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Her assailant left, holding his mouth and nose in a vain attempt to stop the flow of blood. Karen snuggled thankfully against her rescuer. His hand cupped her tits protectively. He laid his head over hers and held her tightly while she began controlling the tears.

"Easy, sweetheart," he consoled her. "It's over. He won't bother you again."

"Thank you," she answered shakily. "I just wish you'd gotten here five minutes earlier."

"So do I," he agreed. "So do I. Come on, now. Let's find your clothes. You're going home with me for a little while. I think you've had enough of this party."

"But Anne," Karen protested. "I came with Anne and Brad."

"They know where I live," he laughed. "At least Anne does. They'll come by for you on their way home."

He spoke briefly with her sister as she retrieved her clothing. They slipped back into their clothes at the door, then went out to his car. Karen sat close against him as he drove to his apartment. She walked tightly against him as he led her to his door. She looked up at him, waiting for his kiss, once they got inside. He met her request, kissing her long and passionately. His hands cupped her buttocks, then ran along the side of her tits affectionately. He smiled at her as he lifted his face from hers.

"You sit down over there," he said, pointing to his couch. "I'll fix us a couple of drinks. Let's wash that bad experience from your mind and then give you a nicer one to take its place."

That sounded like an excellent idea. It sounded even better as she nestled against him, sipping her drink and watching the slow swelling of his cock. By the time he lifted her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom, it seemed like the most fantastic idea she had ever imagined.

"Lovely!" he sighed. "You are so exquisitely lovely!"

He sat beside her and removed her blouse and slacks. He kissed her tits softly as he pulled her panties from her. Then he stood beside the bed and quickly slipped off his clothes. His eyes were gentle, adoring as he came back toward her. Karen sighed deeply, thrilled by this older man's complete approval. She began to tingle in anticipation as he leaned toward her. He kissed her toes and feet. His lips came sensuously up her legs. He kissed her thighs, then moved his lips erotically over her hips and along her waist.

"Mmmmmm," she quivered in rising warmth. "Oooo, that's so beautiful. I've never been loved this way."

"You should," he whispered to her. "A woman so absolutely beautiful should be loved with appreciation."

He called her a woman! He thought of her as a woman! He knew she was Anne's sister. Karen had little doubt that he knew how young she really was. Anne must have told him. Karen was convinced that her sister had visited this apartment, had been fucked in this bed. She'd bet, however, that her sister had never gotten this expert treatment. Something about the teacher convinced her that he had saved all this adoration for her. She was a woman to him. She wasn't a teenager. She was a beautiful, desirable woman. She glowed and throbbed as much from the knowledge as from the delicious way he was kissing her shoulders and neck.

"Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!" he murmured as he kissed her chin and the corners of her mouth. Then his lips were over hers. He kissed her deeply, drawing her breath from her as her tongue eagerly met his own. Then he moved his face back down across her chest. He kissed around her tits. He kissed the top of her tits. He kissed the sides and bottom of her tits. He kissed her nipples, sucking them until she felt sharp flashes of fiery passion surge into her swelling breasts.

His hands had begun to caress her thighs. He stroked inside her satin thighs and outward over her tingling hips. He fondled her pussy as he massaged her. Then his lips moved downward over her navel. As his lips approached her pussy, his hands went toward her tits. Then he was there! Ohhh, was he ever there!

"Ooooo!" she groaned in the intensity of her soaring delight. "Mmmmm! Ooooo! Yessss! Love me! Love me! Ooooo!"

His lips were over her cunt, sucking at her slowly but thoroughly. His hands were on her tits, caressing them into delirious happiness. Karen writhed beneath his foreplay, her body burning with more intense pleasure than she thought could ever exist. She was a woman! She was WOMAN! She was every beautiful woman who ever existed. She was every woman who was ever loved and adored! This was beyond belief. This was beyond description!

Then he came up over her. He brought his cock up to the softly pulsing lips of her pussy. He eased the thick cock head against her cunt and slipped it in and against her clit. Karen shuddered as sparkling tremors of pleasure ran through her. Dazzling flashes of multicolored brilliance whirled about her. The girl gasped with intense desire as the lovely cock went further into her pussy.

"Mmmmm!" she sighed in a quivering breath. "Ooooo, darling! My darling! My precious! Ooooo, it feels so good!"

He rubbed her tits slowly as he began to plunge his prick at the clutching spasms of her ecstatic pussy. He fucked her deliberately. He fucked her thoroughly. He fucked her adoringly. He pumped and balled while the blazing passion built to a fantastic heat inside her. She began to tremble out of control. She clamped her legs around him and hugged him, her adoration of him equal to the worship he had shown her. She rolled them from side to side as she thrust her tits into his frantic caresses. She humped her pussy along his cock as he began to ball her more violently.

"Take me!" she screamed. "Ohhhhhh, God! Take me! Fuck me! Ohhh, love me like I've never been loved before! Fuck me as I've never been fucked before!"

He did. He did exactly that. By the time her orgasm had passed, she was breathless. She lay back panting and looking up into his soft eyes. She tingled as he continued to caress her, to keep her body at that fever pitch of emotion. He brought her to another orgasm, then to another. Finally he let her lay back on the pillow as he kissed her tits with unmatched skill. The young blonde could not have been happier. She could not see how any girl could feel deeper contentment.

"I love you," she whispered. "I love you."

Karen had never told anybody that before, except her family. She felt that she should tell the teacher, though. She didn't quite understand what love was all about, not love outside the love of her family. The nearest she could imagine, however, was what she felt toward this sweet, gentle man with the wonderful cock and the magic hands.

"You are the loveliest woman I ever loved," he answered. "You are the loveliest woman I ever dreamed of holding."


Their father was waiting. The three Wilson children didn't see him at first. They were still too dazed from all the excitement of the party to be exactly careful and observant as they climbed from the car and walked into the house.

Karen was the most excited of the three. She still tingled from the visit with the teacher. They had fucked again before her brother and sister arrived. Between fucks she had fixed them a snack. She had felt so domestic, puttering around in his kitchen, one of his shirts thrown over her shoulders to keep her from getting chilled in the evening air that blew through an open window. She could smell his cologne lingering in the cloth of the shirt. That was nice. It made her feel like his arms were always around her. Most of the time they were. He kept hugging her and kissing her as they played putting together a couple of sandwiches. Then they had eaten them before slipping back to the bedroom for another luscious screw.

"Mmmm!" the girl sighed as she took a deep breath of air just before entering her home. "Ooooo, I feel sooo beautiful!"

She spun about happily, then followed her brother and sister into the house. Brad had clearly smoked too much pot. Anne looked like she might have taken too much to drink. They both acted sort of quiet and restrained. Not Karen. She wanted to dance and sing all through the house.