asfodel (bot.) asphodel
ashendi; —o to ascend; —ension
ashet; —a; —ismo ascetic n; a; —icism
asidua; —ueso assiduous; —ness
asilke immediately; — after
asimetra asymmetrical
asimili; —azo to assimilate, —ation
asirvi; —azo to subjugate; —jection, enslavement
asisti; —o to assist, to help; assistance, help
Asizos Assize Court; Assizes
askal; —i petition; to —
asker appliant
asko; —i question; to ask
askofermo request stop; stop on request
askoltadi; —o (med.) auscultate, —ation
askolti; —er; —il; —o to listen; —er; receiver, ear-piece; listening
aslong so long as; as long as as long as
asmo; —a asthma, —tic
asno; —ado ass; nonsense, stupidity, tomfoolery
aso ace
asomi; —il; —aro to fell, to stun; bludgeon, US blackjack
asorti; —(o) to assort; —ment
aspargo asparagus
aspekto; —i aspect, look; to look
aspergi; —il to spray; Holy Water sprinkleraspi; —o to look; look, aspect
aspik (cook.) aspic
aspir; —i aspiration; to aspire
aspoke even a little adv.
aspra, —eso harsh, —ness
assun as soon as
ast(o); —i hurry, haste; to —
astak; —lik lobster; — cullis, — bisk
aston; —i astonishment; to astonish
astona, —at astonished
astrel aster (bot.)
astringifa astringend
astringo; —i constraint; to constrain
astro; —a star; astral
astronom; —io astronomer; —nomy
astuta; —eso astute; —ness
asun so long, bye-bye
at had ppartc
ataci; —o; —emo to attach; link, bond, tie; attachment
ataco; —il bond, link, tie; fastening
atak; —i attack; to —
atangi to reach
atea; —eismo atheist; —ic; —eism
Aten, —a Athens; —enian
atendaro waiting-room
atende waiting, awaiting adv
atendi; —e; —o to wait; awaiting adv.:wait, —ing n
atendoni to dance attendance, to hang about (around)
atenso; —i attention; to pay —
atento; —i blow, attack, injure; to —
atenuant extenuating circumstances
atenui; —uo to soften, to alleviate, to extenuate; attenuation, extenuation
ateri; —azo to alight, —ing, to land, —ing
atesti; —(o) to attest, —ation, to certify, —ficate
atingi to draw; to borrow
atir; —i attraction; to attract, to draw
atitud attitude
atlant atlas (of maps)
atlas atlas (anat.)
atlet; —a; —ismo athlete; —etic; —etics, —eticism
atmosfer; —a atmosphere; —ic
atom; —a atom; —ic
atra; —oca; —atro; —ceso atrocious; atrocity
atrapi to catch
atrezi; —o to rig; rigging
atribi; —o to attribute; —ution; to ascribe; ascription; to assign, —ment
atrofa; —i; —io atrophied; to atrophy: atrophy
au either; —... — either... or
aubo; —a; —e dawn, daybreak; of — a; at —
audax; —a audacity; —dacious
augur omen, presage; wish
august a august a
auno alder
aurel buttercup (bot.)
aureol aureola, halo
auriger goldsmith
auro; —a; —i gold; —en; to —en
auror daybreak; aurora
Austral Austral Hemisphere
Australyo; —ya Australia, —ian
Austro; —a Austria, —ian
auta, —e in, by motor-car, a, adv
autarca self-sufficient
autarkio; —rka autarchy, —ic(al)
autenta; —o, —eso authentic; —icity
auto; —e; —a; —i motorcar, auto, automobile; by —; of —; to go by —
autocar coach, motor-coach
autografo autograph n
autokadro (motor-car's) dashboard
autokritik self-criticism
autolerna self-educated; —o self-instruction
autom; —a; —azo automaton, robot; automatic; —ation
autonoma; —mio autonomous; —nomy
autoportret self-portrait
autopsio; —opsi autopsy; to make an —
autor; —rek author; —'s right
autorital; —i authority; to have —
autorizi; —o to authorize; —ization
autorut motorway, parkway
autostop; —i hitch-hiking; to hitch- hike, to hitch a ride
autosugest; —i autosuggestion; to —
autosujest, —i self-suggestion, to —est
auxil; —a help; auxiliary
aval endorsement; to endorse; guaran- tee; to —
avalyo; —ya; —ye downstream direction; downstream a, adv.
avansa; —e; —i advanced; in advance; to-
avantago; —i advantage; to favour, to benefit
avaryo; —yat; —yi damage; —ed; to —
avel; —in grandfather; grandmother; ancestor
aven; — a; —e n, a future; adv. in the —
aventur; —i; —ist adventure; to venture; adventurer