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Lesson 19

Welcome to Tutorial 19. You've learned alot, and now you want to play. I will introduce one new command in this tutorial… The triangle strip. It's very easy to use, and can help speed up your programs when drawing alot of triangles.

In this tutorial I will teach you how to make a semi-complex Particle Engine. Once you understand how particle engines work, creating effects such as fire, smoke, water fountains and more will be a piece of cake!

I have to warn you however! Until today I had never written a particle engine. I had this idea that the 'famous' particle engine was a very complex piece of code. I've made attempts in the past, but usually gave up after I realized I couldn't control all the points without going crazy.

You might not believe me when I tell you this, but this tutorial was written 100% from scratch. I borrowed no ones ideas, and I had no technical information sitting in front of me. I started thinking about particles, and all of a sudden my head filled with ideas (brain turning on?). Instead of thinking about each particle as a pixel that had to go from point 'A' to point 'B', and do this or that, I decided it would be better to think of each particle as an individual object responding to the environment around it. I gave each particle life, random aging, color, speed, gravitational influence and more.

Soon I had a finished project. I looked up at the clock and realized aliens had come to get me once again. Another 4 hours gone! I remember stopping now and then to drink coffee and blink, but 4 hours… ?

So, although this program in my opinion looks great, and works exactly like I wanted it to, it may not be the proper way to make a particle engine. I don't care personally, as long as it works well, and I can use it in my projects! If you are the type of person that needs to know you're conforming, then spend hours browsing the net looking for information. Just be warned. The few code snippits you do find may appear cryptic :)

This tutorial uses the base code from lesson 1. There is alot of new code however, so I'll rewrite any section of code that contains changes (makes it easier to understand).

Using the code from lesson 1, we'll add 5 new lines of code at the top of our program. The first line (stdio.h) allows us to read data from files. It's the same line we've added to previous tutorials the use texture mapping. The second line defines how many particles were going to create and display on the screen. Define just tells our program that MAX_PARTICLES will equal whatever value we specify. In this case 1000. The third line will be used to toggle 'rainbow mode' off and on. We'll set it to on by default. sp and rp are variables we'll use to prevent the spacebar or return key from rapidly repeating when held down.

#include <windows.h> // Header File For Windows

#include <stdio.h> // Header File For Standard Input/Output ( ADD )

#include <gl\gl.h> // Header File For The OpenGL32 Library

#include <gl\glu.h> // Header File For The GLu32 Library

#include <gl\glaux.h> // Header File For The GLaux Library

#define MAX_PARTICLES 1000 // Number Of Particles To Create ( NEW )

HDC hDC=NULL; // Private GDI Device Context

HGLRC hRC=NULL; // Permanent Rendering Context

HWND hWnd=NULL; // Holds Our Window Handle

HINSTANCE hInstance; // Holds The Instance Of The Application

bool keys[256]; // Array Used For The Keyboard Routine

bool active=TRUE; // Window Active Flag Set To TRUE By Default

bool fullscreen=TRUE; // Fullscreen Flag Set To Fullscreen Mode By Default

bool rainbow=true; // Rainbow Mode? ( ADD )

bool sp; // Spacebar Pressed? ( ADD )

bool rp; // Return Key Pressed? ( ADD )

The next 4 lines are misc variables. The variable slowdown controls how fast the particles move. The higher the number, the slower they move. The lower the number, the faster they move. If the value is set to low, the particles will move way too fast! The speed the particles travel at will affect how they move on the screen. Slow particles will not shoot out as far. Keep this in mind.

The variables xspeed and yspeed allow us to control the direction of the tail. xspeed will be added to the current speed a particle is travelling on the x axis. If xspeed is a positive value our particle will be travelling more to the right. If xspeed is a negative value, our particle will travel more to the left. The higher the value, the more it travels in that direction. yspeed works the same way, but on the y axis. The reason I say 'MORE' in a specific direction is because other factors affect the direction our particle travels. xspeed and yspeed help to move the particle in the direction we want.

Finally we have the variable zoom. We use this variable to pan into and out of our scene. With particle engines, it's nice to see more of the screen at times, and cool to zoom in real close other times.

float slowdown=2.0f; // Slow Down Particles

float xspeed; // Base X Speed (To Allow Keyboard Direction Of Tail)

float yspeed; // Base Y Speed (To Allow Keyboard Direction Of Tail)

float zoom=-40.0f; // Used To Zoom Out

Now we set up a misc loop variable called loop. We'll use this to predefine the particles and to draw the particles to the screen. col will be use to keep track of what color to make the particles. delay will be used to cycle through the colors while in rainbow mode.

Finally, we set aside storage space for one texture (the particle texture). I decided to use a texture rather than OpenGL points for a few reasons. The most important reason is because points are not all that fast, and they look pretty blah. Secondly, textures are way more cool :) You can use a square particle, a tiny picture of your face, a picture of a star, etc. More control!

GLuint loop; // Misc Loop Variable

GLuint col; // Current Color Selection

GLuint delay; // Rainbow Effect Delay

GLuint texture[1]; // Storage For Our Particle Texture

Ok, now for the fun stuff. The next section of code creates a structure describing a single particle. This is where we give the particle certain characteristics.

We start off with the boolean variable active. If this variable is TRUE, our particle is alive and kicking. If it's FALSE our particle is dead or we've turned it off! In this program I don't use active, but it's handy to include.

The variables life and fade control how long the particle is displayed, and how bright the particle is while it's alive. The variable life is gradually decreased by the value stored in fade. In this program that will cause some particles to burn longer than others.

typedef struct // Create A Structure For Particle


 bool active; // Active (Yes/No)

 float life; // Particle Life

 float fade; // Fade Speed