“No, but it means I’ve been sweating blood looking for him.”
“I’m not interested in your sweat, Detective. I’m interested in an arrest. What have you been doing?”
“I found a man who believes the third victim might be his mother-a woman named Rose Wallace. Worked in a laundry, disappeared more than a year ago. Talked to her family and coworkers. Turns out, on the last day her whereabouts were known, she was seen in a car with a skinny, dark-haired white man. Other witnesses said she was in a car with three men. So I started looking for someone who might have some idea who these men were.”
“And have you had any success?”
Merylo frowned. “Not so far.”
“Sounds like you’re hunting for a needle in a haystack to me. You have only the vaguest description to work with. You’re not even sure the victim was Rose Wallace.”
“I have to take the clues as I find them. And try to make them into something more.”
“Which so far hasn’t worked.”
“It has in other cases.”
“I don’t care about your other cases. I want to know when you’re going to bring me the killer!”
“My men and I are doing everything we possibly can.”
“That’s not good enough!” Ness pounded on his desk, then withdrew suddenly, as if startled by his own show of anger.
He collapsed into his desk chair. “Do you have any idea the kind of pressure I’m under? All anyone wants to know is when the Mad Butcher will be caught.”
“For whatever it’s worth,” Merylo said quietly, “I don’t think it is a butcher.”
“And how would you know?”
Merylo’s lips pressed tightly together. “Because I spent a week investigating every working slaughterhouse in the city. I’ve seen what they do and how they do it. I don’t believe a butcher would have the degree of skill, or the knowledge of human anatomy, that this killer has.”
“Then who do you think it is?”
Merylo titled his head to one side. “You remember Pearce’s crime clinic?”
“Distinctly. They came up with nothing that wasn’t already obvious.”
Merylo disagreed. “They said the killer must have some anatomical and medical knowledge.”
“Right, just like the papers. Possibly a medical student. Or a male nurse.”
“That’s what they said-because everyone in the clinic was a doctor, and they were too snobby to imagine that another doctor could be the killer. Pearce has the same attitude. But I’ve known some doctors that weren’t so special in my time, particularly near the Run. Put a few of them behind bars.”
“You think a physician is committing these atrocities?”
“I think there’s a very good chance. And if you recall, Pearce’s alienist thinks the killer lives in the Kingsbury Run area-otherwise he would attract too much attention when he visits.”
“What’s the point of all this?”
“How many doctors can there be living in the Kingsbury Run area? Not a whole lot, I’m thinking.”
“So go find the few there are and talk to them.”
“Why? You think anyone is going to admit they killed eight or nine people just because I show up? No, talking will never do the job. I need to catch someone in the act. Someone capturing a victim, kidnapping. Or I need to follow them home and discover evidence of mass slayings.”
“All right. Do that.”
“As a cop? Not possible.”
The light slowly dawned in Ness’s eyes. “That’s why you’ve grown the beard. You want to go undercover.”
“Why not? Those people are much more likely to talk to a fellow bum than a cop. Plus, made out like a vagrant, I might attract the killer’s attention.”
“Don’t undercover operations have to be approved by Chief Matowitz?”
Merylo nodded. “He told me to ask you.”
“It’ll be dangerous.”
“What isn’t, on this job?”
“I couldn’t bear the publicity if you were-”
“I’ll take my gun. I can hide a thirty-eight under my tramp costume. No one will ever know.”
“I don’t want you to get killed.”
“I know how to take care of myself.”
“I don’t know…”
“Do you want this creep caught or not?”
“You know I do.”
“You said you wanted me to do anything that might help. I’m a lot more likely to figure out who this guy is if I can blend in with the vagrants and bums and everyone else living out near Kingsbury.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
“Ness, let me do this. I’ll find this guy.”
“Sure. And while you’re at it, why don’t you locate Judge Crater and Amelia Earhart?”
“Come on. You chewed me out because I haven’t caught the killer. Let me go find him.”
Ness thought for a long time. Merylo wondered if he was really considering turning down the request, or just wanted to make a show of deliberation.
“All right, I’ll authorize it. But only for a few days. Then you report in and tell me what you’ve got.”
Merylo stretched out his hand. “Thank you. You won’t regret this.”
Ness took the hand but gave him a stern look. “Take care of yourself. I don’t need any more bad publicity.”
“Aw, the press hates me.”
“Doesn’t matter. If you get killed you’ll become a martyr. I can see the headlines now: COP KILLED ON NESS’S UNTOUCHABLE GOOSE CHASE.”
Merylo grinned. “That won’t happen.”
“Good. Bring me home that killer.”
Merylo gave him a tiny salute. “Yes, sir.”
After Merylo left, Chamberlin took the chair in the center of the office. He and Ness spoke in hushed tones.
“Think I did the right thing?” Ness asked.
Chamberlin shrugged. “Who knows? At least now you’ll have something to tell Burton when he makes his daily ranting phone call to check on the progress of the case.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“And when it’s over, you can tell the press about it. It’s got just enough dash and romance to turn a favorable article or two. COP WALKS
“That thought occurred to me also.”
“And you need to be doing something you can… discuss with other people.”
Ness raised an eyebrow. How much did Chamberlin know about the Unknowns? They worked closely together, but Ness had always kept that operation from him, or tried, anyway. Just in case there was trouble, he wanted Chamberlin to be clean. Not that the Unknowns had produced any more leads than anyone else so far. Despite the thousands of dollars Cleveland ’s businessmen had poured into the operation, so far they had produced no killer. Not even a promising lead.
“Think Merylo will find the Butcher?”
Chamberlin thought a moment before answering. “Honestly? At this point, I’m not sure I believe he’ll ever be caught. If there’s a way to do it, we don’t seem to know what it is. It won’t be by conventional police means, that much is certain. The important thing, from a political standpoint, is that you appear to be doing something, pushing forward. It’s the politics of motion. Not results.”
“I want this blemish off my record, Bob.”
“I know you do, but-”
“Once this is out of the way, I can get back to what I was brought here to do. There’s still a lot more work to be done with those labor racketeers. And I hear there’s a new bunch of rumrunners gathering around the Cuyahoga, looking for a way into the city.”
“I know that, but-”
“You think the Great Lakes Exposition was big news? I think there’s a chance I can get the national Boy Scout Jamboree here next year. Wouldn’t that be something to see? The best boys from all across the nation, right here in Cleveland.”
“That would be swell, sir, but respectfully-”
He was interrupted by the pounding on the door. Without even waiting for a response, Ness ’s receptionist rushed in. Chamberlin couldn’t think of a time when she hadn’t waited-sometimes a good long while-for Ness to tell her to enter.