked at the empty container, then laid it on the table beside the bed. Roger caught her movement and set his can beside hers.

"My sexy little blonde is ready for more," he announced. "You guys in shape for the next screw?"

"Absolutely!" Brad answered, grabbing one of Nina's massive tits in his hand.

Roger directed them into position. He told the brunette to lay across the bed from the head to the foot. He pulled Karen over and placed her on her knees, kneeling from the foot to the head of the bed. Brad waited beyond the body of the brunette, a smile of keen anticipation on his face. He winked at his sister and reached down to begin fondling at Nina's pussy.

"All right," Roger announced. "I think we're ready. You girls get to suck on each other's tits while we fuck you. Get on over Nina's beauties, Karen. Then your brother can get his cock at her and lay his body over both of you. I'll come up behind and dog fuck you."

He didn't wait long. As soon as he gave the directions he was against Karen's ass. His cock came between her thighs, rubbing upwards against her pussy. She laid her tits over those of the brunette, then eased back against the handyman. She drew her tits luxuriously across those of the maid, then got them over the woman's face while she buried her head into Nina's wonderful mass of breast.

"Mmmmm," she whispered, beginning to kiss each of the heaving globes. "Ooooo! Sooo nice and big and full!"

Her pussy tingled as Roger kept rubbing his cock over it. His fingers soon joined in. She could distinguish the thick head of his pecker and the more slender touch of his finger as he stroked them in alternation about her clit. She throbbed eagerly as she felt Nina get a nipple in her mouth and begin sucking and licking her tits. The brunette caught them in her hands and pulled them deliciously.

"Suck them, Sis!" Brad whispered from above her. "Suck those tits until she goes crazy. The better you suck her, the better pussy I get."