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spat v ppcp of spi, to know

spatul spatula

specala; —e; —i; —eso; —ayo special; —lly; to —ize; —ality (nature; thing)

specifi; —fazo to specify; —ification

specimen specimen, sample

speco kind, sort, species

specoza; —ozo specious; —ness

sped(o); —i; —er sending n; to send; —er

spek; —i mirror; to reflect; to gleam

spekadi to reflect

spektaklo; —a spectacle; —ular

spekter spectator

spekto; —i sight, vision, spectacle; to see, to be a spectator of

spektro; —a spectre; —al; ghost; —ly

spekul; —i; —er speculation; to —ate; —ator

spel; —i spelling; to spell

spena; —t; —i out (light, fire), extinguished; to put out, to blow out

sper(o); —i; —enda hope, to —; to be expected a

spersa; —e frantic; desperately

spesa; —o thick; —ness

spex(o); —i competence, speciality; to be under the juridiction of, to be of the competence of

spezo; —i; —ema expense; to spend; thriftless

spezoza expensive

spi v to know

spico; —i; —ema contempt; to despise; contemptuous

spid; —a (cook.) spit, broach n; a

spigo (bot.) ear, spike, cob

spik(o); —azo; —i expiation; to —iate

spikokapro scapegoat

spil; —i pin; to —, to — up

spildi to be on the look-out for, to spy upon

spilot saiety-pin; —i to attach with a —

spin; —a thorn; —y

spinaso spinach

spindo; —i; —il spinning n; to spin; spindle

spinedo; —a brushwood; bushy

spinel (tree) hawthorn; (flower) may

spingi; —o to push, to hustle; crush, pushing, jostling n

spinoco; —a bramble; —y

spinot (zool.) porcupine

spion; —i spy; to —

spir v past tense of spi, to know

spiral; —a; —e spiral; —lly

spiro; —i respiration; to breathe

spirt-enga shallow-minded

spirto; —a spirit n; a, spiritual

spirtol; —a wit; witty

spirtopova poor in spirit

spizel gingerbread

spizo; —a; —at; —i; —er spice; —ed; to-; grocer

splanko; —a viscera; —al

splen; —a (anat.) spleen; splenic

splendo; —a; —i splendour; —did, resplendant, gorgeous; to shine

splin; —i spleen; to be in low spirits

spol; —i; —azo skin, spoils; to spoliate, to despoil; spoliation

spolal corpse, mortal remains

spolvel dust-coat, overalls, dungarees

spongo; —a sponge; —y

spontana; —e spontaneous; —ly

spor v, future of spi, to know

sporada; —e sporadic; —ally

sport; —a; —ema sport n; a

spozi; —o; —in to marry; husband; wife

sprint; —er sprint; —er

sprizi; —o to spout, to gush out; gush, spurt, spouting n

spron; —i spur; to —

spropon; —i cock-and-bull story; irrelevant (silly) talk; to jump from one thing to another

spropone irrelevantly

spun; —a; —e spoon n; a; adv.

spunti to dawn; bot. to peep, to sprout

spur v conditional of spi, to know

sput(o); —i spitting n, spittle; to spit

sqal shark

sqam; —a (med., anat.) squama; —ous

sqar square n; a

sqizita exquisite

Sr (Siro) Mr. (Mister)

stabila; —i; —azo stable; to stabilize; —zation

stad(o) stage, period, degree

stadyo stadium, arena

staf; —a staff n; a

stafel messenger, dispatch-rider

staflo stirrup

stagnaqo stagnant (standing) water

stagno; —a; —i pond, pool; stagnant; to stagnate

staido seat, stall

stajo; —er probationary period; probationer

stak; —i sieve, sifter; to bolt, to sift

stal; —a; —orio steel n; a; steel-works

stalko standard n

stalon stallion, stud-horse

stamen (bot.) stamen

stampel postage stamp, stamp

stampilyo; —y i mark, stamp; stamping n

stampo; —i print; stamp; seal; to —

Stan; —i; —er tin n; a; to tin; tinsmith, tinker

Standard; —a standard n; a

standing standing

stando state, condition

stango bar, rod

stanka watertight

stankol watertight compartment, watertight bulkhead

Stanso; —el stanza; verse, strophe

star (cin.) star; (also: v present of sti, to stay, to be)

stara; —e standing a. adv.

staret starlet

stari to stand, — up

stark(o); —i starch; to —

start(o); —i start n; v

stasadi; —o to park standing, parking n

staso; —a stasis; static

stasyon; —ye station; at, to the —; —aldo station-master

stat v ppcv of sti, to stay, to be

Stata; —i; —azo State's; to establish —control; ishment

statistik; —a statistics; —ical