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Pedro is pure Inca: a descendant of the people who first lived in Peru. More than that, he’s somehow connected with Manco Capac, one of the sun gods. The Incas showed me a picture of Manco – it was actually on a disc made of solid gold – and the two of them looked exactly the same. I’m not sure I completely understand what’s going on here. Is Pedro some sort of ancient god? If so, what does that make me?

Like me, Pedro has a special power. His is the ability to heal. The only reason I’m able to walk today is because of him. We were both injured in the Nazca Desert. He broke his leg, but I was cut down and left for dead… and I would have died if he hadn’t come back and stayed with me for a couple of weeks. It’s called radiesthesia, which is probably the longest word I know. I’ve only managed to spell it right because I’ve looked it up in the dictionary. It’s something to do with the transfer of energy. Basically, it means that I got better thanks to him. And as a result, Pedro is more than a friend. He’s almost like a long-lost brother – and if that sounds corny, too bad. That’s how I feel.

And then came Scott and Jamie Tyler.

They really were brothers… twins, in fact. Formerly the telepathic twins, performing with The Circus of the Mind at The Reno Playhouse in Nevada. While Pedro and I had been fighting (and losing) in the Nazca Desert, they’d been having adventures of their own, chased across America by an organization called the Nightrise Corporation. They’d also managed to get tangled up in the American election and were there when one of the candidates was almost assassinated.

Scott and Jamie are more or less identical. They’re thin to the point of being skinny and you can tell straight away that they have Native American blood – they were descended from the Washoe tribe. They have long, dark hair, dark eyes and a sort of watchful quality. Physically, I would have said that Jamie was the younger of the two, but when they finally reached us – they travelled through a doorway that took them from Lake Tahoe in Nevada to a temple in Cuzco, Peru – he was very much in charge. His brother had been taken prisoner and tortured. We’re still not sure what they did to him and Pedro has spent long hours alone with him, trying to repair the damage. But Scott is still suffering. He’s withdrawn. He doesn’t talk very much. I sometimes wonder if we’ll be able to rely on him when the time comes.

It’s been more than four months since I faced the Old Ones in the Nazca Desert and I still haven’t recovered from my own injuries. I’m in pain a lot of the time. There are no scars but I can feel something wrong inside me. Sometimes I wake up at night and it’s as if I’ve just been stabbed. Even Pedro still has a limp. So between the four of us, I certainly wouldn’t bet any money on our taking on unimaginable forces of darkness and saving the world. I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.

Jamie is very bright. He seems to see things more clearly than any of us, mainly because he was there at the very start. It’s too complicated to explain right now, but somehow he travelled back in time and met us… before we were us. Yes. There was a Matt ten thousand years ago who looked like me and sounded like me and who may even have been me. Jamie says that we’ve all lived twice. I just hope it was more fun the first time.

Four months!

We’ve all been hanging out in this house near the coast, to the south of Lima. It belongs to a professor called Joanna Chambers who’s an expert on pretty much anything to do with Peru. The house is wooden and painted white, constructed a bit like a hacienda, which is a Spanish farmhouse. There’s a large central room which opens onto a veranda during the day and a wide staircase that connects the two floors. Everything is very old-fashioned. There are scatter rugs and a big open fireplace and fans turn slowly beneath the ceiling, circulating the air.

We’ve passed the time reading, watching TV (the house has satellite and we’ve also shipped in a supply of DVDs) and surfing the net, looking out for any news of the Old Ones. The professor insists that we do three or four hours of lessons, although it’s been ages since any of us went to school and Pedro never stepped into one in his life. We’ve played football in the garden, passing the ball around the llamas that wander onto the grass, and we’ve gone for hikes in the desert. And, I suppose, we’ve been gathering strength, slowly recovering from everything we’ve been through.

But even so, there have been times when it all seems unreal, sitting here, doing nothing in the full knowledge that somewhere in the world the Old Ones must be spreading their power base, preparing to strike at humanity. They’ll be making friends in all the right places… As far as we know, they could be all over Europe. Their aim is to start a total war, to kill as many people as possible and then to toy with the rest, maiming and torturing until there’s nobody left. Why do they want to do this? There is no why. The Old Ones feed on pain in the same way that cancer will attack a healthy organism. It’s their nature.

Sometimes, in the evening, the six of us will play Perudo, which is a Peruvian game, a bit like liar dice. Me, Richard, Pedro, Scott, Jamie and the professor. We’ll sit there, throwing dice and behaving as if nothing is happening, as if we’re just a bunch of friends on an extended holiday. And secretly I want to get up and punch the wall. We’re safe and comfortable in Nazca. But every moment we’re here, we’re losing. Our enemy is gaining the upper hand.

What else can we do? The Old Ones have disappeared. And even if we knew what they were doing, we’re not yet strong enough to take them on. Only four of the Gatekeepers have come together. There have to be five.

And now there are. At last we’ve found Scar.

It’s hard to believe that today I actually held a picture of her in my hands. Now she has a name – Scarlett Adams. We know where she lives. We can actually reach out to her and tell her the truth about who she is – or was.

Ten thousand years ago, she was in charge of her own private army. Jamie actually met her and fought with her at the final battle when the King of the Old Ones was banished and the first great gate was constructed. She must have a power – we all do. But he never found out what it was. When he met her, he said she was brave and resourceful. She could ride a horse, fight with a sword, lead an army of men who were at least twice her age. But she never did anything that looked like magic… at least, not anything that he noticed.

Very soon, we will leave Nazca. I really want to see England again .

And now I’m going to bed.

Richard is worried that Scar turning up is the start of a new phase. The Old Ones have left us alone but now they’ll have been alerted. If they were planning a move against us, this is the time when they’ll make it.

But I don’t care. There are five of us and that means that soon this whole thing will be over. We’ll get together and do whatever it takes to bring it all to an end. After that, I’ll go back to school. I’ll take my GCSEs and my A-levels. I’ll have an ordinary life.

That’s all I want. I can hardly wait.


Twenty-four hours after the fax had arrived, Professor Chambers organized a dinner. It was her way of saying goodbye. The following day, Matt, Richard, Pedro, Jamie and Scott would be leaving for England – the professor had arranged passports for all of them – and at last she would have the house to herself.

Joanna Chambers had spent most of her life in Peru, studying the Incas, the ancient Moche and Chimu tribes and, of course, the Nazca Lines. She was an expert on a dozen different subjects, a qualified pilot, a good shot with a rifle or a handgun and a terrible cook. Fortunately, the meal had been prepared by a local help: creole soup, followed by lomo saltado – a dish made with grilled beef, onions and rice. There were two jugs of Pisco Sour, a frothing, white drink made from grape brandy, lemon and egg white – it tasted much better than it looked.