Mrs. Claus heard a strangled cry that was, no doubt, "Oh, shut up!" in Russian. Santa didn't get the message.
"If you let me go now I'll still have time to stop and eat all the treats the kids have left out for me. You wouldn't believe how disappointed the children are if I don't eat those cookies. And all those glasses of milk to drink! Speaking of which, I should probably make a quick pit-stop before I get going. Ho ho ho! So if you'll just let me out of here…"
Mrs. Claus couldn't wait any longer. Another minute and the Russians might kill her husband out of sheer irritation. So she hopped in her sleigh, brought it around for a landing on the ground below, walked up to the front door and knocked. A minute passed without an answer, so she knocked again. This time the door opened just wide enough for a tall man in a black turtleneck and black leather trench coat to peek out at her.
"Yez?" the man said.
"Hello. I'm here about my husband. May I come in please?"
The tall man frowned. "It iz late. You should go home. There iz no-"
Pac-Man the reindeer sneezed, and the man poked his head out the door and saw the sleigh for the first time. His eyes widened. Then he poked his hand out the door, too.
There was a gun in it.
"Inzide, if you pleaze."
"Thank you," Mrs. Claus said.
In the house were four more men in black turtlenecks and black leather coats. They were all wearing berets and sunglasses. And all of them had guns.
Santa was on the far side of the room, standing in a cage that surrounded the fireplace.
"Gladys!" he called out when he saw her.
"Gladyz?" one of the turtleneck men said. Mrs. Claus recognized the voice immediately. It was the spymaster.
"No, dear. Gladys," she corrected him. "With an s. But you can call me 'Mrs. Claus.'"
She moved toward him with her right hand out. There was a gun in his, and the look on his face indicated that they were not about to share a hearty handshake. Mrs. Claus stepped past the gun, threw her arms around the Russian and gave him an enthusiastic hug. The spymaster stiffened like he'd been given an electric shock.
"Unhand me, voman," he spat.
"Oh, come now. Everyone needs a hug from time to time."
"Let me go!"
Mrs. Claus stepped back, shaking her head sadly. "Alright then. But you really shouldn't be afraid of a little human warmth."
"Ho ho ho! She's right, you know! You look like a man who could use a few hugs!"
"Zilenze, zimpleton!"
There was a comfy-looking armchair near the fireplace, and Mrs. Claus walked over and took a seat. All the guns in the room pivoted to follow her as she moved.
"Don't you worry, Santa," she said, folding her hands primly in her lap. "We'll have you out of there soon."
"Wonderful! Time's a-wasting! I'm not even half-way through my route! So many toys to deliver. So many notes to read. So many cookies to-"
"Yes, darling, of course. We know."
"No one iz going anyvhere!" the spymaster barked. "A threat far away could not penetrate your thick zkull, Zanta. But now fate haz delivered uz a new hoztage-one you can zee with your own eyez." He brought up his gun and pointed it at Mrs. Claus's forehead. "Perhapz now you vill underztand that ve mean buzinezz. Vow to zerve uz, or your vife diez."
"Well, now… that's… I…," Santa stammered. "You wouldn't really do a mean old thing like that, would you?"
A malevolent grin slithered across the Russian's lips.
"Yez," he said. "I vould."
"I think he really would dear," Mrs. Claus said. "But he won't."
The spymaster cocked an eyebrow at her. "Oh? And vhy vouldn't I?"
"Because we returned your bomb." Mrs. Claus pulled out the control mechanism she'd slipped from his jacket while giving him a hug. "And I have this."
One of the turtleneck men blurted out a Russian phrase so foul it would have made a reindeer blush.
Mrs. Claus looked at him and shook her head reprovingly. "Such language," she said to him in perfect Russkij. "What would your mother say?"
"Sorry, ma'am," the henchman mumbled.
"Vhat do you mean vhen you zay you returned the bomb?" the spymaster asked, eyeing the remote control in her hand.
"We took it back where it came from."
"Where it…? You mean Mozcow?"
Mrs. Claus nodded. "The Kremlin."
Two of the Russians burst into tears. Another threw himself down and began kicking and pounding the floorboards. Another, the tallest and palest of all the turtleneck men, simply rolled his eyes and sighed loudly as if he'd already been through the exact same experience a hundred times before.
"Zteady, comradez," the spymaster said. "She iz bluffing."
"Oh, I assure you I'm not bluffing," she bluffed.
"Yez, you are. If you vere telling the truth, you could tell me vhere the bomb vaz hidden."
"Why, in the star at the top of our Christmas tree, of course."
There was really no of course about it. It was a guess. That little assassin Giftwrap had been up to something in the tree, hadn't he? If she were wrong, at that very moment Jingle would be dumping a perfectly good star in the Arctic Ocean while a bomb sat in the workshop, ready to blow the place to peppermint-scented smithereens if the Russians got their hands on the remote control again.
The spymaster laughed.
It took Mrs. Claus a moment to realize that it wasn't a gloating, "You old fool!" laugh. It was a bitter, "Why me?" laugh. Then she saw the slice of fruitcake he'd drawn from his black trench coat.
"Oh, come now," she chided him. "You don't have to take it that hard."
But it was too late for the spymaster. Within seconds his chin was covered in crumbs, and he was dead.
The tall, sighing spy moved quickly to the cage around the fireplace. He pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door.
"Go," he told Santa. He turned to Mrs. Claus. "Hurry."
He followed them out to the sleigh and helped them both into the front seat.
"I have to azk you," he said once Santa had the reins in hand. "At the North Pole, do you have… how you zay? Political azylum?"
"A xylowhat?" Santa asked.
Mrs. Claus smiled. "Get in." She waited until the tall Russian was settled into the back seat, then swiveled around to face him. "So tell me, young man. What can you do?"
The secret agent shrugged. "I have been a zpy for zo many years. All I know iz thiz Cold Var."
"You don't have any skills?"
"Vell… I do know one hundred and forty vays to kill a man."
"Oh." Mrs. Claus stroked her chin for a moment. "Well, maybe Rumpity-Tump could use some help in the stable."
"Ho ho ho!" said Santa.
The reindeer knew what to do when they heard that. So they did it.
"Look, Charlie, let's face it," said the little girl with the raven hair and the cold, unblinking eyes. "We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket."
The Reptile, a.k.a. Alvin Joseph Erie of River City, Indiana, snorted so hard Chivas Regal came out his nose. Which wasn't just undignified and uncomfortable, it was a sad waste of fine whiskey. But there was plenty more where that came from (and plenty already in the Reptile's stomach), so his mood wasn't dampened even though the front of his vintage AC/DC T-shirt was.
"You go, girl!" the Reptile croaked, voice phlegmy, puffy eyes watering, nostrils burning like he'd just snorted a line of Comet. "Testify!"
On the television screen, Lucy Van Pelt dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper.
"It's run by a big eastern syndicate, you know," she told Charlie Brown.
"Right on!" the Reptile cheered, losing even more of his drink as he raised the "World's Greatest Dad" mug in his hand in a sloppy, scotch-sloshing salute. He turned to Diesel, who'd draped his massive body over the living room's other La-Z-Boy recliner, and jerked a thumb at the TV. "See, D? What'd I tell you? You're not gonna get straight talk like that from no snowman."