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Then their father stepped out of the shadows of the family room and blocked the stars up to their bedrooms. His eyes flashed angrily as he confronted them. His face was dark with a scowl of displeasure.

"Where have you three been?" he demanded.

"To a party," Anne answered. As the oldest, she always was expected to answer for the other two. "We went to a party."

"I know about that party," their father snorted. "It was at the Rowley's, wasn't it? If it wasn't, then someone took your car over there while you were somewhere else."

"It was at the Rowley's," Brad answered. He spread his legs in a belligerent stance. He held the position for a moment, then staggered slightly and almost fell. Karen giggled. She would have laughed louder except for the snapping glance her father shot at her. She only giggled, then suppressed even that.

"You think I don't know what kind of party it was?" Walter Wilson snarled. "You think I'm that stupid? You think you can go to a sex orgy any time you please and I'll never get wise?"

Anne and Brad looked at Karen. They had each answered a question. Now it was her time to respond. That's the way they had always done when their father interrogated them. This time, though, Karen almost let him down. She couldn't think of a good answer, not right at the moment. She couldn't think at all with her dad glaring at her this way. She fumbled for words, then smiled brightly.

"You want to go with us next time?" she asked. It wasn't the right answer. Walter Wilson snorted even more angrily. He waved his arms in his rage. His mouth worked noiselessly while he tried to find words. Finally he shouted at them.

"Get to your rooms. I'll talk to each of you separately. Maybe that way I'll find out what's going on in this house."

The three kids looked at each other in apprehension. This was the way their father had always worked them when he was extremely angry.

The fact that Marge Wilson had walked from the living room to join them didn't lessen their fears. If their dad hadn't been enraged, their mother would be in bed asleep. They scampered up the stairs, each glancing helpless at the other as they went to their individual rooms.

Karen flopped down on her bed and propped her head against a pillow. He would come in here first. He always did. He would work up the ladder from the youngest to the oldest. She sighed heavily, knowing that it wouldn't take him five minutes to get the truth from her. She had never been able to lie to her dad. She could lie her head off to her mother or to Anne and Brad. She couldn't, though, with Dad. Damn! Just when she was feeling so wonderful, he had to go and ruin it all. She had been a woman! She had been a real woman! Now Dad was making her a child again. Damn him, anyway!

She looked up as he entered her room and closed the door behind him. He stood over her, staring down at her. His breath was still coming in angry pants. She didn't move. She didn't turn her head toward him. She only cut her eyes up and watched him.

Walter Wilson looked down at his lovely daughter. She was his pet. She always had been. She had always been the most affectionate of his children. She had become such a beautiful girl as she grew up. She looked so damn lovely now as she lay across the bed. It was amazing that she could have just come in from one of those orgies and still look so fresh and innocent. No, he reminded himself, she wasn't nearly as innocent as she looked. He had begun to suspect her for a week or more. Tonight he had questioned Marge and Nina and Roger. No, this was no innocent young virgin no matter how pure she looked. He sighed wearily and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Want to talk about it, honey?" he asked.

"No," she answered. "There's nothing to talk about."

"I'm not talking about just tonight," he told her with a sigh. "There's more than tonight. You didn't lose your cherry tonight, did you?"

"No," Karen admitted. "I didn't. I'm afraid your little girl has grown up, Daddy. I'm not an innocent little virgin any more."

Walter had known that this night would come. He had tried to prepare himself for it. It hadn't worked, though. He still felt that he had lost something precious. Then he became angry at himself. He had lost something? Why the hell did he feel that it was his to lose or to keep? He reached out and patted Karen's leg. He watched the soft rise and fall of her luscious tits beneath the thin blouse. Her nipples were clearly outlined against the material! She wasn't a child any more. She was a lovely young woman. She was a very desirable young woman. Hell, he admitted, she was just plain sexy! He felt his cock rise, tight and hard within his pants.

"Why should I be?" Karen asked. "I'm your daughter. I've got your hot blood in me, haven't I? I'm your's and Mom's."

"Do you like to?" he asked. "Do you like to fuck?"

She looked up at him. Her eyes met his clearly and honestly. Karen knew that he was responding to her appearance. She could sense the throbs that shook his cock. She ached suddenly to reach over and touch it. She wanted to pull his meat out in her hands and love it. She smiled softly and nodded her answer to his question. She moistened her lips and smiled more boldly.

Walter suddenly felt dry in his throat. He saw the suggestion in her eyes. He watched her hand come over and rub along his leg and against his thigh. He swallowed, trying to cool the dryness. His cock was leaping now, struggling to find room in the tight confinement of his pants. Her hand almost touched it as she caressed along his leg. He shuddered at the thought that was running through his mind. No! No! He couldn't do it! He mustn't do it!

"Am I your daughter?" she asked sweetly. "Am I yours as well as Mom's?"

How did he know? How did any of them in their swinger's group know? There was no way to be sure, absolutely sure. What shook him even more was the knowledge that some of the young girls he seduced around the office or on his trips could just as easily have been his daughter. Hell he had scattered his seed in all directions all his life.

"Ooooo, Daddy!" Karen cooed as her hand brushed his cock, then pressed into the lunging pecker. "Mmmmmmm!"

She might be his daughter. She might not be his daughter. What did it matter? Hell, she wanted to be fucked! No girl, daughter or not, should ever be refused that request. Walter Wilson had never refused any girl the joy of his services. He turned to her as her fingers found the shaft and closed over it. He pulled her to him, unbuttoning her blouse so his hand could slip and cover one of her glorious tits. Damn, but she was beautiful. He covered her lips with his mouth. Their tongues met in sensuous play. Her flesh was vibrant, alive. She was soft and firm at the same time. She was also throbbing as anxiously as he.

"Ooooo, Daddy!" Karen purred. "This feels sooo good. This is better than your being so angry with me."

Their eyes met. They drew apart and each struggled out of his clothes. Walter had never seen such a gorgeous body. He stared at her in amazement. Damn! She looked great when she paraded about the pool in her skimpy bikini. She looked a hell of a lot sexier like this! He pulled the silken body against him as she reached for his erect meat. He began kissing over her full, ripe tits while she pumped his cock with slow and expert skill. The flow of her skin beneath his fingers sent shivers of wild pleasure through him. He leaned down and began to suck at a tight, throbbing nipple as she slowly pumped his cock and teased his balls.

"Mmmmm," Karen purred louder. "Ooooo, it feels so good to have you against me. Ooooo, Daddy! Oh, Daddy, love me, love me!"

She rubbed her tits against his face as he kissed and licked. She gingerly caressed his pulsing cock, turning aside the temptation to pull it roughly into her cunt. No, she'd let him do the fucking. Older men were usually very good at it, she had just discovered. Her dad should be the best. He'd sure had enough experience. She kept her body soft and submissive. She was pliant to his caresses, yielding to his direction.