batiskaf batyscaphe
batok black eye
batracan batrachian
bav; —i dribble, slobber; to dribble, to slaver
bavarda; —i chatty, chatterer; to chat, to chatter
bavil bib
bax tub, bucket
bayo, bayal bay, anchorage
bazar; —di bazaar; to seel off, to get rid of, to throw away
bazo; —i base; to —, to ground
beata happy, blessed
beb, —o, —el baby
bebsider; —sidin baby-sitter m, f
beco; —i spade; to dig, to — up
bed; —ye; —el bed; abed, in bed, to bed; bed-sheet
bedala; —i staying in bed a; tostay inbed
bedbazo bedstead
bedelyo beadle, bedel
bef; —i raillery, mockery; to mock, to laugh at, to taunt, to scoff at
befro belfry
begon[yo] (bot. ) begonia
bek; — adi beak; to pick up; to peck at
bekvazo laboratory beaker
bel, —a; —eso beautiful; beauty
belaspa goodlooking, handsome
belbela (—i) more and more beautiful; (to become —)
Belgo; —a Belgium; —gian
beli to beautify
belidyes once in a while, some day
belsona melodious, musical, harmonious
belt(o); —i belt; to-
belved; —i fine weather; to be fine (weather)
belvo; —aro wild beast; menagerie
belyer battering-ram
ben; —e well
benado beneficence
benamat; —amin beloved m; f, lady-love
bendajo bandage
bendal bandoleer
bendel headband, bandage, bandeau
bendo; —i band (of paper, cloth, etc.); to-
bened; —i blessing, benediction; to bless
beneficaryo beneficiary n
benefico; —i benefit; to —, profit, to —
benela, —eso harmless, benignity
benevol; —a goodwill; voluntary, willingly
benfado; —er charity; benefactor
benifa benefic
benigna, —eso benign, —ignity
benko bench
benkuni to match, to suit, to agree, to bee on good terms
bensape well knowing, to one's certain knowledge
benven; —i welcome; to —
benvi to be so kind as to...
benzi; —o to bless; —ing
benzin benzine, petrol, gasoline
ber-rumyo bay-rum
beret beret
bergel hill
bergo mount, mountain
beril beryl (stone)
bersal target
bersi; —o; —uyo to rock; —ing; cradle
beryo berry
besbol base-ball
best; —a beast; bestial
besteyo cattle
bet; —i; —ist bet; to —; better, backer
beter better n (person who bets)
betist bookmaker
beton (arch) concrete n
bev(o); —i drink, —ing n; to drink
bevalgo hang-over
bevaqo drinking-water
bevaret refreshment-bar
bevaro refreshment bar
bevayo drink
bevoca drunk, shot, tipsy
bevoni; —er to drink immoderately; drinker, bibber, tippler
bevri to water (a beast)
bewindo bay-window
bezego; —i a clean sweep; to make —
bezil; —zi; —azo; —zer broom; to sweep; —ing n; scavenger, sweeper
bezilet besom
bezon; —i want; to —; need; to —
bi to drink
bianya biennial
bibliofil bilbiophile
bibliograf; —io bibliographer; —graphy
bibliotek; —er, —in library; —ian m, f
biblo; —a Bible; biblical
bibron; —i feeding bottle; to bottle-feed
biceps biceps
biciklo bicycle
bid; —i bid, bidding; to bid
bideo bidet
biderka double-way, double-direction a
bidon; —urbo can, tin; shanty-town
bidvendo auction
biekado bicentenary n
bienko; —in great-grandson; great-granddaughter
biforki; —o to bifurcate; —ation; to branch off; branching
bifstek beefsteak
biga beige (colour)
biga beige (colour)
bigama, —io bigamous, bigamy
biglo beagle (dog)
bigota; —ismo sanctimonious; bigotry
bigranmatro great-grandmother
bigranpatro great-grandfather
bigudel; —i hair-curler; to hair-curl
bija greyish brown
bikarbonato bicarbonate
bikolora two-coloured
bil; —i (anat) bile, gall; to bother
bilanso balance, — sheet
bilcist gall-bladder
bildi; —o; —ing to build; —ing n; —ing (house)
biloza; —o atrabilious; —ness
biltel ball-point pen
biltel ballpoint (pen)
bilto bullet; ball; bead
bilyardo billiards
bilyo; —yel ball, playing-marble; ball-point (pencil)
bimbo little child