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Her pussy was going crazy! Fantastic pleasure pulsed all through her cunt. Every nerve seemed alive. Fiery sparks were turning her into a furnace of blazing passion. She rolled her head from side to side, hunching her cunt rapidly along his frantically thrusting cock. She wrapped her legs about his waist, hugging tightly against him. She rolled her tits lusciously into his chest, gasping and panting in her surging desire.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh!" Brad panted. "Oohhh, Sis! Ohhhh, what a sweet pussy! Ohhhh, baby!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Karen chanted. The sound of the word sent added excitement through her. "Fuck! Fuck! Ooooooeeeeee!"

They were thrashing about recklessly now. Their passions were sweeping through them both, carrying them rapidly toward their orgasms. Karen felt that gorgeous moment of rapture come shuddering upon her. She gasped helplessly, struggling to speak and urge her brother into his own climax. Instead, all she could manage was to groan passionately. She gurgled a few times, then moaned again softly, pleadingly.

"Yes, baby!" her brother panted as he read her mind, "Ohhh, yes! I'm ready to fill that sweet pussy!"

He did! Ohhh, damn! Did he ever! Karen shuddered even more delightedly as she felt his hot cum gush through her. The orgasm that already had begun to shake her intensified. She thought she was going to lose consciousness from the sheer delirious pleasure of it all. It was beautiful. It was fantastic. It was the most delicious feeling she'd ever experienced. It was more unbelievable than she could ever have imagined.

"Ooooooo!" she gasped. "Mmmmmm! Ooooooeeeeee!"


She tossed the sheets back and lay still for a few more minutes. Sunlight streamed in her window, its rays striking her naked body and turning the tanned skin to a deep, beautiful golden color. She took several deep breaths. She felt great this morning. She ought to. Karen moistened her lips sensuously. She let her memory drift back to last night. A shiver of pleasure ran through her. Her firm tits heaved lusciously. Her golden thighs glowed. Her long blonde hair glistened in the sunlight.

"Mmmmmm!" she groaned in pleasure as she slowly stretched. Damn! She felt so good! Her pussy had the softest, warmest glow still in it. The girl felt down at her cunt slowly. A hazy smile played at the corners of her lips. She had gotten fucked! It was almost impossible to believe it, but it had happened. The soreness in her pussy was proof of that. The beautiful ache in her tits was even more proof. She felt magnificent.

She should, she told herself. She had been magnificent. She had been a hell of a fuck. That's what her brother had told her. He had held her tightly after their fuck and told her how beautiful she was and how she had given him the sweetest fuck of his life. Karen lifted one knee and watched the flow of sunlight down her thigh. She twisted about, slowly rising and stretching again. She cupped her tits and bounced them in pleasure as she prepared to rise from the bed.

"Yes?" she called out as she heard a light tap at her door. "Come on in."

She hoped that it would be her brother. That would be great. That would be one hell of a way to begin the day, wouldn't it? She shivered at the thought. Even if it was Anne, she decided, she wouldn't object to a good cunt suck, either. She felt like being loved. She wanted her tits massaged. She wanted her thighs petted.

It wasn't either of them, though. Nina, the maid, stuck her head into the room, a question on her face. She saw the naked girl and pulled her head back quickly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wilson!" she called out from the other side of the door. "I thought perhaps you were already up. I'll be back to clean your room later."

"Come on in now!" Karen answered her, "No reason why you can't come on in."

She smiled up at the maid as Nina stepped quickly inside. The brunette closed the door quickly, as though she feared someone else might see the naked body of the lovely girl who was sitting up in her bed. The dark young woman averted her gaze, unwilling to stare at Karen. The blond smiled her amusement. Nina was embarrassed. That seemed funny. Wasn't she used to seeing naked girls?

Nina had worked for the Wilsons the last three years. Karen knew very little about the woman, except that she was very nice. She was nice looking, too. The blonde watched her as she worked rapidly about the room. Nina must be close to thirty, she guessed. She carried her extra weight well. Her thighs were rather full, but she'd kept her tiny waist. She'd always had large tits, ever since she came to work for them. Lately, however, they seemed to be getting even larger. Karen wondered if the man who took her out a couple of times each week had anything to do with that. She felt a quiver of jealousy at the thought that Roger might be getting a little of that pussy also. She'd seen the maid coming out of his apartment three or four times in the last month.

Karen hopped up from the bed. She didn't want to think about that. Nina was five or six years older than Roger. Unless he wanted some experience with an older woman, he wouldn't be interested in the brunette. Karen tried unsuccessfully to convince herself of that as she walked over and picked her brush up from the dresser. She went back to her bed and sat on the rumpled sheet as she brushed vigorously at her hair.

"Anything else?" Nina asked her, indicating the room. Her face suddenly showed a change of expression. She stepped toward the bed, her hand outstretched. "Here, let me help you with your hair."

She sat behind Karen, taking the brush from her and beginning to pull it through the hair in long, sensuous strokes. The blonde relaxed, enjoying the luxury of such attention. She enjoyed the touch of Nina's hand on her shoulder as well. She shivered at the way the maid brushed her hair into gleaming brilliance.

Nina's huge tits pressed into the back of the girl's arm as she worked. The maid's legs touched her ass. Karen could smell the rich, exotic perfume the maid wore. She slowly moved her arms up and down, rubbing them back into those fantastic breasts.

"You have the most beautiful hair," Nina told her with that slight accent which added to the beauty of her rich voice. "Mine is so strait and heavy. Yours is light and fluffy, as delicate and beautiful as your body."

"I think you have beautiful hair," Karen answered her. She meant it. She would like to have hair so heavy and thick. It would be so much easier to control. She'd also like to have tits as prominent as those that were mashing against her arms. "I'll bet the men love to run their hands through it. I'm positive that they have no complaints at all about your body."

"I have the complaints about that," Nina muttered. "I have lots of complaints there. My tits are too damn big."

"I never heard of that!" Karen gasped. "How can they be too big? Mine are nice, better than most girls in school. Yours make mine, though, look like mosquito bites. Gee, I'd like to have a pair as big as yours."

"No you wouldn't," Nina disagreed. "You wouldn't, either. You have the best size breasts. Yours are full and lovely. Mine are just a lot of trouble. A man looks at me and can't think of anything else."

"That's bad?" Karen asked. "Shoot! As long as they're grabbing, God bless them!"

"You can say that," Nina retorted, "because they also grab for your pert little ass. You've got a beautiful pair of legs. Men give attention to all of you. With me, you'd never think I had anything but tits. They don't caress my thighs. They don't finger my pussy. They grab my tits and spend all night hung up with them."

"You mean," Karen asked in amazement, "they never fuck you?" She could feel those magnificent breasts shake against her arms as Nina laughed. The maid suddenly reached around her and hugged her back into those beautiful breasts. She kept laughing for a few minutes. Then she finally controlled her mirth and spoke again.