Lesson 21
Welcome to my 21st OpenGL Tutorial! Coming up with a topic for this tutorial was extremely difficult. I know alot of you are tired of learning the basics. Everyone is dying to learn about 3D objects, Multitexturing and all that other good stuff. For those people, I'm sorry, but I want to keep the learning curve gradual. Once I've gone a step ahead it's not as easy to take a step back without people losing interest. So I'd prefer to keep pushing forward at a steady pace.
In case I've lost a few of you :) I'll tell you a bit about this tutorial. Until now all of my tutorials have used polygons, quads and triangles. So I decided it would be nice to write a tutorial on lines. A few hours after starting the line tutorial, I decided to call it quits. The tutorial was coming along fine, but it was BORING! Lines are great, but there's only so much you can do to make lines exciting. I read through my email, browsed through the message board, and wrote down a few of your tutorial requests. Out of all the requests there were a few questions that came up more than others. So… I decided to write a multi-tutorial :)
In this tutorial you will learn about: Lines, Anti-Aliasing, Orthographic Projection, Timing, Basic Sound Effects, and Simple Game Logic. Hopefully there's enough in this tutorial to keep everyone happy :) I spent 2 days coding this tutorial, and It's taken almost 2 weeks to write this HTML file. I hope you enjoy my efforts!
At the end of this tutorial you will have made a simple 'amidar' type game. Your mission is to fill in the grid without being caught by the bad guys. The game has levels, stages, lives, sound, and a secret item to help you progress through the levels when things get tough. Although this game will run fine on a Pentium 166 with a Voodoo 2, a faster processor is recommended if you want smoother animation.
I used the code from lesson 1 as a starting point while writing this tutorial. We start off by adding the required header files. stdio.h is used for file operations, and we include stdarg.h so that we can display variables on the screen, such as the score and current stage.
// This Code Was Created By Jeff Molofee 2000
// If You've Found This Code Useful, Please Let Me Know.
#include <windows.h> // Header File For Windows
#include <stdio.h> // Standard Input / Output
#include <stdarg.h> // Header File For Variable Argument Routines
#include <gl\gl.h> // Header File For The OpenGL32 Library
#include <gl\glu.h> // Header File For The GLu32 Library
#include <gl\glaux.h> // Header File For The Glaux Library
HDC hDC=NULL; // Private GDI Device Context
HGLRC hRC=NULL; // Permanent Rendering Context
HWND hWnd=NULL; // Holds Our Window Handle
HINSTANCE hInstance; // Holds The Instance Of The Application
Now we set up our boolean variables. vline keeps track of the 121 vertical lines that make up our game grid. 11 lines across and 11 up and down. hline keeps track of the 121 horizontal lines that make up the game grid. We use ap to keep track of whether or not the 'A' key is being pressed.
filled is FALSE while the grid isn't filled and TRUE when it's been filled in. gameover is pretty obvious. If gameover is TRUE, that's it, the game is over, otherwise you're still playing. anti keeps track of antialiasing. If anti is TRUE, object antialiasing is ON. Otherwise it's off. active and fullscreen keep track of whether or not the program has been minimized or not, and whether you're running in fullscreen mode or windowed mode.
bool keys[256]; // Array Used For The Keyboard Routine
bool vline[11][10]; // Keeps Track Of Verticle Lines
bool hline[10][11]; // Keeps Track Of Horizontal Lines
bool ap; // 'A' Key Pressed?
bool filled; // Done Filling In The Grid?
bool gameover; // Is The Game Over?
bool anti=TRUE; // Antialiasing?
bool active=TRUE; // Window Active Flag Set To TRUE By Default
bool fullscreen=TRUE; // Fullscreen Flag Set To Fullscreen Mode By Default
Now we set up our integer variables. loop1 and loop2 will be used to check points on our grid, see if an enemy has hit us and to give objects random locations on the grid. You'll see loop1 / loop2 in action later in the program. delay is a counter variable that I use to slow down the bad guys. If delay is greater than a certain value, the enemies are moved and delay is set back to zero.
The variable adjust is a very special variable! Even though this program has a timer, the timer only checks to see if your computer is too fast. If it is, a delay is created to slow the computer down. On my GeForce card, the program runs insanely smooth, and very very fast. After testing this program on my PIII/450 with a Voodoo 3500TV, I noticed that the program was running extremely slow. The problem is that my timing code only slows down the gameplay. It wont speed it up. So I made a new variable called adjust. adjust can be any value from 0 to 5. The objects in the game move at different speeds depending on the value of adjust. The lower the value the smoother they move, the higher the value, the faster they move (choppy at values higher than 3). This was the only real easy way to make the game playable on slow systems. One thing to note, no matter how fast the objects are moving the game speed will never run faster than I intended it to run. So setting the adjust value to 3 is safe for fast and slow systems.
The variable lives is set to 5 so that you start the game with 5 lives. level is an internal variable. The game uses it to keep track of the level of difficulty. This is not the level that you will see on the screen. The variable level2 starts off with the same value as level but can increase forever depending on your skill. If you manage to get past level 3 the level variable will stop increasing at 3. The level variable is an internal variable used for game difficulty. The stage variable keeps track of the current game stage.
int loop1; // Generic Loop1
int loop2; // Generic Loop2
int delay; // Enemy Delay
int adjust=3; // Speed Adjustment For Really Slow Video Cards
int lives=5; // Player Lives
int level=1; // Internal Game Level
int level2=level; // Displayed Game Level
int stage=1; // Game Stage
Now we create a structure to keep track of the objects in our game. We have a fine X position (fx) and a fine Y position (fy). These variables will move the player and enemies around the grid a few pixels at a time. Creating a smooth moving object.
Then we have x and y. These variables will keep track of what intersection our player is at. There are 11 points left and right and 11 points up and down. So x and y can be any value from 0 to 10. That is why we need the fine values. If we could only move one of 11 spots left and right and one of 11 spots up and down our player would jump around the screen in a quick (non smooth) motion.
The last variable spin will be used to spin the objects on their z-axis.
struct object // Create A Structure For Our Player
int fx, fy; // Fine Movement Position
int x, y; // Current Player Position
float spin; // Spin Direction
Now that we have created a structure that can be used for our player, enemies and even a special item we can create new structures that take on the characteristics of the structure we just made.