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Brad worked her other tit, bringing the same delirious sensations surging through it. Karen seethed with delight, her nipples hard and burning from the work of his fingers. She felt like she'd grown another inch from his massaging of her anxious breasts. Sparks of erotic pleasure ran about each nipple and spread through her tits. She glanced down, amazed at how firmly they stood up for his fondling. Damn! She never seen them stand out like this, even inside a bra. That pleased Karen. To her it meant that her body was made to be handled by a man. Just look how it responded.

Damn, just look!

"So beautiful!" her brother breathed in admiration. He was looking. He was looking and approving heartily. "God, you're lovely! I've never gotten my hands on such great knockers."

He leaned his face down and sucked gently on one of her nipples. Hotter flames shot through her tits as he sucked slowly on the tingling nipple. His tongue tried to cool the fire, lapping sensuously across the hard button. He didn't cool her down, not a damn bit. In fact, he got her even hotter. Ohhhh, was she getting hot! Karen panted as she twisted beneath him. She played more actively with his lunging prick. She got both hands on his cock. She held it tightly. Then she pushed one hand back up beneath it. She fingered his balls. A boy's nuts held almost as much fascination to her as his cock. She had played with the balls of a friend's baby brother once, totally amazed at the silky feel to the sac and the way the nuts moved about inside. Brad's were even more amazing. His sac seemed tight as she caressed it. Maybe that had something to do with his cock being so long and hard.

"Ohhhh, Sis!" Brad moaned. "You're driving me wild with the way you play with me. Ohhhh, I'm getting the wildest hard I ever had!"

Karen took that as a compliment. The way his eyes were glowing made her sure he meant it that way. She teased him even more brazenly, pumping his cock firmly while she worked her fingers slowly over his trembling balls. Karen gasped as her brother began to caress down toward her pussy. She felt the tension rising inside her as he stroked over her hips and inside her thighs. She tingled as his finger came to the lips of her cunt and teased her affectionately. Her thighs were trembling in excitement. Inside her pussy she could feel her nerves glowing as she anticipated the entrance of his finger into her. She pumped his cock faster, her hand squeezing his shaft in frenzied desire.

"Kiss it," Brad whispered to her. "Kiss my hot meat. I want to feel those soft lips of yours along it while I get your pussy all nice and ready."

The girl slid downward in the chaise, then leaned over him. She pulled the lunging cock to her lips and kissed the wide, bulging head. She kissed down the shaft, then returned to the head. She planted her lips firmly against the tip of his prick and sucked slowly and invitingly. Her tongue darted against the pecker. She sucked and tongued him as she felt his passion rising wildly inside him. Brad slipped his finger into her and pressed her clit. She felt the swirl of new pleasure sweep through her as he massaged her passion button. Her cunt was letting its juices flow now, getting her passage all oiled and anxious. She moaned softly as Brad kept up his taunting play with her clit. She kissed his cock more fervently, then felt it lunge between her lips.

"Take it inside," he breathed huskily. "Come on, baby! Suck me for a minute. Ohhhh, suck my aching prick!"

Karen didn't have much choice. He already had the meat inside her mouth. He plunged his cock between her lips, jamming it almost into her throat. She closed her lips tightly about it, careful to not let him get it so far as to choke her. She started sucking the quivering rod. She sucked deeply, tasting his peculiar tang, then blew instinctively against the cock. Brad writhed with pleasure, moaning ecstatically while he rubbed more vigorously at her clit.

"Aaaaiiiiiii!" he gasped. "Ohhhh, Karen! You're fabulous! Ohhhh, Sis! I never got such a good blow!"

His finger moved past her clit and began rubbing along the wet interior of her pussy. Karen shuddered at the delicious tremors of passion he sent through her. She sucked harder on his cock, letting him thrust the meat deeper into her mouth. She could suck until the tip of the cock was just closing her throat, then ease her face back enough to breathe again. Karen kept sucking and blowing on his prick until she heard him gasping for breath. His body was trembling wildly. His hand shook at her tit. His finger trembled inside her pussy. His cock jumped.

"Damn!" he panted. "I've got to get my cock in your pussy. I don't want to let it go in your mouth, not this time. I want to lay this load into that satin cunt."

He pulled his cock from her mouth. The teenager tingled as he stretched her out on the chaise and crawled on top of her. He spread her thighs and nestled himself between them. His wild pecker drove up against her pussy, lodging his head inside where it rubbed her clit into shimmering passion.

"Uhhhh!" he panted. "Ohhhh, Sis! Uhhhmmmmm!"

He shoved roughly, frustrated by the membrane of her virginity that blocked the accomplishment of his pleasure. He rammed his cock brutally against her cherry. Karen shuddered at his force, suddenly frightened by the pain she was sure would come. It was too late to think about that, she knew. There was no way of stopping Brad even if she'd wanted to. She didn't want to. Hell no she didn't. The sooner she lost that damned cherry the better.

"Go ahead!" she urged him. "Hurry! Pop it, Brad! Knock the hell out of my cherry!"

She felt him pause, gathering his strength and courage. Karen clenched her eyes tightly shut, as though not being able to see would somehow lessen the pain. It didn't. When he did lunge, she screamed a short cry of agony, a scream muffled by his hand as he covered her mouth.

"Shut up, damn it!" he muttered. "You want to wake everybody?"

"Ohhhh!" she moaned. "Ohhhhh!"

She was sure he had torn her. He must have left her pussy in tatters, the way it felt down there. She could feel her blood gushing from the tattered cherry. The girl would have been shocked had she seen how little blood there actually was. It felt like she was sending it out in great spurts. She trembled, moaning softly while he caressed her gently.

"Easy, Sis," he told her in a sobering voice. "Easy now. The hard part is over. I'm already inside you. I'll hold still for a few minutes until you get used to it."

He did hold his prick still. He didn't try to drive that lust-maddened instrument through her for a minute. His hands weren't still, however. He caressed her tits more eagerly than ever. He thumbed her nipples until they were buttons of pure delight. He cupped each tit lovingly, stroking them luxuriously until they swelled outward even more full and ripe. Karen writhed beneath him as her tits throbbed with new desire. She gingerly hunched her pussy along the length of his cock. He was right. She didn't hurt so much any more. She was sore. She was a little numb. There was no blinding pain any more, however. Instead there was a warm glow. Her pussy felt strangely different. Maybe it was the knowledge that her cherry was gone. She didn't know. She sure didn't care. This was no time for self-analysis. This was a time for fucking!

"Mmmmmm!" she murmured. "OOoooo, yesssss, I'm ready now! I'm ready, Brad! Fuck me! Oooo, yes! Fuck me!"

Her brother began pumping his cock into her with slow, easy strokes. Any fine edge of excitement his prick may have lost as they waited for her pain to subside was gone now. The big instrument was swelling up bigger and harder than ever. He drove it roughly at her, twisting his body about to increase the delirious feeling of completely filling her inexperienced cunt. Karen squealed softly as she felt her pussy sucking luxuriously at the mammoth meat. This was better than she ever dreamed. Damn! Fucking was a hell of a lot more fun than anyone had ever told her.

"I love it!" she whispered to Brad. "Ooooeeee! Ride me! Fuck me! Ooooooo!"