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"Oh yes," she admitted. "They do want to get around to that. They've gotten themselves all hard and anxious from my tits. My cunt, though, is still dry. They've been too busy playing titty-cake to even get me lubricated. I hate being dry fucked! Hell, if I want any oil in my pussy, I have to work it up myself."

Karen suddenly realized the truth of the maid's complaint. After last night, she could understand. A girl needed her pussy worked up before she took a healthy sized cock in it. Nina had a real problem. Karen could admit that readily. She told the brunette that she sympathized with her.

"Sometimes it's worse," Nina added. "Sometimes all they want to do is fuck my tits."

"Do what?" the blonde asked in confusion.

"Tit fuck," the maid repeated. "They pull my breasts over their meat and plow away. I don't mind that. Hell, it's a lot of fun. I don't like it, though, when they shoot off between them. I'm laying there, fingering my pussy and they've already finished. I sometimes want to cut their pricks off!"

"Ohhhh, that would be terrible!" Karen gasped. "I mean it would be terrible to lay there all ready to be fucked and they can't keep it up any longer."

She turned and hugged the buxom maid. Their breasts merged together as they embraced. Karen's tits began to tingle from the contact. She shuddered in quick excitement as her young breasts were enveloped by the lush tits of the brunette. She moved her body slightly, letting their nipples brush against one another. Even through Nina's bra and blouse, the tits set themselves on fire with pleasure. The teenager looked into the maid's brown eyes and laughed as she saw the same glow of pleasure.

"Miss Wilson," Nina protested softly, "This gets me too excited. I'm afraid this is a little too risky."

"Karen," the blonde insisted. "Call me Karen and stop worrying, I heard Mom and Dad leave a while ago. We don't have to worry about Anne or Brad. If they walk in, we'll just ask them to join us."

Nina hesitated, clearly reluctant to follow the girl's invitation. As she struggled with her better judgment, Karen pulled back far enough so that their nipples just barely touched. She swayed her body from side to side, letting the nipples thump happily across one another. She giggled at the apprehensive expression on Nina's face and slipped a hand up the maid's skirt. She caressed slowly and sensuously along the firm thigh as she saw the reluctance dissolve in those brown eyes. Nina began responding, rocking back and forth with the girl and savoring the luscious experience. The girls smiled warmly at each other as they became more daring.

"Mmmmmmm," Karen sighed as she reached for the maid's blouse. "Oooooo, I want to see if they're as nice outside a bra as they seem to be."

She pulled the blouse from Nina's shoulders. The girl wore one of those thick bras, the kind necessary to carry tits of such magnitude. Karen leaned down and eyed the voluptuous skin that was pushed up over the top of the bra. She kissed along the top of each tit and reached behind her partner. She unsnapped the bra and pulled it from Nina. The huge breasts rolled out before her, their beauty beyond her expectation. She gasped with pleasure. She'd never seen so much tit in her whole life. She shuddered as she pulled the maid back against her. Their breasts rubbed even more maddeningly against each other. The play of nipples was breathtaking. Ecstatic delight shot through her breasts as they touched. Karen lifted her tits and rubbed them teasingly against the older woman. Nina followed her lead. They sat facing each other, playfully stroking tit against tit, nipple against nipple.

"I might get more pleasure from tit stroking," the maid chuckled, "If they always got rubbed with other tits. Mmmmm, this sure beats having a sweaty old hand all over them."

She laughed, causing her voluptuous orbs to bounce even more maddeningly against Karen's excited breasts. The buxom, dark-haired woman pulled back a moment. She arched her back and thrust the fantastic tits out toward the girl.

"Look!" she giggled. "They don't sag at all! I bet you though they'd sag, didn't you? See how firm they are."

Now that she had mentioned it, Karen did marvel at them. They were sure the hell big enough to flop down on the maid's chest. They didn't, though. They stuck out there as though they were begging to be grasped, to be loved. She leaned over and began kissing them. The little blonde pushed Nina onto her back, coming over her as she sucked deliriously at those taunting breasts. Her tongue darted eagerly over the firm nipples, lapping at them until she felt them harden tightly beneath her.

"Ohhhhh, honey! Ohhhhh!" Nina panted, beginning to writhe in pleasure. She cupped her hands about the girl's tits. Her thumbs ran sensuously across Karen's nipples. She worked the girl expertly. Karen shuddered at the delightful sparks which ran thrillingly through her surging breasts. She sucked more anxiously at Nina's tits, cupping them in her hands as she sucked frantically. She moved her face from one to the other in frenzied alteration, then buried her head between the mountains of satin flesh. She turned back and forth, rolling luxuriously in the midst of the luscious pillows and nibbling at one nipple, then the other.

"Mmmmmmm!" she murmured. "Oooooo, they're soooo beautiful! Mmmmmm, I love them! I wish I could spend hours just kissing them and eating at them."

Nina laughed again. The dark-haired maid began twisting her body about. She struggled beneath the excited caresses of the teenager until she managed to turn herself in the opposite direction.

"Now!" she whispered. "Now I can get in the game, too."

She had her face beneath the quivering tits of the blonde. Nina drew one of the ripe, young breasts to her mouth and began to kiss around the quivering areola. She taunted and teased the girl, then caught the nipple in her lips. Both hands held the trembling, pulsing tit while she sucked slowly and adoringly at the hot, wildly responsive nipple. Karen felt as though her whole body was on fire. The girl attacked her maid's mammoth tits more vigorously, more demandingly. She sucked and caressed eagerly while her body pulsed and throbbed with the desires Nina had kindled. She was determined to get the brunette into the same trembling state of quivering passion.

"Ohhhh, honey!" Nina breathed huskily. "Ohhhh, you're good! You are so damn good! You're giving me a hell of a loving I've had girls play with my tits before, but nothing like this. You've got me shaking like crazy. My tits are so excited that my pussy has already started sweating. Ooooooeeeee! Keep going, baby! Keep building me like this!"

Karen felt her body responding wildly to the praise. She had no doubt that Nina was responding just as passionately. The brunette had murmured about her pussy being hot. Karen wanted to feel it pulsing against her. She wanted to feel Nina's hot box throb against her tingling cunt. The teenager wrestled her body about, turning on the sheet until she was again lying in the same direction as the older girl. She slipped between Nina's thighs and struggled until she managed to get her pussy tightly against the dark-haired cunt of the panting woman.

"Let me feel it!" she whispered. "Let me feel our pussies kissing each other. I want to let them suck each other!"

She pressed herself harder into the brunette's crotch. Their clits were both stimulated into delirious frenzy as they rubbed slowly back and forth. Electric shivers ran up through Karen's pussy. Her cunt was shaking and trembling, going crazy from the sensuous delight that pulsed through her.

"God!" Nina gasped. "That's beautiful! Ohhhh, honey, that's beautiful!"

Their tits lunged about, rolling and swelling against each other. Their cunts pressed tighter over one another, the flooding juice of their lubricating oils merging as the two girls trembled and throbbed with passion. They hunched against each other, their hands roving over each glowing body with anxious frenzy. They caressed ass and thigh. They cupped tits. They explored waists and hips. Their breath began to come in labored gasps as their cunts grew more and more ecstatic.