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"Uhhh! Uhhhh!" Ritchie gasped as his cock began to shake furiously. "Ohhhh, baby! I'm about to shoot it all! It's ready to shoot into you!"

"Ooooeeee!" Karen cried out into the small enclosure as his hot semen boiled into her. "Oooooeeee!"

She clamped her legs about him and throbbed with the intense thrills of her second orgasm. She bit into his shoulder and rolled the tits he adored so fervently all over him. She trembled wildly and felt her orgasm meet his and match his fury.

"Oooooeeee!" she screamed again. "Ohhhh, yessss! Fuck me! Fuck me!"


"Ohhhh, baby!" the boy panted. "I've been waiting to get my cock into your sweet pussy all night! Oh yesss!"

He smiled happily as he bounced above Karen. His cock thrust and plunged through her moist cunt as she twisted beneath him. The stereo blared away, providing a constantly changing assortment of beats and musicians. The last number had been much slower. A short, chubby college sophomore had been fucking her during that time. The rules of the game called for an exchange of partners each time the song changed. This was the fourth boy to fuck Karen so far. The blonde had no idea how much longer the game would continue.

"Mmmmm," the freckle-faced boy panted. "Ooooo, what sweet cunt! Damn, you're a gorgeous broad!"

His hands groped eagerly at her tits, thumbing her nipples even harder than the previous boys had gotten them. Karen arched her back, thrusting the globes upward to give him a better exposure of them. Beside her, Anne was moaning in delight as the chubby boy balled her rapidly with his short, chunky pecker.

Karen had been surprised when her sister invited her to come to this party. She had been afraid that Ritchie might talk about their afternoon. Anne had acted a little strange for a couple of days afterwards. Karen had been terrified that she might have seen Ritchie leaving the house. It had been a close call that afternoon. She and the big football star had fucked in the shower, then talked for a while before he left. The teenager had remembered the cum that was all over the couch just in time. She'd just finished cleaning it when her mom and Anne drove up. Ritchie had not been gone more than four or five minutes. Karen watched her sister closely during those two days. Then her sister had come bounding into her room late at night and awakened her.

"I have to tell you!" she bubbled. "I just have to let you know."

"What?" Karen answered groggily, stretching and rubbing her eyes. "What the hell is so important that you have to tell me in the middle of the night?"

"Ritchie," the red-head answered. "I got him! Ohhhh, Sis! I actually got his cock! He fucked me tonight. It was fantastic! Karen, you'd never believe how much meat he has! Never in a million years would you believe any one man could have all that cock."

Karen breathed a deep sigh of relief. Ritchie had been the problem for her sister. Ritchie himself had worried her, not Ritchie and Karen. She laughed happily and shared in the pleasure as Anne described the entire fuck.

The music changed. Karen kissed the freckle-faced boy and watched him climb on top of Anne. He looked down at the red-haired girl, looking at her glowing body and grinned happily.

"Ohhhh, baby!" he panted. "I've been waiting to get my cock into your wet pussy all night! Ohhhh, yessss!"

They were the same words he had told Karen, the same words exactly. The blonde wished that she'd never kissed the bastard. She would have bet that he'd told every girl he'd screwed so far the same line. He'd hand it to every one he fucked as he went around the circle of pussy the rest of the night as well. Damn him, anyway.

"Agggghhh!" a big, strapping red-haired boy roared as he came down onto her. He brandished his long, lean pecker in front of her and pumped it eagerly a few times. "Look at it, sweetheart!" he panted. "This old cock's gonna give you a lot of pleasure!"

Karen didn't remember meeting him when they first came in to the party. It didn't matter, though. The distaste she felt toward him didn't matter either. He was part of the fucking circle, the circle of pussy as their hostess had called it when she positioned the girls in a huge circle around the carpet.

"Aaaggghhhhh!" the boy roared again as he drove the long meat into Karen's pussy. He began pumping with angry ferocity. She twisted beneath him, wondering if he would be able to contain himself. She was afraid that he wouldn't last until the time for orgasm. She moaned as he began to pull and twist her tits about with the same rough violence. The blonde gritted her teeth, praying for the stereo to change numbers before this son of a bitch injured her.

"You like it this way?" he asked her. "You like to be roughed up a little while you get it?"

"Not really," she answered. "I'd rather get a long, slow fuck. You know, the way a man screws a woman."

"Well, you won't get it!" he snarled, banging her even more roughly. Instead of being shamed by her comment, he was angered. He was trying to hurt her, the bastard! The teenager closed her eyes, sickened by the stupid grin on his face. Thankfully, he released her tits and grabbed her ass in both hands. He held her tightly and drove his cock at her with even greater rage. Karen began to finally respond to the rough treatment. Her pussy was reacting to the lightning thrusts, the slamming of his body against her. She was beginning to hump herself along the slender shaft when the music changed again.

The boy waited a moment. When another song blared at them, he looked angrier than ever. "Shit!" he muttered as he climbed off her and moved on over to her sister.

"Aagghhh!" she heard him snarl as he pounced on Anne just as violently as he had gone after Karen.

The next partner who moved onto her young body was an older man. Karen remembered meeting him earlier. He taught at one of the colleges in the area. One of the girls, a student of his, had brought him to the party. Karen had been impressed with the way he fit in to the group without trying to act like he was as young as the rest of them. She appreciated that. There was something sexy about an older man, especially when he didn't feel it necessary to prove that he wasn't really old. This one was sexy. She smiled up at him as he crawled between her thighs and cupped her tits gently while easing his cock against her pussy.

"Lovely!" he whispered down to her. "You're absolutely beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen so much loveliness in a young girl."

His cock came lusciously into her cunt as he fingered her tits. He pumped her slowly, sensuously, while he leaned his face down and began to kiss one glowing nipple. The blonde wondered if he would give Anne the same compliment. This time she didn't care. Any girl needed to hear such sweet words after the bastard that was fucking ahead of him.

"Mmmmm!" she sighed, reaching up to caress the back of his neck. "Ooooo, I like to be fucked by an expert. Mmmmmm!"

He was an expert. The way he screwed her sent shivers of delight all through her cunt. He seemed to be making small circles with his prick, moving around and around as he pumped it along the shuddering walls of her pussy. She lay back and enjoyed him. She was glad she had come, again. She was so glad that Anne had invited her.

Anne had invited her and the red-head didn't even know that she was the reason Ritchie had screwed her. After their fuck in the shower, the little blonde had talked with the big athlete about her sister. She convinced Ritchie that Anne was just shy, that she really dreamed of being laid. She convinced him that the lovely red-head was aching to let him fuck her. Karen had been able to talk the boy into it because she had discovered what no one else knew. Ritchie was afraid of hurting a girl with his immense cock. He had fucked a girl years earlier, when they were both children. He had popped her cherry, then thought that the blood was because of his mammoth size.