agi; —o to act; —ion
agila; —eso agile; —ility
aglo; —a eagle n; a, aquiline
aglomeri; —o to agglomerate; —ation
agno lamb
agnostika; —stismo agnostic; —icism
agonio agony
Agost; —a; —e August; of —; in —
agra; —i; —eso sour; to —; —ness
agraf; —i clasp, to —; buckle, to —
agravant aggravating circumstance
agred; —i aggression; to attack; —ifa aggressive
agregi; —o, —azo to aggregate; —ation
agrikol-radun agricultural meeting
agrikolto; —a agriculture, —al
aguat watch, ambush
ajit; —i agitation; to agitate
ajo; —a; —i age; — age; of —; to be... (years, months, etc.) old
ajudik; —i auction, awarding; to award
ajur; —i adjuration; to —ure
ak(aqo) water
akabli; —o to overburden, to harass; depression, prostration
akacyo (bot.) acacia
akademio; —dema; —deman aca demy; —ic(al); —ician
akant (bot.) acanthus
akir; —i acquisition; to acquire
aklam; —i acclamation; to acclaim
aklimati, —tazo to acclimatize; —zation
akno (med.) acne
akolgo; —i reception; to receive
akomodi to accomodate, to adjust
akompani; —azo; —er to accompany; —ying; —anist
akont; —a; —e instalment, cover, margin; on account a, adv.
akontre on the contrary
akord; —a; —e; —i agreement, consent; in agreement a, adv.; to agree
akordeon accordion
akra acrid, bitter
akreditiv letter of credit, credential
akrimon; —a acrimony; —ious
akrobat; —a; —io acrobat; —ic; —ism
aktado action
akten certificate, record
aktenaro; —ner registry, —strar
aktiv; —a; —e credit, assets; active, busy; actively
akto act, action
aktor; —in actor; actress
aktuala; —e present; now, at the present time
akuavit, aqavit brandy
akumul; —i; —il accumulation; to —ate; —ator
akuo (aqo) water
akuon (aqon) shower, downpour
akuoniv (aqoniv) water level
akursi to run up, to hasten up
akustik, —a acoustics; —ic
akuta; —eso; —i sharp; —ness; to —en
akuzi; —at; —o to accuse; —ed; —ation
al to the
ala winged
alado; —i flight; to take —, to take off
alarmo; —i; —il alarm; to —; —bell, communication cord, alarm signal
alb-armo cold steel (weapon)
alba; —i; —eso white; —en; —ness
albergo; —ist; —i inn, hostel; inn keeper; to lodge, to house
album album
albumen albumen
albumin albumin
aldo master, principal, chieftain; head-waiter
aleb; —ea hazard, —ous; risk; —y
alegi, —o to allege, —gation
alegra; —eso cheerful; —ness
alen awl
alerga; —io allergic, —gy
alersa alert, spry
alert; —i alarm; to —; alert, to —
alev; —in pupil m, f
aleyo alley, avenue
algebro; —a; —ist algebra, —aic, —aist
algo; —a ache; —ing
alguo seaweed, alga
alik; —minsel poultry; sliced chicken
aliment; —a; —i alimentation, food; alimentary; to food
alimentoco cud
alist (sport) winger
alkol; —a; —ismo alcohol; —ic; —ism
alkov alcove
almel (cook) sweetbread
almeni to bring, to convey
almo; —a, —at; —i soul; animate, —ed; to —
almon; —ist alms; chaplain, padre, almoner
almondo almond
alo wing
alo'! hallo!, hello!
alok; —i allotment, to allot, allocation, to allocate, allowance, to allow
alokut; —i address; to —; allocution, to make an —
alor then
alpismo, —inismo; —ist alpinism; —ist
alpostel edelweiss
also; —i gasp; to
alta; —e; —eso high; —ly; height
altalok; —e high rank, —ing; upper classes; in —
altamar; —e; —a open sea, high sea n, a, adv, on the high seas
altar; —a; —ye altar a, adv.
altastim (-a, —e) high esteem; with —
alterko; —i altercation; to make —s
alterna; —i; —ativ alternate; to —; alternative n
altitud altitude
altri; —azo to alter; —ation
altruismo; —ist; —a altruism; —ist; —istic
alud; —i allusion; to allude
alumi; —il to light; match
aluminyo aluminium
aluv, —a alluvion, —ial
alven accession
alvid ! so long, good-bye, cheerio
alyenat; —aro insane, mad; lunatic asylum
alyeni; —azo to alienate, —ation
alzo garlic
am-elixir love-potion, philtre