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Instinct guided his burning cockhead. It slid down one velvety thigh and nudged the edge of her squirming pussy. She uttered a soft whimper and then held her breath. Rod leaned closer and caught her lips with his. "Hhhaaaa," he sighed, before sealing their mouths together in a sucking embrace.

"Hhhhhmmmmmm," she hummed softly, deep in her heaving chest. Hard-nippled tits pressed warmly against his chest. And he twitched his hips to one side, centering the heated bulge of his cockhead between her slithery cunt lips.

Cindy gasped and squirmed when she felt its spreading strength. Rod tightened the seal on her lips. His were still wet with cunt honey, and when he pressed down hard she could taste her own sweet pussy.

"Hhhhhhmmmmm?" she purred and pressed her tongue into Rod's mouth. His tongue felt wet and rough, and it still held traces of her musk. She licked it top and bottom and on both sides, savoring this new delight.

He rasped an impatient breath and pushed her tongue back with his. Now Cindy got an even stronger taste of her own cunt. Oh, she was thinking, make it last. But Rod's tongue stabbed rapidly in and out. She sucked and tried to hold it, savoring the traces of her sweet juice.

"Mmmmmhhhhhh," he said, pressing down with his hips.

Slick and wet from the furious lashing of his tongue only a minute before, the puffed pink lips of Cindy's cunt parted willingly to receive the red knob of his throbbing cock. But for size, it was like a mouse trying to swallow a banana.

"Hhhheeeeee?" she cried, twisting the tense sound into a question mark. "Easy… please. Your damn cock is so huge!"

"You haven't felt my cock yet." All he had in was the head. She gripped the red sponge mass and squeezed it with the soft damp mouth of her waiting fuck tunnel.

Rod pressed harder, easing in two inches of rigid prick. Its unyielding strength spread the slick walls of her cunt slit. A tense pounding throbbed in his cock. Echoes beat at his temples. Rod could only catch breath in short gulps. His lungs burned and his heart clanged like an engine running out of oil.

"Ooooooh, more!" Cindy said. "Give me more cock!"

Rod gave her more, another three inches of blue veined prick. And he smiled, watching her mouth twist and her lips pull tight.

"It's easier now… I'm getting used to it," she whispered with relief.

He grinned and slammed in clear to the thick root, slapping her pussy mound with his groin. "Aaaayyyeeeeaaah!" she cried. It felt like Rod was trying to split her in two as his cock speared depths of untried delight. "Holy shit! I've never had anything in so far!"

Cindy trembled and could not breathe. It was like being cut with a super-sharp knife. At first there was no feeling of pain. No feeling at all except the slow spreading warmth. Then she felt a cruel stab.

The swiftly parted muscles of her cunt rippled and tensed, but they could not contract. They remained spread and strained by the thickness of Rod's hot cock. "Nnnnooooo!" she moaned. He was easing out of her by then. Waves of muscle closed behind his retreating cock. Cindy grabbed a needed breath and braced for his next plunge.

"Hhhiiiii!" It came faster than she expected. Rod slammed down again, spearing her seething cunt with all his strength.

"Hoooohhhffff…" Both gushed hot breath as their bodies collided. Recoiling, they both gasped in air. "Ppphhhoooffff!" He slammed down again.

Rod's hips blurred above her. He rammed and twisted, using his cock like a drill, boring and twisting deep into Cindy's tight little cunt.

She squealed and cried in wild delight. Already he'd gone deeper than anyone ever had before. His driving thrusts touched nerve ends no one ever reached. Unfamiliar pangs of pain and pleasure jolted and burned.

"More," she begged. "Ram it in. Rip my cunt. Oh, Rod, fuck me. Fuck me good!"

His long cock spiked in and out of her grasping cunt, whipping her warm juices to a thick froth. It bubbled from her pink lips and dribbled from her slit. "Hhhuuuuunnnngggggh."

Cindy's snug little cunt seethed with delight. She finally caught the rhythm of his demanding thrusts, relaxing slightly as he stabbed in. That sent rolling waves of soft friction up his fast sinking prick. Then she pulled tight, squeezing his big cock with all her young strength as it pulled back. Sudden crests of pleasure ripped his senses then. Taut and wet, her cunt muscles heaved and jerked in joyous spasms.

Laura was more skillful. Her cunt performed with the well-trained precision of a mature and experienced woman. Cindy thrashed with the wild enthusiasm of her unabashed youth. His wife's slinky cunt rippled in perfect harmony with the pulse of his thrusting cock. Cindy's cunt squirmed in joyous discord. Laura purred towards orgasm with the sleek assurance of sophistication. Cindy came at it with the greedy fervor of immaturity.

"Hhhhaaaaa!" the blonde girl cried at the top of her lungs. "Aaaaahhhh!"

Rod's eyes gushed tears from the searing pressure mounting in his balls. His breath hissed like steam, spraying Cindy's face with a fine mist of his saliva. He more of this lusty young bitch, but even the tight knot in his gut couldn't hold his explosive charge of jism much longer.

"Harder!" she whined with her eyes tightly closed. "Ram my cunt. Stuff it full. Oh, Rod, yeah! Do it! Do it all! Make me cum again!"

A burning drop of jism squeezed through the hard knot of his self-control. He felt it slip through. He felt it gush and swell as it filled and flowed through the cum tube quaking along the bottom of his hard-beating cock.

It spurted from his cockslit deep in her pussy. Cindy felt the spraying warmth and twitched with shocks of ecstasy. "Yes, now!" she screamed.

"Let it come! Let it gush! Fuck my cunt. Oh, Rod… yes… fuck me full!"

One gush widened the path for more. A larger wave boiled up, hot and slick and silver-smooth. It sped from balls to cock in a split second of searing pain. Rod winced from the steaming pressure of his release. Then the tension broke. Thick cream jetted from his cocktip. Like molten lava, it oozed and flowed in deep.

Cindy's little cunt sleeve relaxed in the heat, then jerking muscles gripped his cock harder than ever before. She pulled and sucked at his prick with rolling tremors of cum-slick cunt.

"Ggggrrraaahhhhh!" Rod jetted off another silver spurt. Then another. Ripping spasms of liquid fire came faster than he could count. His spraying cock flashed and jerked. He saw Cindy's beautiful face twisted by the agonies of extreme delight. Her lips pumped in a silent fury. And then he imagined her cunt slit was another seething maw, now bubbling with cock whipped froth, a mix of her musky honey and his thick cum.

Rod scooped his arms beneath her knees and pulled her legs above his head. That way, her hips tilted up to meet his jackhammer thrusts at the ideal angle. His sputtering cockhead sank even deeper than before.

She gave a soft whimper of submission. It hurt at first, a stinging pain never felt before. But that gave way to a strange new flood of trembling warmth. "Ooooooh," Cindy gasped, her strength almost spent.

Rod's cock bottomed in her heaving pussy and he screwed his hips, chafing her pussy mound with a coarse pad of cockhair as he fired his last shots.

Typhoon winds of joy slowly settled to a blissful calm. They both basked in the warmth of inner delight. Rod's breath became more even, and Cindy cautiously opened her eyes.

His craggy face looked smoother now. Lines of worry and care had been erased by the tide of pleasure flooding between them. Streaks of silver flashed at his temples stirred by the beating of his pulse.

"That was good!" she whispered happily. "It was the best I ever had!"

Rod shook his head like a stern father. "No," he told her. "It was just the best so far."


Brad Wilson thought he heard a car stop in front of the house. He turned to Laura who was naked and smiling, slowly licking the silver sheen of his cum from her lips, and asked nervously. "When is your husband coming home?"