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"Karen!" Anne exclaimed in feigned shock. "Don't do that!"

The blonde looked up at her older sister. Anne wore tight shorts that emphasized her firmly molded ass and long, exquisitely shaped legs. Her breasts weren't as large as Karen's, perhaps an inch smaller. They were still large enough, however, to be terribly appealing. The twenty-year-old girl was not wearing a bra. Her firm tits thrust against the light blouse, nipples clearly outlined, as she took a deep, irritated breath.

Karen pulled her head from beneath the dryer and smiled up at Anne's fretful expression. She touched her hair, checking and discovering that it was already dry. Her eyes clouded as she saw the continued expression of disapproval on her red-haired sister's face.

"Did you my something?" she asked.

"I'm about to say plenty!" Anne snapped. "you know better than that! You're getting too old to do that!"

A smile stole across the younger girl's face. First, she was not old enough. Now she was too old. She pretended to not understand the cause of her sister's complaint. Karen widened her eyes innocently and sat up straighter in the chair.

"Too old for what?" she asked sweetly. She was enjoying this. She had always enjoyed teasing her sister.

"Too old to run around the house naked!" Anne gasped. "Damn! Don't you have any sense at all!"

"Who's running around the house?" Karen asked. "I'm just sitting here, drying my hair. Besides, I'm just a child. You said so last night, didn't you? I'm not old enough."

Anne sputtered for a minute. She suddenly saw the twinkle in Karen's eyes and sputtered even more helplessly. Finally, she found the ability to speak and snapped at her little sister again.

"You're still a child emotionally," she told the girl. "No one could ever say that your body is that of a child. That's the problem, Sis. You've got too much body for your age. Damn it! You've got to stop prancing around without any clothes on."

"So who's prancing?" Karen asked again. "I told you, I was just drying my hair. I was naked in the bathroom, if that's all right. I didn't come running up the hall in the raw, though. I covered myself with a towel."

She pointed to the oversized bath towel that lay across her bed. Anne didn't even glance in that direction. She remained in front of the little blonde, staring peevishly at her sister.

"And last night?" Anne demanded. "Were you just drying your hair last night? Were you merely taking a shower or something in full view, with the radio going so loud that anyone could look up and see you dancing naked in front of the open window?"

She paused for breath. Her tits were heaving angrily beneath her blouse. Karen had never seen Anne look so beautiful. Her wrath gave her skin a deep, pulsing glow. If Anne looked like this when a boy got her all excited, no wonder they all panted over her.

Karen began to laugh. Anne knew about last night! Her sister could have only heard about it from one person. Roger was the only one left on the estate who could have seen her. The handyman had been so turned on from watching her that he had to complain about it to her sister! That was great! That was fabulous!

"Did I give him a hard?" she asked excitedly. "Anne, did he get all horny from watching me?"

Her sister stepped back in horror at the girl's words. Anne's mouth dropped open. Her eyes stretched wide in shock, then softened. Her whole body suddenly changed its attitude. She switched from anger to compassion and stepped toward her little sister, her sexy little blonde sister.

"Sis," she said soothingly. "Baby, you have to be careful. Roger respects you. Someone else might not. Someone else might have broken into the house and…"

"And fucked me?" Karen asked delightedly. "Really? Great! When?"

Anne fought back her anger. She knelt beside the girl's chair and reached toward the blonde. Her arm came about her sister's shoulders, pulling the younger girl against her.

"Karen, honey!" she scolded. "You have to stop being so anxious. When you're a little older…"

"Older, older, older!" Karen spat back at her. "Always when I'm older! How old do I have to be? How old were you the first time?"

She felt her sister tense at her question. Karen pulled back from Anne and looked the redhead in the eye. She had cracked her sister's armor! She had asked the right question, she could tell it from the expression in Anne's eyes. The blonde wasn't about to give up her sudden advantage.

"How old, Anne?" she repeated. "How old were you? How much younger than I am?"

The girl tried to avert her sister's gaze. She looked at the floor and took a deep breath. Karen took her face in both hands and turned it back up toward her. Neither sister had ever been able to lie to the other, not when they looked directly into one another's eyes. Anne's lips moved silently, pleading with Karen not to press her advantage. That was like begging the sun not to rise in the morning. Karen wasn't about to let Anne squirm out of this.

"Come on, Sis!" she demanded. "Level with me. How old were you?"

"Fourteen," the red-head whispered. "Well, almost fourteen. It was about a month before I became fourteen."

"And I'm already fifteen," the blonde proclaimed. "I've been fifteen since last May. Why can't I, Anne? You did. What's so different about me?"

"Honey," Anne soothed, "I didn't know what it was all about then. I didn't really learn to fuck until I was almost seventeen. Until then, it was just something you did. No, it was only something they did to you. It was dirty and unpleasant. The boys expected it, though. Especially if they knew you'd let other boys fuck you, they assumed that they could as well."

"But you like it now!" Karen reminded her. "You like to fuck now!"

"Sure," Anne responded, "but I'm older. I've had more experience. I've learned more about it."

"And how am I going to learn about it if I don't get a chance to?" the blonde asked. "Come on, Sis! It took you years to learn enough to be a good lay. Hell! At this rate I won't be worth a damn until I'm fifty years old!"

Anne suddenly began laughing. She looked at the luscious body that throbbed beside her. She shook her head as she watched the bouncing of her sister's magnificent pair of tits. She looked at the golden hair about the sensuous 'V' of her crotch. She smiled at the soft and lovely thighs, so deeply tanned from hours in the sun.

"Karen," she laughed, "I don't think the boys would ever know it. Hell, with that body, your problem will be to keep them from shooting off as soon as they get it in your pussy."

"Teach me!" Karen demanded, grabbing her sister's arms and shaking her. "You can teach me! You can show me how to be a good lay! You can give me all the secrets. I don't have to wait all those years before I enjoy it. If you'll teach me, then I'll be good from the beginning!"

Anne looked at her. She saw the glowing intensity in Karen's blue eyes. She saw the rapid breathing and the way those luscious tits heaved in their anticipation. She watched the soft, pink nipples bounce before her eyes. She smiled over at her sister and slowly nodded her head in agreement. She might as well. The little fluff was determined to get herself fucked anyway. She might as well know what she was doing when she went to bed with some boy.

Besides, Anne realized, it would be fun teaching her. Her tits were already trembling from excitement. Her pussy was quivering in anticipation. Her breath had been uneven since she had first pulled Karen's naked body against her and felt those ripe tits melt into her.

She stood up suddenly. She smiled nervously down at her waiting sister and began to pull her blouse over her head. She stretched her body sensuously before the intense blue eyes of her sister than unsnapped her shorts and pulled them down her hips and thighs.

"If you're interested in learning how to handle yourself in bed," she whispered in a breathy voice, "you'd better join me in the bed. Fucking is always better on a mattress. A chair is rather confining, you know."