unsigned char* data = 0; // Pointer To Our Resized Image
Now for some assembly language. For those of you that have never used assembly before, don't be intimidated. It might look cryptic, but it's actually pretty simple!
While writing this tutorial I discovered something very odd. The first video I actually got working with this code was playing fine but the colors were messed up. Everything that was supposed to be red was blue and everything that was supposed to be blue was red. I went absolutely NUTS! I was convinced that I made a mistake somewhere in the code. After looking at all the code, I was unable to find the bug! So I started reading through the MSDN again. Why would the red and blue bytes be swapped!?! It says right in the MSDN that 24 bit bitmaps are RGB!!! After some more reading I discovered the problem. In WINDOWS (figures), RGB data is actually store backwards (BGR). In OpenGL, RGB is exactly that… RGB!
After a few complaints from fans of Microsoft :) I decided to add a quick note! I am not trashing Microsoft because their RGB data is stored backwards. I just find it very frustrating that it's called RGB when it's actually BGR in the file!
Blue Adds: It's more to do with "little endian" and "big endian". Intel and Intel compatibles use little endian where the least significant byte (LSB) is stored first. OpenGL came from Silicon Graphics machines, which are probably big endian, and thus the OpenGL standard required the bitmap format to be in big endian format. I think this is how it works.
Wonderful! So here I am with a player, that looks like absolute crap! My first solution was to swap the bytes manually with a for next loop. It worked, but it was very slow. Completely fed up, I modified the texture generation code to use GL_BGR_EXT instead of GL_RGB. A huge speed increase, and the colors looked great! So my problem was solved… or so I thought! It turns out, some OpenGL drivers have problems with GL_BGR_EXT…. Back to the drawing board :(
After talking with my good friend Maxwell Sayles, he recommended that I swap the bytes using asm code. A minute later, he had icq'd me the code below! It may not be optimized, but it's fast and it does the job!
Each frame of animation is stored in a buffer. The image will always be 256 pixels wide, 256 pixels tall and 1 byte per color (3 bytes per pixel). The the code below will go through the buffer and swap the Red and Blue bytes. Red is stored at ebx+0 and blue is stored at ebx+2. We move through the buffer 3 bytes at a time (because one pixel is made up of 3 bytes). We loop through the data until all of the byte have been swapped.
A few of you were unhappy with the use of ASM code, so I figured I would explain why it's used in this tutorial. Originally I had planned to use GL_BGR_EXT as I stated, it works. But not on all cards! I then decided to use the swap method from the last tut (very tidy XOR swap code). The swap code works on all machines, but it's not extremely fast. In the last tut, yeah, it works GREAT. In this tutorial we are dealing with REAL-TIME video. You want the fastest swap you can get. Weighing the options, ASM in my opinion is the best choice! If you have a better way to do the job, please … USE IT! I'm not telling you how you HAVE to do things. I'm showing you how I did it. I also explain in detail what the code does. That way if you want to replace the code with something better, you know exactly what this code is doing, making it easier to find an alternate solution if you want to write your own code!
void flipIt(void* buffer) // Flips The Red And Blue Bytes (256x256) {
void* b = buffer; // Pointer To The Buffer
__asm // Assembler Code To Follow
mov ecx, 256*256 // Set Up A Counter (Dimensions Of Memory Block)
mov ebx, b // Points ebx To Our Data (b)
labeclass="underline" // Label Used For Looping
mov al,[ebx+0] // Loads Value At ebx Into al
mov ah,[ebx+2] // Loads Value At ebx+2 Into ah
mov [ebx+2],al // Stores Value In al At ebx+2
mov [ebx+0],ah // Stores Value In ah At ebx
add ebx,3 // Moves Through The Data By 3 Bytes
dec ecx // Decreases Our Loop Counter
jnz label // If Not Zero Jump Back To Label
The code below opens the AVI file in read mode. szFile is the name of the file we want to open. title[100] will be used to modify the title of the window (to show information about the AVI file).
The first thing we need to do is call AVIFileInit(). This initializes the AVI file library (gets things ready for us).
There are many ways to open an AVI file. I decided to use AVIStreamOpenFromFile(…). This opens a single stream from an AVI file (AVI files can contain multiple streams).
The parameters are as follows: pavi is a pointer to a buffer that receives the new stream handle. szFile is of course, the name of the file we wish to open (complete with path). The third parameter is the type of stream we wish to open. In this project, we are only interested in the VIDEO stream (streamtypeVIDEO). The fourth parameter is 0. This means we want the first occurance of streamtypeVIDEO (there can be multiple video streams in a single AVI file… we want the first stream). OF_READ means that we want to open the file for reading ONLY. The last parameter is a pointer to a class identifier of the handler you want to use. To be honest, I have no idea what it does. I let windows select it for me by passing NULL as the last parameter!
If there are any errors while opening the file, a message box pops up letting you know that the stream could not be opened. I don't pass a PASS or FAIL back to the calling section of code, so if this fails, the program will try to keep running. Adding some type of error checking shouldn't take alot of effort, I was too lazy :)
void OpenAVI(LPCSTR szFile) // Opens An AVI File (szFile)
TCHAR title[100]; // Will Hold The Modified Window Title
AVIFileInit(); // Opens The AVIFile Library
// Opens The AVI Stream
if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&pavi, szFile, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) !=0) {
// An Error Occurred Opening The Stream
MessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, "Failed To Open The AVI Stream", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
If we made it this far, it's safe to assume that the file was opened and a stream was located! Next we grab a bit of information from the AVI file with AVIStreamInfo(…).
Earlier we created a structure called psi that will hold information about our AVI stream. Will fill this structure with information about the AVI with the first line of code below. Everything from the width of the stream (in pixels) to the framerate of the animation is stored in psi. For those of you that want accurate playback speeds, make a note of what I just said. For more information look up AVIStreamInfo in the MSDN.
We can calculate the width of a frame by subtracting the left border from the right border. The result should be an accurate width in pixels. For the height, we subtract the top of the frame from the bottom of the frame. This gives us the height in pixels.
We then grab the last frame number from the AVI file using AVIStreamLength(…). This returns the number of frames of animation in the AVI file. The result is stored in lastframe.
Calculating the framerate is fairly easy. Frames per second = psi.dwRate / psi.dwScale. The value returned should match the frame rate displayed when you right click on the AVI and check its properties. So what does this have to do with mpf you ask? When I first wrote the animation code, I tried using the frames per second to select the correct frame of animation. I ran into a problem… All of the videos played to fast! So I had a look at the video properties. The face2.avi file is 3.36 seconds long. The frame rate is 29.974 frames per second. The video has 91 frames of animation. If you multiply 3.36 by 29.974 you get 100 frames of animation. Very Odd!