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They hugged more roughly, sucking and blowing viciously at each other's delicious cunt. The room seemed to swirl about Karen. She was shaking all over. Every nerve in her body was alive, aflame. She had never experienced such delirious pleasure in her life. This was great! This was fantastic! Ohhhh, God, but it was wonderful!

"Mmmmmm!" she moaned into Anne's pussy. "Oooooo! Mmmmmmmmm!"

She blew and she sucked. She twisted and rolled. Her body was hunching against her sister frantically. Then she felt a new dimension to her passion. Her body quivered helplessly. She was unable to move, frozen in the sudden new force building inside her. She sensed that the same thing was happening to Anne. Her luscious sister had become just as quiet, just as tense. They quivered intensely, then both erupted into new and greater action. Their orgasms swept them into a moment of total pleasure.

The whole world burst around Karen. The room was exploding. The lights were blazing from all directions. She trembled frantically, rolling about the bed, unable to control herself. All she wanted was to suck the new taste that had come into her sister's pussy. All she wanted was to feel her sister sucking and eating at her cunt forever. It was deliriously beautiful. It was beyond description. It was just fabulous.

"Ohhhhh, baby!" Anne gasped when they finally rolled apart. "Wow! That was a hell of a suck, sweetheart! Ohhhhh, what a suck!"

"Was I really good?" Karen asked, her hands fondling Anne's still heaving tits. "Was I really?"

"You were wonderful!" her sister assured her. "Damn! You sucked like you were an old pro at it!"

"Like I was old enough?" Karen asked. "Did I fuck like I knew what I was doing?"

"Did you ever!" Anne gasped. "Ohhhh, baby! You were just beautiful! After a few more times you'll learn how to prolong it. You'll learn to make it last on and on. You'll get better and better. But, Karen, I can't believe that this was your first time."

"Am I ready for a boy?" the little blonde asked eagerly. "Tell me honestly, Anne. Would I have given a boy a good fuck?"

Her sister began to laugh. She leaned up on one arm and looked over at the luscious young blonde. She blew a kiss at Karen and laughed again. Her hands patted at the girl's hips, then cupped each ripe breast.

"Who do you have in mind?" she asked. "Roger?"

"What makes you think I'm after him?" the girl replied, averting Anne's piercing eyes. "There are a lot of other guys around."

"Roger's the one you put on such a show for last night!" Anne answered, laughing again. "It was old Roger who got so horny watching you that he was ready to fuck anything he could get his hands on. Honey, you really drove him up the wall. You know that?"

"He wouldn't even talk to me today," Karen snorted. "I went out to the pool and he was working on the patio. Soon as he saw me he started getting out of there. Shit! He wouldn't even look at me."

"He didn't dare," Anne responded. "Hell, he gets a hard-on every time he thinks about you. He has all summer. Didn't you know that? Roger thinks you are the sexiest little bundle to come along in a long time. He'd be willing to lose his job for a chance to fuck you. As soon as you're old enough, he'll give it a crack."

"I'm old enough now!" the blonde snapped. "You just said that I gave you a good suck."

"Hey! You don't have to convince me," Anne protested. "Not any longer. Now you have to convince Roger."

"How?" Karen demanded. "How the hell can I get the chance? He runs like hell any time I come near him."

"You'll find a way," her sister laughed, caressing her tits more lovingly. "I'll just bet that you find a way."

Karen lay back, her head resting on the pillow. She took a deep breath, feeling the delicious glow in her body. She shuddered at the way her sister was caressing her tits, pulling them upward and rolling them about. She felt tiny sparks run through her as Anne began thumbing over each nipple, getting those buttons hard again. She lay back, thinking about Roger, trying to picture him with his cock hard and ready, while her sister leaned over her and began to suck on one tit while working the other breast with both of her hands.

"They're getting tight again," Anne whispered. "These sweet tits are getting all swollen and tight, ready to play some more."

Karen looked up into her sister's smiling face. She returned the smile, laying back while Anne's hands began to roam over her body. The blonde glowed with tingling anticipation as she felt her sister's fingers slip down over her waist and past her hips. Now Anne's lips were roving her shimmering body as well. Hands and fingers and kissing, sucking lips were driving her wild. Anne went after her rapidly, caressing her thighs and legs while she kissed along the girl's flat tummy.

"Ooooooo!" Karen moaned as she jumped about involuntarily on the bed. "Mmmmmm! Oooooeeee!"

Her sister sucked at her navel while those taunting fingers worked back up Karen's legs. The younger girl lay panting and jerking in pleasure as her sister moved her fingers toward the quivering lips of her pussy. Already her juices were pumping again.

Karen suddenly erupted into action. She didn't want to be passive. She wanted to get after that luscious body of Anne's. She wanted to show her sister that she could be as frantic, as wild, as any boy.

"Grrr!" she snarled as she twisted about and went after the older girl's soft cunt. "Rrrrrooowwww!"

She could feel her sister laughing as she plunged her face into the sweet crotch. She captured Anne's head between her thighs even as she got her lips on the redhead's waiting pussy. Her body throbbed and pulsed with surging passion as she rolled them about the bed, eagerly sucking and tonguing. She was as hot as though she'd never had an orgasm at all.

As she tasted the juices gushing from Anne's cunt, Karen suddenly wondered if she was going to be like this. Was she going to want more and more? Would getting her little pussy fucked make her want more and more cock? She hoped so. She sure hoped so. Cunt sucking was so good, she could hardly wait to take on some boy's rampaging cock.


A movement caught her eye. Karen glanced down where the water in the swimming pool reflected the moonlight. She looked more closely, then saw it again. A lean body cut through the water, churning feet sending silver ripples across the shimmering surface. The blonde looked closer, hoping that it might be Roger out there. If it was, she'd slip down and join him. That should scare the hell out of him, she laughed to herself.

It wasn't Roger, though. She saw her brother's blond hair break the surface of the water as he made a turn and swam smoothly back in the opposite direction. Karen smiled as she leaned on the window sill and watched her brother's lean, lithe body. Brad was very special to her. She was sure he had been the most handsome boy in school last year. Now he would be leaving this fall to join Anne at the state university. Damn, she'd miss him! She'd miss being played up to by all those girls who wanted to impress Brad.

She gasped suddenly. As he made another turn she saw the glow of brilliant white skin. His naked buttocks gleamed for a moment, then sank below the water. Brad was skinny dipping! He was naked out there! Karen shivered at the thought. She knew that her parents swam in the raw sometimes. She suspected that Anne and Brad did at some of those parties they wouldn't take her to. Now she had caught him at it.

Karen watched for another minute, then decided to join him. She knew he'd scold her something awful, but so what? If he could, why couldn't she. The teenager ran to her closet and pulled out a short, terry-cloth robe. She didn't bother to fasten it. She just pulled it over her shoulders and slipped into the hall. She paused just a moment to listen, hoping that she hadn't disturbed her parents. She strained her ears as she passed their door. No, they were sleeping quietly. She could hear the deep breathing and the light snoring of her dad. Karen ran lightly down the stairs and walked to the glass doors which led to the patio. She looked out, hoping that Brad didn't suddenly decide that he'd had enough exercise. She saw the waves rippling across the pool and breathed a sigh of relief. He was still swimming!