apatrida stateless
apel; —i appeal; to —
Apelkort Court of Appeal
apendico; —it appendix; —dicitis
apene hardly, barely
aperitiv n appetizer
apetit appetite
aplikema; —emo to care, to give full attention; accuracy, attention, assiduity
apliki; —o, —azo to apply; application
apo; —kolto bee; apiculture
apofis (med.) apophysis
apogo; —i support; to —
apokrifa apocryphal
apologio; —logi apologia; to praise, to eulogize, to extol
aponi to put on
apostol; —a apostle; —stolic
apostrof apostrophe
apoteoso apotheosis
apra, —t; —brase, —kore open; —armed; — heartedly
apradi; —o to hatch; —ing; to blossom, —ing
apral; —i to bloom; —ing
apreli; —a to half-open; half-open
apreni; —o to learn; —ing
aprenter, —ist apprentice
aprento; —i apprenticeship; to serve one's —
apresti; —o to dress, —ing (cloths); to stiffen, —ing (leather)
apri; —o to open; —ing
aprikot; —yer apricot; — tree
April; —a; —e April; of, in —
aprilun April fool
aprovi; —o to approve; —oval
apse against, close to
apsel close to the
apta; —o apt, fit, suited; aptitude, fitness
apuntado; —i appointment, rendez vous
apuyo beehive
apyo celery
aqafort etching, aqafortis
aqarel; —ist aquarelle; —ist
aqaryo; —yum aquarium
aqo; —a; —ema water; water- a, aqua tic; aquous, wateryaqoduk aqueduct
Arab; —a, —al; —io Arab; —ian; —ian (language)arakno; —el spider; —'s web
aranji; —o to arrange; —ment
arbalet arbalest
arbitrado, —trazo arbitration; —tre-ma —aryarbitremo, —a arbitrary, —iness
arbitro; —er; —i judgement, free —, free will; arbiter, judge; to arbitratearbo tree
arcidux archiduke
arcimilyoner multimillionaire
arcipel archipelago
arcirika very rich; il — he has got bags of lolly, he's got wads of dough
arcivesko; —a archbishop; archiepis-copalarda; —o; —i burning, ardent, passion ate; ardour; to be ardent, burning
ardezyo slate
ardua; —ueso arduous; —ness
arel cranberry, huckleberry
aren arena
arengo; —i harangue; to —, to addressarest; —i arrest; to —
arga; —i; —o angry; to be anger
argent; —i; —a silver; — v; — a
argil clay
argot; —a argot, slang n, a
argument; —i; —azo argument; to argue; argumentation
arguta; —eso quibbling a; quibble (cavilling)
arida; —eso arid; —ity
arimi; —er; —azo to stow; —er; —age
aringel herring fillet aringo herring
aritmetio; —meta arithmetic; —al
aritmio; —a arrhythmia; —ic
ariv; —i arrival; to arrive
ark(o) arc; arch
arkad arcade
arkeolog; —io archaeologist; —logy
arker archer
arkitekt; —ur architect; —ure
arkiv; —ist archives; —vist
arko; —tir bow; archery
arlo area
armal; —i; —er shipping, manning; to man, to fit out; ship-owner
armeo; —ea army; of the — aarmistis armistice
armo; —i; —azo arm, weapon; to arm; armament, arming
armonio; —ona harmony; —ious
armopermo weapon-carrying permit
arnel; —i harness; to —aro are (measure)arom; —a; —i aroma; —tic; to —tize
arozi; —o; —il to sprinkle; —ing; —ing can
arpejo arpeggio
arsenik; —a arsenic, —al
arso arch (of a bridge)
art; —a art; —istic
arter; —a artery; —ial
arterskleroso arteriosclerosis
artezya artesian
articok artichoke
artific; —a; —ado artifice; —icial; fireworks
Artik Arctic Ocean; artika arctic a
artiklo all sarticle
artilyer; —io artilleryman, artillery
artisan craftsman, artisan; (fig.) author, maker
artist; —in artist m, f
artrit, —a arthritis, —itic
artro; —a articulation; —cular (anat.)
arvo; —i deposit (payment); to pay a —
aryo aria
as as
asalto; —i assault, attack; to —, to assail
asasen; —i; —azo murderer; to assas sinate, to murder; murder, assassination
asaso ace, first-rater
asay rather, enough, a little
asben as well
asbest asbestos
asdus as far as
asegni; —o to assign; —ment
asembli; —eo to assemble; —bly
asepsa; —io aseptic; asepsis
aserti; —o to assert; —ion
asfalt; —a; —i asphalt n,a, v
asfixi; —at; —io to asphyxiate; —ed; —ixia, ixiation